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4.4.3 Poly-/Monosilicon Model

  The outdiffusion of high dopant doses from a polysilicon layer into the underlying silicon substrate is of considerable interest. The final profile in the substrate depends strongly on the interface conditions. We present an interface model for the poly-/monosilicon interface which accounts for segregation, dopant absorption and epitaxial realignment.

For furnace annealing processes a classical segregation approach (4.4-5) is used to model the net dopant flux tex2html_wrap_inline5983 over the interface area tex2html_wrap_inline4783 , where tex2html_wrap_inline5987 gives the concentration in the monosilicon material. The total concentration at the polysilicon side of the interface tex2html_wrap_inline5989 is given by the grain boundary and grain interior concentrations tex2html_wrap_inline5991 .


Additionally, the dopant absorption at the interface is captured by a charging rate tex2html_wrap_inline5993 as given by (4.4-6), where d is the thickness of the interfacial native oxide, tex2html_wrap_inline5997 the interface area density, and tex2html_wrap_inline5999 the interface trapping coefficient.


If the process temperature is sufficiently high ( tex2html_wrap_inline6001 ), the native oxide breaks up and epitaxial realignment occurs. To incorporate these phenomena, we change the interface model after the break-up time tex2html_wrap_inline6003 during the diffusion process. Instead of a classical segregation/absorption model we use a modified two stage segregation model as given by (4.4-7) and (4.4-8).


tex2html_wrap_inline6005 gives the lateral realignment time, tex2html_wrap_inline6007 is the lateral extent of the totally realigned oxide spheres, and tex2html_wrap_inline6009 denotes the distance between the single oxide sphere. During the first stage the effective interface contact area tex2html_wrap_inline6011 grows until the lateral realignment of the interface is finished. The interface oxide spheres are fully established now and the contact area remains stable with the lateral extend tex2html_wrap_inline6013 .

The lateral alignment is assumed to be linear during the transition of the native oxide into spheres. The detailed mechanism for the lateral regrowth of the poly-/monosilicon interface is shown in Figure 4.4-2.

Figure 4.4-2: Lateral realignment of the native oxide layer: a) break-up, b) starting lateral realignment to form oxide spheres, and c) final realigned oxide spheres with diameters tex2html_wrap_inline6007 and the distance tex2html_wrap_inline6009 to next sphere.

The distance between the oxide spheres is approximately the grain size of the adjacent polysilicon grains ( tex2html_wrap_inline6019 ) [Spi93]. We can deduce the lateral realignment time tex2html_wrap_inline6005 from the realignment rate tex2html_wrap_inline6023 by tex2html_wrap_inline6025 . A summary of all model parameters used for the poly-/monosilicon interface model is shown in Table 4.4-2.


Poly-/Monosilicon Model Parameters
tex2html_wrap_inline5909 tex2html_wrap_inline6031 cm/s


m 1.0
tex2html_wrap_inline5909 tex2html_wrap_inline6031 cm/s


m 1.0
Realignment Rate tex2html_wrap_inline6023 tex2html_wrap_inline6051 tex2html_wrap_inline6053 tex2html_wrap_inline6055
Break-up Time tex2html_wrap_inline6003 tex2html_wrap_inline6059 s tex2html_wrap_inline6063
Interface Trapping tex2html_wrap_inline5999 tex2html_wrap_inline6067 tex2html_wrap_inline5373 tex2html_wrap_inline6071
Interface Area Density tex2html_wrap_inline5997 tex2html_wrap_inline6075 tex2html_wrap_inline5777


Table 4.4-2: Modeling parameters for the poly-/monosilicon interface. Realignment data are taken from [Spi93] [Wil92].


The influence of the interface model to the outdiffused portion of the dopant concentration is shown in Figure 4.4-3. Thereby three different interface model are applied for the same RTA outdiffusion experiment. The first interface model represents a conduction model with equal concentrations on both sides of the interface (see A in Fig. 4.4-3). The lower diffusivities of the dopants in the mono silicon region leads to an accumulation of dopants at the interface. As the dopants find no diffusion barrier at the interface the outdiffusion into the bulk is overestimated.

Figure 4.4-3: Comparison between different interface models for outdiffusion experiments: A) conductive model, B) segregation model, and C) poly-/monosilicon model.

A conventional segregation model with a segregation coefficient m = 0.5 is given by the second examined interface model (cf. B in Fig. 4.4-3). The dopant concentration changes abruptly at the interface according to the segregation kinetics. If a segregation coefficient m;SPMgt;1 is specified the profile remains flat in the polysilicon material because of the enormous dopant mobility. The high diffusivity dissolves any concentration peak within the polysilicon layer. Due to the diffusion barrier at the interface the outdiffusion is retarded compared to the conduction model.

The third model represents the poly-/monosilicon interface model, as given by (4.4-5) and (4.4-6). A segregation law in addition with dopant absorption at the interface is used to model the outdiffusion of dopants (see C in Fig. 4.4-3). The dopant pile-up at the interface is predicted quantitatively correct by this interface model.

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