D.1 Radiative Multi-Phonon Emission

In a radiative process the energy necessary for a transition from V1   to V2   is obtained from the binding energy, EB (q) = V2(q)− V1(q)  . This energy writes as

                   1    2       2  1    2       2
EB (q)  = E◟2-−◝◜E1◞+ 2M ω 2(q − q2) − 2-M ω1(q − q1)
               1     (                                         ω2         )
       = E21 + --M ω22  (q22 − 2q1q2 + q21+2q1q2 − q21 − 2qq2 + q2)−-12 (q − q1)2
               2       ◟-----◝◜--2--◞                         ◟ω◝2◜◞
                           (q1−q2)                              R2
                       1    (                                    )
       = E21 + Sℏ ω2 + -M ω22  (2q1q2 − q21 − 2qq2 + q2)− R2 (q − q1)2 ,        (D.3)
with the relaxation energy Sℏ ω2 = 12M ω22(q1 − q2)2   from V2(q1)  to V2(q2)  . The two points where a radiative transition is possible after the Franck-Condon principle are at q1   and q2   . Inserting yields
EB (q1) =  ϵ12 = E21 + S ℏω2        (               )
                             1    2    2          2    1    2       2
EB (q2) =  ϵ21 = E21 + S ℏω2 + 2M ω 2 −◟-q1 +-2q◝1◜q2 −-q2◞ − 2M ω1 (q − q1)
                                        −(q1− q2)2
          ϵ21 = E21 − S ℏω1.                                     (D.4 )
Analogously to Sℏω2   , Sℏω1   is defined as the relaxation energy from V1 (q2)  to V1(q1)  . A full MPE process is schematically depicted in Fig. D.1 for quadratic coupling (ω ⁄=  ω
 1    2   ). In the case of linear coupling (ω  = ω
 1    2   ) both relaxation energies coincide.


Figure D.1: Description of a radiative multi-phonon emission process assuming harmonic oscillators with different vibronic frequencies ω1   and ω2   in a reaction coordinate diagram. The photon energy required to change from V1   to V2   equals ϵ12 = E21 + S ℏω2   . Due to structural relaxation, the photon emitted in the following reverse process is smaller, namely ϵ  =  E  − S ℏω
 21    21      1   .