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2 On the first Component: the Subthreshold Hysteresis

2.1 Occurrence of the hysteresis

State of the art power MOSFETs based on SiC show a drain current sweep hysteresis between gate voltage (math image) sweeps from accumulation to inversion and vice versa. An example of this phenomenon is given in Fig. 2.1 for a (math image) sweep from −5 V to 5 V (up-sweep, blue) and from 5 V to −5 V (down-sweep, red) at a fixed drain voltage (math image) of 0.1 V. The hysteresis is mainly visible in the subthreshold regime where the on-resistance (math image) of the device is still in the range of several megaohms and becomes less significant as the gate voltage approaches the threshold voltage (math image). Above (math image), which is approximately at \( \ac {vg} = \SI {3}{\V } \) for the tested device, the hysteresis disappears completely (inset).

Figure 2.1: Sweep hysteresis between the up-sweep starting at −5 V (blue, rectangles up) and the down-sweep starting at 5 V (red, rectangles down). The dashed horizontal line represents the readout current of (math image) at 1 nA. The inset shows the input char- acteristics in linear scale above the threshold voltage where the hysteresis effect vanishes.

In the next sections, we define the gate voltage at which the drain current (math image) reaches 1 nA, at a fixed drain voltage of 0.1 V, as subthreshold voltage (math image)

(2.1) \{begin}{align}     \label {eq:Vsth} \ac {Vsth} = \ac {vg}(\ac {id}=\SI {1}{\nano \ampere }) \text {.} \{end}{align}

Note that the difference between (math image) and (math image) is the extraction current at the drain terminal. (math image) is extracted at a drain current of 1 µA and represents the "real" threshold voltage of the devices. On the other hand, (math image) is extracted in the subthreshold regime at a drain current of 1 nA. The subthreshold voltage depends on the sweep direction as indicated in Fig. 2.1. A gate sweep in the positive direction from accumulation to inversion (up-sweep, \( \uparrow   \)) starting at \( \ac {vg} = \SI {-5}{\V } \) results in a \( \ac {Vsth}(\uparrow ) \) of −400 mV, whereas a gate sweep in the negative direction from inversion to accumulation (down-sweep, \( \downarrow   \)) starting at \( \ac {vg}=\SI {5}{\V } \) leads to a \( \ac {Vsth}(\downarrow ) \) of \( +\SI {600}{\mV } \). The total hysteresis between the up-sweep (\( \uparrow   \)) and the down-sweep (\( \downarrow   \)) is expressed as a subthreshold voltage shift (math image)

(2.2) \{begin}{align}    \ac {dVsth} = \ac {Vsth}(\uparrow ) - \ac {Vsth}(\downarrow ) .     \{end}{align}

In the example given in Fig. 2.1, this corresponds to \( \ac {dVsth} = -\SI {1}{\V } \).

Although the presence of (math image) is an outstanding difference between state-of-the-art SiC and Si based MOSFETs, the effect is poorly investigated and little to no literature on this specific topic is available. However, for a comprehensive knowledge on performance and reliability limiting factors of state-of-the-art and future devices, a deeper understanding on the subthreshold hysteresis mechanism is required.

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