A.2.2.4 Comparison Operators

In the IDDL common comparison operators can be used. The result is a Boolean value. The following comparison operators are defined:

Table A.7: Comparison operators.
Operator name Function
== equal
!= not equal
< less than
<= less or equal
> greater than
>= greater or equal

The first two comparison operators (== and !=) are defined for Integer, Real, Complex, Quantity, String and Boolean. The other four operators are only defined for Integer, Real, Real Quantity, String, and Boolean, but not for Complex.

(5 == 3)                   // -> false
(5 > 3) && (5 > 2)         // -> true
(5 < 3)                    // -> false
("MINIMOS" < "MINIMOS-NT") // -> true

Robert Klima 2003-02-06