3.3.2 Boundary Grids

For each boundary between two adjacent segments a boundary grid is stored to resolve the representation of identical points within these segments. This allows to model discontinuities of physical quantities at the boundary. Fig. 3.3 shows the boundaries between the segments of the device shown in Fig. 3.1 and the corresponding index numbers. Furthermore, the area at the junction of the two segments is stored for each boundary point.

\psfig{file=figures/mmggrid/boundary-a-b, height=4cm}

(a)  Boundary between segment A and segment B.
\psfig{file=figures/mmggrid/boundary-b-c, height=4cm}

(b) Boundary between segment B and segment C.
\psfig{file=figures/mmggrid/boundary-a-c, height=4cm}

(c) Boundary between segment A and segment C.
Figure 3.3: Boundaries between the segments of the device shown in Fig. 3.1.

Robert Klima 2003-02-06