List of Symbols

Symbol Definition Description
$ E_{max}$ $ V/m$ Maximum electric far field density
$ I_{dm}$ $ A$ Differential mode current
$ f$ $ Hz$ Frequency
$ A$ $ m^2$ Surface area, loop area
$ r$ $ m$ Distance from Source point to field observation point
$ h$ $ m$ Parallel plane separation distance
$ \epsilon_{r}$ $ -$ Relative dielectric constant of the material
$ I_{noise}$ $ A$ Noise current
$ W$ $ m$ Width of rectangular parallel planes (y-dimension)
$ L$ $ m$ Length of rectangular parallel planes (x-dimension)
$ Q$ $ -$ Quality factor of a resonator
$ \sigma$ $ S/m$ Conductivity
$ \tan(\delta)$ $ -$ Loss tangent
$ f_{r}$ $ Hz$ Resonance frequency
$ m,\,n$ $ -$ Positive integer values
$ E_{max}^{res}$ $ V/m$ Maximum radiated electric far field from an antenna
$ I_{ant}$ $ A$ Antenna feed point current
$ U_{ant}$ $ V$ Antenna feed point voltage
$ R_{1},\,R_{2}$ $ \Omega$ Resistances in a circuit
$ R_{k}$ $ \Omega$ Coupling resistance
$ I_{cm}$ $ A$ Common mode current
$ U_{b}$ $ V$ Supply (battery) voltage
$ U_{m}$ $ V$ Measurement voltage
$ C_{k}$ $ F$ Coupling capacitance
$ L_{1},\,L_{2}$ $ H$ Self inductances of two loops
$ M$ $ H$ Mutual inductance of two loops
$ L_{k}$ $ H$ Coupling inductance of two loops
$ L_{s1},\,L_{s2}$ $ H$ Stray inductances of two loops
$ \vec{E}$ $ V/m$ Electric field density
$ \vec{H}$ $ A/m$ Magnetic field density
$ \vec{J}$ $ A/m^2$ Electric current density
$ \epsilon$ $ F/m$ Permittivity of a material
$ \mu $ $ H/m$ Permeability of a material
$ j$ $ -$ Imaginary unit: $ \sqrt{-1}$ / Integer index
$ i$ $ -$ Integer index
$ \omega$ $ 1/s$ Angular frequency: $ 2\pi f$
$ E_{x}$ $ V/m$ x-direction component of $ \vec{E}$
$ E_{y}$ $ V/m$ y-direction component of $ \vec{E}$
$ E_{z}$ $ V/m$ z-direction component of $ \vec{E}$
$ k_{lossless}$ $ 1/m$ lossless wave number: $ \omega\sqrt{\mu\epsilon}$
$ L_{c}'$ $ H$ Parallel plane inductance
$ C_{c}'$ $ F/m^2$ Capacitance per parallel plane area
$ t_{c_{i}}'$ $ m$ Plane thickness of metal plane i
$ t_{s_{i}}'$ $ m$ Skin depth of metal plane i
$ R_{c}'$ $ \Omega$ Parallel plane resistance
$ G_{c}'$ $ S$ Parallel plane conductance
$ J_{z}$ $ A/m^2$ z-direction component of $ \vec{J}$
$ \mathcal{C}$ $ m$ Boundary curve of a parallel plane structure
$ U_{i}(x_{i},y_{i})$ $ V$ Parallel plane voltage at position $ (x_{i},y_{i})$
$ Z_{ij}(x_{i},y_{i},x_{j},y_{j})$ $ \Omega$ Mutual plane impedance matrix element
$ W_{e}$ $ m$ Effective width of rectangular parallel planes
$ L_{e}$ $ m$ Effective length of rectangular parallel planes
$ k_{m}$ $ 1/m$ Rectangular parallel plane eigenvalue of x-direction
$ k_{n}$ $ 1/m$ Rectangular parallel plane eigenvalue of y-direction
$ k$ $ 1/m$ Wave number
$ L_{mn}$ $ -$ Two dimensional fourier series coefficient
$ (x_{i},y_{i})$ $ (m,m)$ Position of port with index i on parallel planes
$ (x_{j},y_{j})$ $ (m,m)$ Position of port with index j on parallel planes
$ (\Delta x,\Delta y)$ $ (m,m)$ Parallel plane discretization for LCR grid method
$ \tilde{U}$ $ V$ Approximate parallel plane voltage distribution
$ Res$ $ V/m^2$ Residuum (Approximation error) of $ \tilde{U}$
$ W_{g}$ $ -$ Finite element weighting function
$ \alpha_{k}$ $ -$ Finite element base functions
$ \tilde{u}_{k}$ $ V$ Nodal approximation of the parallel plane voltage
$ \xi_{i},\,\eta_{i},\,\zeta_{i}$ $ -$ Barycentric (triangular) coordinates of triangle i
$ A_{i}$ $ m^2$ Area of the triangle with index i
$ \textbf{K}$ $ -$ System matrix
$ \tilde{\textbf{U}}$ $ V$ Approximate solution vector
$ \textbf{F}$ $ V$ Excitation vector
$ \tilde{\textbf{U}}_{n}$ $ V/m$ Solution vector normal derivation
$ \textbf{R}$ $ m$ Boundary weighting matrix
