Guest Talk: Dr.techn. Luiz Felipe Aguinsky

Luiz Aguinsky will give a talk at IuE on April 17th, at 12PM on "Machine-Learned Models for Electrochemically Active Memristors"

On Wednesday, April 17th, Luiz Felipe Aguinsky, a graduate of our institute, will give a presentation focusing on the realm of Memristors. They are a promising technology which can enable powerful new engineering paradigms, such as neuromorphic computing. To bring this technology to its full potential, it is necessary to shine light into memristor operation at the atomistic level. However, the electrochemical nature of the switching mechanisms of many memristors poses steep modeling challenges. In his talk, Luiz, currently an Austrian Science Fund FWF Erwin Schrödinger Fellow at the Integrated Systems Laboratory of ETH Zürich, will present an innovative approach combining machine learning with physical models to tackle these issues.
If you happen to be near the Institute for Microelectronics located in the ETIT Building on April 17th, you're welcome to join us promptly at 12 PM in CD 05 20.