
Using the GWT based web-visualization framework of MOST, a building data exporter should be implemented. The MOST web-visualization provides a module based concept. Each use case is a independent module which has its own main menu entry in the web-visualization. Implementation is simplified by extending a generic module. The MOST framework provides various GWT widgets (DragWidget, etc.), data abstraction objects (Datapoint, etc.) and GWT enhancements (DndController, etc.). The exporter should be able to create different file formats (CVS, etc.) based on various rules (only workdays, when zone is occupied, etc.). Example: Export hourly temperature values when zone is occupied from 01.04.2011 to 01.06.2011 on workdays. UI mokups can be provided. Design ideas are welcome!

Benefit for the Student

The student will gain profund knowledge of GWT based user interface design. By using the MOST framework, insight into building data visualization concepts are possible.

Benefit for the Project

Providing a simple interface for building data export improves the usability of MOST for standard skilled users.


Experience with Java and GWT is essential. Knowledge of CSS and UI design skills are welcome.


Johannes Weber, Regina Appel, Robert Zach


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More Information

MOST information including puzzles.