
Simulating deposition and etching processes in two and three space dimensions has respective advantages and disadvantages. For many applications two-dimensional simulations suffice to gain insight into the process considered and optimize it. The main advantage is the comparatively short simulation time, typically in the range of several minutes. On the other hand three-dimensional simulations are necessary for certain geometries at the expensive of multiple simulation times.

The three-dimensional version of the topography simulator based on the level set method is currently being developed. The aim is to include all capabilities of the ETCH3D simulator based on the cellular approach to surface description [134,97] and to include advanced physical models, especially for simulating etching processes. Thus during the next year, simulations requested by three companies will also be handled in three dimensions.

Another important topic is the extension of the level set boundary description to include several areas of different materials. Different parts of complex device structures generally have different physical properties and such a multi level set description is required for etching simulations of complex structures. Finally, integration with other simulators developed at the Institute for Microelectronics will facilitate simulating process flows.

Clemens Heitzinger 2003-05-08