4.6  Calibration

Whether or not DG reproduces confinement correctly largely depends on the boundary conditions, the mesh spacing and the parameters λn for electrons and λp for holes. As stated in the last section, Robin boundary conditions at insulator-semiconductor interfaces have proven to be best suited since they deliver the best fit with the carrier concentrations obtained from a solution of the Schrödinger equation (cf. Section 2.6).

4.6.1  Calibration for the Drift Diffusion Model

In Figure 4.1 the results of a fit, with a density gradient quantum corrected drift diffusion model, for electrons are shown for various grid spacings. This figure clarifies the need for a finely spaced grid for simulation, when using a quantum correction model. In Figure 4.4 Capacitance-Voltage curves, obtained by density gradient and a Schrödinger-Poisson solver, for n- and p-channel 1D MOS structures for various dopings are shown and compared  [90]. Since density gradient does not exhibit a free, doping dependent parameter, a set of parameters only works for a certain bulk doping  [5]. This is the main disadvantage of density gradient. Another requirement of density gradient, as for any Schrödinger-Poisson solver, is that the grid needs to be in the sub-nanometer regime in order to fully refine the 2D electron gas in a MOS structure, as demonstrated in Figure 4.1.

4.6.2  Calibration for a SHE of the BTE

This section is devoted to the calibration of density gradient in ViennaSHE  [65]. To this end Robin-Boundary conditions and the simple scheme have been implemented and a comparison with VSP  [51] has been carried out in weak inversion. The parameters of the fit are given in Table 4.1 and the resulting calibration is shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3: Results of the calibration of the DG model to a first-order SHE  [65] using a solution of the Schrödinger-Poisson equation obtained via VSP  [51]. Left: The fit for electrons has been obtained using a 1D NMOS structure, Robin boundary conditions at the silicon-silicon-dioxide-interface, an acceptor doping of 3 × 1017cm-3, an oxide thickness of 1nm and a uniform grid spacing (orthonormal grid) of 0.1nm. Right: The fit for holes has been obtained using exactly the same device as for electrons but instead of an acceptor doping a donor doping of 3 × 1017cm-3 has been used. The parameters are given in Table 4.1

Carrier Type α β f

Electrons -61.3Vm -11.410-5V 0.0
Holes -36.9Vm -8.310-5V 0.0

Table 4.1: Robin boundary condition parameters for density gradient and SHE. The parameters have been obtained by manual optimization using VSP  [51].

Figure 4.4: Capacitance-Voltage curves for various channel dopings in 1D MOS structures, obtained by a DG solution compared to a solution obtained using VSP  [51]. Well visible is the increasing discrepancy between DG and a real Schrödinger-Poisson solution for dopings above and below ND = 1017cm-3, for which the Robin boundary condition coefficients have been fitted to the Schrödinger-Poisson solution. For comparison the CV-curves obtained using plain drift diffusion are shown in black. The fitting parameters used with MinimosNT have been previously published in  [90].