8.3.3 Task Level Integration

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8.3.3 Task Level Integration

Figure 8.3 shows all the LISP code that is required to create a virtual tool (voronoi ...) on the task level. This is equvivalent to the task definition according to common nomenclature [2].

Figure: LISP code which is required to integrate the external executable VORONOI as a virtual tool on the task level

This single function defines the whole interface for the application on the task level and is used both by the Simulation Flow Controller (SFC) [86] to run the re-gridder after etching [141] and after ion implantation steps [94], and by the tool control panel to run VORONOI interactively for performing an interactive re-gridding or interpolation step.

It must of course be admitted that the task level interfaces for traditional simulation tools are more complex than the presented function. Those of newly developed simulation tools, however, can be kept very simple, as the new applications may rely on the task level to perform the sequencing. Here it becomes once again apparent that the traditional simulators have not been designed to operate in a TCAD environment.

Martin Stiftinger
Thu Oct 13 13:51:43 MET 1994