Intervalley scattering

Intervalley scattering takes place between different valleys by both acoustic and optical phonons. The total scattering rate, as a function of energy, is given by

                            [        ]∘ ----------------
Pe- ,op(E) = (DtK√-)imDOSZf---    Ni      E  ± ℏωop - ΔEfi;                                    (A.6)
                 2πℏ3ρωi      Ni + 1
            ( ℏωi     )-1
       Ni =   ---- - 1    .                                                                  (A.7)
The equation is formally equivalent to the case of intravalley scattering by optical phonons, when setting Zf and ΔEfi equal to 1 and 0, respectively. As for the intravalley optical phonons, the top (bottom) branch of the equation yields the rate for absorption (emission).

Scattering can take place between equivalent valleys, e.g. X-X or L-L, or between non-equivalent valleys, e.g. X-L – different scattering parameters apply in each respective case. For a given transition one can distinguish between g-type phonons, which induce transitions between opposite valleys on the same axis in space, and f-type phonons, which induce transitions among orthogonal axes. The case for scattering between equivalent X-valleys is currently implemented, using the values in Table A.3.

Table A.3: Parameters for intervalley scattering (equivalent X-valleys)
SymbolMeaning Value
Zf number of equivalent final valleys (f-process) 4
Zf number of equivalent final valleys (g-process) 1
Δfi difference in energy between the minima of the initial and final valley 0.0eV
ωi transition energy (f-process) 0.01896eV
ωi transition energy (g-process) 0.01206eV