2.3.3 The Application-Framework Idea

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2.3.3 The Application-Framework Idea

Only a system with a consequent application-framework architecture can overcome the aforementioned difficulties (by reducing the effort and time required for problem formulationgif, tool implementation, tool integration, maintenance, acquaintance) and help to facilitate and speed up TCAD development. A schematic view of an application-framework engineering situation is shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: Impact of an application-framework architecture on the engineering situation.


For the integration of existing applications alone, the intriguing visiongif of a plug-and-play environment where the user can choose from a variety of applications and select the one best suited for a given task without bothering with limited interoperability is enough motivation for an application-framework architecture. From the user's point of view it would already be a major achievement to unite the most frequently used TCAD applications under a homogeneous environment which takes care about control and data integration and which provides support for the integration of new, additional tools.

When the TCAD system exhibits an application-framework architecture, a framework engineergif which assists the tool integrator by providing an integration framework is added to the scenario.

Ideally (this is slightly unrealistic), the user should no longer require knowledge of the underlying tools. The tools are (this is realistic) presented in a homogeneous form by the framework. Note that when the system lacks an application-framework architecture it is the tool integrator who creates a homogeneous presentation of the different tools for the user, by investing considerable human efforts in addition to those of the sole tool integration.

The framework provides all generic services and must be kept as technology independent as possible, as it also serves as an implementation basis for applications and should hence be kept stable. Technology-dependence is confined to applications which may evolve rapidly and rise and fall with technology. Interdependence of applications can only be kept to an absolute minimum by means of an application-framework architecture.

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Martin Stiftinger
Thu Oct 13 13:51:43 MET 1994