Doctoral Thesis Defense

Christoph Wilhelmer will defend his thesis on October 29th.


Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Wilhelmer BSc

Time: Tuesday October, 29th, 2024, 15:00

Place: Seminarraum 387, CB EG 02


Title: Impact of Charge Transitions at Atomic Defect Sites on Electronic Device Performance

Doctoral Dissertation Committee:

Committee Chair:

  • Univ.-Prof.Dr. Ulrich Schmid (TU Wien, Austria)

Supervisor and Examiner:

  • Univ.Prof.Dr. Tibor Grasser (TU Wien, Austria)   


  • Univ.-Prof. Georg Kent Hellerup Madsen PhD (TU Wien, Austria)   
  • Prof. Matt Watkins (University of Lincoln, England)