$ K_{kl}$ $ -$ System matrix elements
$ F_{l}$ $ V$ Excitation vector elements
$ \textbf{Z}$ $ \Omega$ Parallel plane impedance matrix
$ I_{m}$ $ A$ Measurement port current
$ I_{s}$ $ A$ Trace current at the source position
$ I_{l}$ $ A$ Trace current at the load position
$ K_{couple}$ $ -$ Trace to cavity coupling factor
$ Z_{w}$ $ \Omega$ Characteristic trace impedance
$ \gamma$ $ -$ Trace propagation constant
$ Z_{l}$ $ \Omega$ Trace load impedance
$ l$ $ m$ Effective trace length
$ ll$ $ m$ Horizontal trace length
$ d$ $ m$ Trace distance from the ground plane
$ C_{13}$ $ F$ Capacitance of trace and cover
$ C_{23}$ $ F$ Capacitance of cover and ground plane
$ C_{12}$ $ F$ Capacitance of trace and ground plane
$ K_{couple\_md}$ $ -$ Coupling factor from mode decomposition
$ \varphi$ $ V$ Electrostatic potential
$ K_{couple\_a}$ $ -$ Analytical coupling factor
$ U_{m_{tr}}$ $ V$ Plane voltage of model with a trace
$ w_{tr}$ $ m$ Trace width
$ \epsilon_{0}$ $ F/m$ Permittivity of vacuum
$ d_{s}$ $ m$ Field scan height above the ground plane
$ \underline{J}_{s}$ $ A/m^2$ Complex scanned current density
$ Jr_{s},\,Ji_{s}$ $ A/m^2$ Components of complex, scanned current density
$ K_{s}$ $ -$ Coupling factor in scan height
$ \alpha,\,\beta,\,\gamma,\,\delta$ $ -$ Coupling constants
$ d_{ic}$ $ m$ Median coupling factor of an IC interconnect path
$ d_{i}$ $ m$ Distance to ground of IC interconnect segment i
$ l_{i}$ $ m$ Length of interconnect segment i
$ U_{cm}$ $ V$ Common mode voltage
$ L_{cm}$ $ H$ Common mode inductance of a trace above ground
$ L_{cm\_p}$ $ H$ Common mode inductance of a trace between two planes
$ U_{AB}$ $ V$ Differential voltage at opposite plane ports
$ M_{c}$ $ H$ Coupling inductance from a trace to parallel planes
$ L_{cm\_meas}$ $ H$ Measured common mode inductance
$ Z_{21}$ $ \Omega$ Transfer impedance
$ \vec{n}$ $ -$ Surface normal vector
$ I_{sp}$ $ A$ Parallel plane excitation current
$ U_{m,n}$ $ V$ Parallel plane voltage at mode m,n
$ K_{s}(x_{sp,y_{sp}})$ $ A$ Source term of parallel plane voltage
$ K_{meas}(x,y)$ $ -$ Observation point term of parallel plane voltage
$ f_{r_{open}}$ $ Hz$ Resonances of rectangular power planes
$ \vec{A}$ $ A$ Magnetic vector potential
$ \vec{F}$ $ V$ Electric vector potential
$ \vec{r}$ $ m$ Vector from origin to field observation point
$ \vec{r}'$ $ m$ Vector from origin to source point
$ \vec{r}'_{1}$ $ m$ Vector from source to field observation point
$ D_{a}$ $ m$ Active antenna dimension
$ \xi $ $ rad$ Angle between $ \vec{r}$ and $ \vec{r}'$
$ \vec{M}$ $ V/m^2$ Magnetic current density
$ \vec{E}_{far}$ $ V/m$ Approximate electric far field density
$ \vec{H}_{far}$ $ A/m$ Approximate magnetic far field density
$ \lambda_{0}$ $ m$ Wavelength in vacuum
$ \vec{S}$ $ W/m^2$ Pointing vector
$ \vec{S}_{cr}$ $ W/m^2$ Pointing vector of ports with indexes c and r
$ Y_{a\_cr}$ $ S$ Admittance matrix elements
$ \textbf{U}_{m}$ $ V$ Measurement voltage vector
$ \textbf{U}{p}$ $ V$ Interface port voltage vector
$ \textbf {Y}_{a}$ $ S$ Radiation admittance matrix
$ \kappa(\textbf{Y}_{a})$ $ -$ Condition number of matrix $ \textbf {Y}_{a}$
$ \lambda_{min}(\textbf{Y}_{a})$ $ S$ Minimum eigenvalue of matrix $ \textbf {Y}_{a}$
$ \lambda_{max}(\textbf{Y}_{a})$ $ S$ Maximum eigenvalue of matrix $ \textbf {Y}_{a}$
$ S_{min}$ $ -$ Threshold value for matrix condition number
$ R_{21}$ $ dB$ Emission reduction estimation for d reduction
$ R_{S21}$ $ dB$ Emission reduction estimation for shielding
$ Ric_{12}$ $ dB$ Emission reduction estimation for ground under an IC

C. Poschalko: The Simulation of Emission from Printed Circuit Boards under a Metallic Cover