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The interface parameter devicePreProcessing (Table 4.12) can be used to specify an optional MDL class which is evaluated after all quantities on all segments are initialized, but before the transient simulation starts. This has to be derived from the base class DevicePreProcessingModel.

The optional device post processing model determined by the interface parameter devicePostProcessing is evaluated after all quantity post processing models have been executed. The required base class of this model is DevicePreProcessingModel.

Table 4.12: PROMIS-NT setup Model Parameters concerning the file handling
Name Type Description
devicePreProcessing MdlString
Optional MDL class which will be evaluated before all segment initialization models.
devicePostProcessing MdlString
Optional MDL class which will be evaluated after all segment post processing models.

Both, the pre- and the postprocessing models can be used to add user defined functionality, using informations collected during the quantity initialization, or post processing phases as described in Section 4.5.2. Since the PROMIS-NT kernel has no intrinsic usage for these models their interface contains no Parameters. Any information used in their evaluate methods has to be contained in global or public static Parameters (Sections and 3.2.3).

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Robert Mlekus