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DirichletModel Model classes are responsible for the computation of the values of the associated quantity (Cown_1, Cown_2) on both sides of the interface. These can be functions of the simulation time $t$, the process temperature $T$, the spatial coordinates $x$ and $y$ and the values of all available quantities on both sides of the interface. Table 4.24 depicts the Interface of DirichletModel classes.

Table 4.24: Parameters of the Dirichlet boundary Models
Name Type Description
time double
the simulation time in [s]
T double
the lattice temperature in [K]
x double
x coordinate of the actual grid point in [${\mu}m$]
y double
y coordinate of the actual grid point in [${\mu}m$]
CownName MdlString
MDL name of the quantity
Cown_1 double
Value of the quantity CownName1 assigned to segment 1
Cown_2 double
Value of the quantity CownName2 assigned to segment 2
MdlQuantity_1 double
value of the quantity MdlQuantity on segment 1
MdlQuantity_2 double
value of the quantity MdlQuantity on segment 2
psi_1 double
electrostatic potential [V] or the value of the quantity specified by using the PotentialQuantity parameter described in Section
on segment 1
psi_2 double
electrostatic potential [V] or the value of the quantity specified by using the PotentialQuantity parameter described in Section
on segment 2
Cown_1 \ensuremath{\mathtt{\backslash}}d_MdlQuantity_1 double
derivative of Cown_1 to MdlQuantity_1
Cown_1 \ensuremath{\mathtt{\backslash}}d_MdlQuantity_2 double
derivative of Cown_1 to MdlQuantity_2
Cown_2 \ensuremath{\mathtt{\backslash}}d_MdlQuantity_1 double
derivative of Cown_2 to MdlQuantity_1
Cown_2 \ensuremath{\mathtt{\backslash}}d_MdlQuantity_2 double
derivative of Cown_2 to MdlQuantity_2
Cown_1 \ensuremath{\mathtt{\backslash}}d_psi_1 double
derivative of Cown_1 to psi_1
Cown_1 \ensuremath{\mathtt{\backslash}}d_psi_2 double
derivative of Cown_1 to psi_2
Cown_2 \ensuremath{\mathtt{\backslash}}d_psi_1 double
derivative of Cown_2 to psi_1
Cown_2 \ensuremath{\mathtt{\backslash}}d_psi_2 double
derivative of Cown_2 to psi_2

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Robert Mlekus