Appendix A
Mathematical Tools

A.1 The Kronecker Product

For matrices Q  = (Qi,j)n,m  ∈ ℝn ×m
          i,j=1  and R ∈ ℝp ×q  , the Kronecker product is defined as the block matrix

QR = (                                               )
    Q1,1R     Q1,2R    ...   Q1,m −1R     Q1,mR
||   Q2,1R     Q2,2R    ...   Q2,m −1R     Q2,mR   ||
||     ..         ..     ..       ..           ..    ||
|     .         .       .      .           .    |
( Qn −1,1R  Qn −1,2R   ... Qn −1,m−1R   Qn −1,mR  )
    Qn,1R    Qn,2R    ...  Qn,m −1R     Qn,mRnp×mq .
The Kronecker product is bilinear and associative, but not commutative. Moreover, if the matrices Q , R , S and T are such that the products QS and RT can be formed, there holds
(QR)(S T) = (QS) (RT) .
A direct consequence is that Q ⊗ R is invertible if and only if Q and R are invertible. In this case, the inverse is given by
(QR)1 = Q1 R1 .

Suppose now that n = m  and p = q  , i.e. Q and R are square matrices. Let λ1,...,λn  denote the eigenvalues of Q , and μ1,...,μp  denote the eigenvalues of R . Then the eigenvalues of Q  ⊗ R are given by

λiμj, i = 1,,n,j = 1,,p .
A similar statement holds true for the singular values of general rectangular matrices Q and R . In particular, there holds
rank(QR) = rankQ× rankR .

A.2 Wigner 3jm Symbols

The symbol

(              )
   j1   j2   j3
  m1   m2  m3                               (A.1)
with parameters being either integers or half-integers is called a Wigner 3jm symbol arising in coupled angular momenta between two quantum systems. It is zero unless all of the following selection rules apply:
  1. m1  ∈ {− |j1|,...|j1|} , m2 ∈ {− |j2|,...|j2|} and m3  ∈ {− |j3|,...|j3|} ,
  2. m1  + m2 + m3 =  0  ,
  3. |j1 − j2| ≤ j3 ≤ j1 + j2   .

The connection with spherical harmonics is the following:

ΩY l1,m1Y l2,m2Y l3,m3dΩ = ∘ ------------------------
   (2l1 +-1-)(2l2 +-1)(2l3 +-1)
×(  l1  l2  l3 )
   0  0   0×(   l1   l2   l3  )
   m    m   m
     1   2    3 ,
where the left hand side is often termed Slater integral.