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Next: Model Selection Up: Definition of Simulation Previous: Definition of Simulation The Grid Adaption Model:

A simple but in some cases very useful extension to the standard quality criteria supplied by the TRIANGLE grid generation library is to offer the possibility to use an algorithm which decides whether triangles resulting from the standard refinement process should be refined further. The optional input parameter gridAdaption (Section of the PromisNTSetup model can be used to specify a MDL model derived from the base class GridAdaptionModel. This MDL class is evaluated for each triangle of the initial simulation grid resulting from a grid refinement step which applies the quality criteria configured by parameters in Table 4.9.

The gridAdaption can cause the triangle (x1/y1),(x2/y2),(x3/y3) (Table 4.10) in the material segment to be refined by setting the output parameter refine to the value true.

Table 4.10: Parameters of the grid adaption Model
Name Type I/O Description
material MdlString I
material of the actual segment
x1 double I
x coordinate of the triangle point #1
x2 double I
x coordinate of the triangle point #2
x3 double I
x coordinate of the triangle point #3
y1 double I
y coordinate of the triangle point #1
y2 double I
y coordinate of the triangle point #2
y3 double I
y coordinate of the triangle point #3
refine MdlBool O
true: the triangle will be refined, false: don't refine
Default: false

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Robert Mlekus