3.1.7 Insulator-Metal Contact

In the case of insulator-metal boundaries a model similar to the Schottky contact model is used to calculate the insulator contact potential. The semiconductor contact potential is the difference of the metal quasi-FERMI level (which is specified by the contact voltage $ \phi_{\mathrm{m}}$) and the metal work function difference $ \phi_{\mathrm{wf}}$.

$\displaystyle \phi_{\mathrm{s}}= \phi_{\mathrm{m}}-\phi_{\mathrm{wf}},\hspace{5...
...thrm{where}\hspace{5mm} \phi_{\mathrm{wf}}= \frac{E_{\mathrm{w}}}{{\mathrm{q}}}$ (3.58)

here, $ E_{\mathrm{w}}$ is the work function difference energy. The lattice temperature is set equal to the contact temperature (3.38).

T. Ayalew: SiC Semiconductor Devices Technology, Modeling, and Simulation