Physical Quantities

symbol description unit
$ \alpha$ Temperature coefficient of $ \tau _{n,p}$ 1
$ \alpha _{n,p}$ Electron, hole impact ionization coefficient cm$ ^{-1}$
$ \alpha _\mathrm{eff}$ Effective impact ionization coefficient cm$ ^{-1}$
$ BV_\mathrm{ld}$ Lateral diode breakdown voltage V
$ C_\mathrm{sub}$ Substrate doping concentration $ cm^{-3}$
$ C_{n,p}$ Auger coefficient cm$ ^{6}\cdot$s$ ^{-1}$
$ D$, $ D_{n,p}$ Diffusion coefficient cm$ ^{2}\cdot$s$ ^{-1}$
$ d_\mathrm{nepi}$, $ d_\mathrm{n1}$, $ d_\mathrm{n2}$, $ d_\mathrm{ptop}$ Depletion extensions $ \mu $m
$ E$, $ \mathbf{E}$ Electric field V$ \cdot $cm$ ^{-1}$
$ E_\mathrm{c}$ Critical electric field V$ \cdot $cm$ ^{-1}$
$ E_\mathrm{MAX}$ Maximum electric field V$ \cdot $cm$ ^{-1}$
$ E_n$ Electron energy eV
$ E_{n(ox)}$ Electric field of $ SiO_2$ side at the interface V$ \cdot $cm$ ^{-1}$
$ E_{n(si)}$ Electric field of silicon side at the interface V$ \cdot $cm$ ^{-1}$
$ E_\mathrm{i}$ Intrinsic energy level eV
$ E_\mathrm{r}$ Recombination energy level eV
$ E_\mathrm{t}$ Trap energy level eV
$ \varepsilon$ Bands structure oo silicon for parabolic bands 1
$ f$ ( $ {\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{k}, t}$) Carrier distribution function 1
$ S$ Slope of the graded junction 1
$ G_{ii}$ Generation due to impact ionization cm $ ^{-3}\cdot $s$ ^{-1}$
$ G_{n,p}$ Generation rates cm $ ^{-3}\cdot $s$ ^{-1}$
$ \mathbf{J}$, $ \mathbf{J}_{n,p}$ Current densities A$ \cdot $cm$ ^{-2}$
$ k$, $ \mathbf{k}$ Momentum 1
$ L_\mathrm{d}$ Drift length $ \mu $m
$ L_\mathrm{g}$ Gate length cm
$ L_\mathrm{FP}$ Field plate length $ \mu $m
$ L_\mathrm{min}$ Minimum channel length $ \mu $m
$ M(x)$ Multiplication coefficient 1
$ \mu $, $ \mu_{n,p}$ Carrier mobilities cm$ ^{2}\cdot$V $ ^{-1}\cdot $s$ ^{-1}$
$ m$ Mass $ kg$

