9.4.3 Examples

Examples of requests sent from the optimizer to the framework:

  (evaluation ((var1 1.0) (var2 2.0) (var3 3.0)) ((id 1234)))
  (gradient ((var1 1.0) (var2 2.0) (var3 3.0)) ((id 1234)))
  (result 2 ((var1 1.0) (var2 2.0) (var3 3.0)))
The following are examples of results sent from the framework to the optimizer. In the case the optimizer, e.g. LMMIN, expects a vector, a valid response for a request with id 1234 looks like this
  9.8765 8.7654 7.6543 1234
In the case the optimizer, e.g. DONOPT, expects a scalar and the values of certain constraint functions, a valid response could be
  9.8765  0.1 0.2 0.3  1234
In this example the first value is the value of the objective function, and the next three numbers are the values of the constraints.

Clemens Heitzinger 2003-05-08