Book Information

Technology CAD Systems


  • Editor: Fasching, Franz; Halama, Stefan; Selberherr, Siegfried
  • Published: 1993, 309 pages, 199 figures
  • ISBN: 978-3-7091-9317-4 (Hardcover), 978-3-7091-9315-0 (eBook)
  • Information from Amazon

  • Abstract:
    The proceedings of the "Workshop on Technology CAD Systems" is an authoritative tutorial on CAD software systems for the physical design of semiconductor devices and manufacturing processes. Fourteen invited papers by academic and industrial representatives from USA, Europe and Japan, as well as from commercial software vendors provide an excellent overview of the work in this area. This book covers the following topics: Coupling and integration of process simulation, device simulation, parameter extraction, and circuit simulation, technology CAD requirements, architectures and strategies of existing CAD systems, implementation and software aspects, practical applications and experiences with technology CAD, and directions of future work in this field.