symbol description unit
$ m^*$ Effective mass $ kg$
$ n$ Electron concentration cm$ ^{-3}$
$ n_\mathrm{i}$ Intrinsic density cm$ ^{-3}$
$ n_\mathrm{0}$ Equilibrium electron concentration cm$ ^{-3}$
$ \delta n$ Excess electron concentration cm$ ^{-3}$
$ N_\mathrm{drift}$ $ n$-drift layer doping concentration $ cm^{-3}$
$ N_\mathrm{epi}$ $ n$-epi layer doping concentration $ cm^{-3}$
$ N_\mathrm{D,A}$ Donor, acceptor doping concentration $ cm^{-3}$
$ N_\mathrm{ch(source)}$ Doping concentration at the source end $ cm^{-3}$
$ N_\mathrm{ch(drift)}$ Doping concentration at the drift end $ cm^{-3}$
$ N^+_\mathrm{D}$, $ N^-_\mathrm{A}$ Ionized donor, acceptor concentration cm$ ^{-3}$
$ N_n^\mathrm{ref}$, $ N_p^\mathrm{ref}$, $ \gamma_n$, $ \gamma_p$ Lifetime fitting parameters 1
$ P_\mathrm{top}$ Doping concentration of the $ p$-top region cm$ ^{-3}$
$ p$ Hole concentration cm$ ^{-3}$
$ Q_{n}$ $ n$-epi layer net charge $ cm^{-3}$
$ Q_{n,max}$ Maximum $ Q_{n}$ $ cm^{-3}$
$ Q_\mathrm{nd}$ $ n$-drift integrated charge $ cm^{-3}$
$ Q_\mathrm{pd}$ $ p$-drift integrated charge $ cm^{-3}$
$ Q_\mathrm{nd,max}$ Maximum $ n$-drift integrated charge $ cm^{-3}$
$ Q_\mathrm{pd,max}$ Maximum $ p$-drift integrated charge $ cm^{-3}$
$ Q_\mathrm{N}$ $ n$-column charge C
$ Q_\mathrm{P}$ $ p$-column charge C
$ Q_\mathrm{DB}$ Charge of the depletion region C
$ R$, $ R_{n,p}$ Recombination rate cm $ ^{-3}\cdot $s$ ^{-1}$
$ R_\mathrm{A}$ Accumulation region resistance $ \Omega$
$ R_\mathrm{Auger}$ Auger recombination rate cm $ ^{-3}\cdot $s$ ^{-1}$
$ R_\mathrm{D}$ Drift region resistance $ \Omega$
$ R_\mathrm{CH}$ Channel region resistance $ \Omega$
$ R_\mathrm{J}$ JFET region resistance $ \Omega$
$ R_\mathrm{SRH}$ Shockley, Read, and Hall recombination rate cm $ ^{-3}\cdot $s$ ^{-1}$
$ R_\mathrm{on}$ On-resistance $ \Omega$
$ R_\mathrm{sp}$ Specific on-resistance m$ \Omega$ $ cm^{-3}$
$ T$ Temperature K
$ t$ Time s
$ t_\mathrm{N}$ $ n$-column length $ \mu $m
$ t_\mathrm{P}$ $ p$-column length $ \mu $m
$ t_\mathrm{N,P}$ $ n,p$-column length $ \mu $m
$ T_{n,p,\mathrm{L}}$ Electron, hole, and lattice temperature K
$ T_0$ Room temperature (300 K) K
$ \tau_\mathrm{HL}$ High level carrier lifetime s
$ \tau _\mathrm{LL}$ Low level carrier lifetime s
$ \tau _{n,p}$ Electron, hole minority carrier lifetime s
$ \tau _{n0,p0}$ Minority carrier lifetimes at low doping level s
$ \tau_\mathrm{sc}$ Space charge generation lifetime s
$ t_\mathrm{epi}$ Epitaxial layer thickness $ \mu $m

symbol description unit
$ t_\mathrm{nepi}$ $ n$-epi layer thickness $ \mu $m
$ t_\mathrm{ndrift}$ $ n$-drift layer thickness $ \mu $m
$ t_\mathrm{ptop}$ $ p$-top layer thickness $ \mu $m
$ t_\mathrm{soi}$ SOI thickness $ \mu $m
$ t_\mathrm{ox}$ Buried oxide thickness $ \mu $m
$ v$ Drift velocity cm$ \cdot $s$ ^{-1}$
$ v_n$( $ \mathbf{k}$) Electron group velocity cm$ \cdot $s$ ^{-1}$
$ V_\mathrm{A}$ Anode voltage V
$ V_\mathrm{BR}$ Breakdown voltage V
$ V_\mathrm{DS,GS,BS}$ Drain to source, gate to source, bulk to source voltage V
$ V_\mathrm{PT}$ Punchthrough voltage V
$ V_\mathrm{R}$ Reverse voltage V
$ W$ Depletion region width $ \mu $m
$ W_\mathrm{N}$ $ n$-column width $ \mu $m
$ W_\mathrm{P}$ $ p$-column width $ \mu $m
$ W_\mathrm{PT(ch)}$ Depletion layer width in the channel $ \mu $m
$ \zeta$ capture cross section ratio 1

Jong-Mun Park 2004-10-28