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E.3 Example Configuration

As an example, a configuration for a DEC/ALPHA workstation running Digital UNIX 3.2 is shown in Listing E.1.

Example configuration for Digital UNIX 3.2

;; system specific additional values
(defsys   OSName                "OSF1 V3.2A")
(defsys   OSType                "OSF1")
(defsys   OSMajorVersion        3)
(defsys   OSMinorVersion        2)

;; some special modes
(defsys   HasAlloca                yes)
(defsys   NeedAllocaInclude        yes)
(defsys   Has64BitLong             yes)
(defsys   Malloc0ReturnsNull       yes)
(defsys HasConstConstructorBug       no)
(defsys HasTemplateRepository        no)
(defsys HasRuntimeTypeIdentification no)
(defsys HasANSI_TemplateInstantation no)
(defsys NeedsTemplateInstances       yes) ; include template instantations
(defsys NeedsTemplateDefinitions     no)  ; include template defs in headers

(defcommand cc                  ;;- for the C compiler
  :command "cc"
  :ext "c"
  :sysflags "-c -std1 -readonly_strings"
  :optimize "-O1 -D_INTRINSICS -D_FASTMATH -D__KAP -Olimit 2500"
  :debug "-g2"
  :optdebug "-O -g3 -Olimit 2500"
  :profile "-p"
  :verbose "-v"
  :define "-D~A"
  :definevalue "-D~A=~S"
  :include "-I~A"
  :output "-o ~A"
  :objname "~A.o")
(defcommand cpp                 ;;- for the C preprocessor
  :command "cpp"
  :sysflags "-E -P"
  :define "-D~A"
  :definevalue "-D~A=~A"
  :include "-I~A")
(defcommand c++                 ;;- for the C++ compiler
  :command "cxx"
  :ext "cc" "C" "c"
  :sysflags "-c -std1"
  :optimize "-O -D_FASTMATH -D__KAP -Olimit 2500"
  :debug "-g2"
  :optdebug "-O -g3 -Olimit 2500"
  :profile "-p"
  :verbose "-v"
  :define "-D~A"
  :definevalue "-D~A=~S"
  :include "-I~A"
  :output "-o ~A"
  :objname "~A.o")
(defcommand fortran             ;;- for the Fortran compiler
  :command "f77"
  :ext "f"
  :sysflags "-c"
  :optimize "-O -Olimit 2000"
  :debug "-g2"
  :optdebug "-O -g3"
  :range "-C"
  :profile "-p"
  :verbose "-v"
  :output "-o ~A"
  :objname "~A.o")
(defcommand fortran/cpp         ;;- for the Fortran compiler with Cpp
  :command "f77"
  :ext "F"
  :sysflags "-c"
  :optimize "-O -Olimit 2000"
  :debug "-g2"
  :optdebug "-O -g3"
  :range "-C"
  :profile "-p"
  :verbose "-v"
  :define "-D~A"
  :definevalue "-D~A=~S"
  :include "-I~A"
  :output "-o ~A"
  :objname "~A.o")
(defcommand binding             ;;- language binding
  :trailing                     ; trailing underline
  :lowercase                    ; lowercase names
  :true "-1"                    ; .TRUE.
  :false "0")                   ; .FALSE.
(defcommand pascal              ;;- for the Pascal compiler
  :command "pc"
  :ext "p"
  :optimize "-O"
  :debug "-g2"
  :optdebug "-O -g3"
  :profile "-p"
  :verbose "-v"
  :output "-o ~A"
  :objname "~A.o")
(defcommand linker              ;;- for the linker
  :cc "cc"
  :c++ "cxx"
  :fortran "f77"
  :pascal "pc"
  :optimize "-O2 -s"
  :debug "-g"
  :optdebug "-g -O2"
  :profile "-p"
  :verbose "-v"
  :output "-o ~A"
  :linkpath "-L~A"
  :loadlib "-l~A"
  :sloadlib "-l~A"
  :slinkpath "-Wl,-rpath,~A"
  :syslibs "c"
  :fortranlibs "Ufor" "for" "Futil" "ots" "m"
  :mathlib "m"
  :x11libs "Xt" "Xext" "X11"
  :xmulib "Xmu"
  :motiflib "Xm" "Mrm"
  :check "atom"                ; memory checking tool
  :checkargs "-tool 3rd -all -L/usr/atomshlib -A1"
  :checkext "3rd"
  :checkclean "*.3rd|*.3log")
(defcommand library            ;;- for the library archivier
  :command "ar"
  :sysflags "qlcvs"
  :library "lib~A.a"
  :output "~A")
(defcommand sharedlibrary      ;;- for shared library generation
  :command "ld"
  :sysflags "-S -shared -no_archive -error_unresolved"
  :slibrary ""
  :loadpath "-L~A"
  :sloadpath "-rpath ~A"
  :loadlib "-l~A"
  :soversion "-set_version ~A"
  :output "-o ~A"
  :addrupdate "-update_registry ~A"
  :addrcheck "-check_registry ~A"
  :addrglobal "/usr/shlib/so_locations")
(defcommand strip              ;;- strip debug information
  :command "strip"
  :executable "~A"
  :library "-x ~A"
  :library2command "ar"
  :library2 "ts ~A")
(defcommand clean              ;; cleaning up files
  :files "core" ".#*" "#*#" "*.bak"
  :logfiles "*.log"
  :backup "*~")
(defcommand yacc               ;;- yacc/bison
  :command "yacc"
  :include "-d"
  :input "~A"
  :prefix "-p ~A")
(defcommand lex                ;;- lex/flex
  :command "lex"
  :verbose "-v"
  :input "~A")
(defcommand awk                ;;- awk/gawk
  :command "awk"
  :program "-f ~A"
  :define "-v ~A=~S"
  :input "~A")
(defcommand perl               ;;- perl
  :command "perl"
  :program "~A")
(defcommand cvs                ;;- CVS repository
  :cvs "cvs"
  :addfile "add -m ~A"
  :adddir "add"
  :commit "commit -l -F ~A"
  :status "status -l"
  :update "update -R -d -P"
  :remove "remove"
  :diff "diff -C1 -w"
  :tag "tag -F -l ~A")

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Fri Jan 3 17:00:13 MET 1997