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The capacitance $ {\it C}_{\mathrm {IN}}$ is positioned in parallel to $ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gs}}$, as well as $ {\it C}_{\mathrm {OUT}}$ is parallel to $ {\it C}_{\mathrm{ds}}$, and $ {\it C}_{\mathrm{pgd}}$ parallel to $ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gd}}$. To separate the parasitic capacitances open structures for the given layout are measured for various gate widths, where the inner transistor is physically removed. Alternatively a measurement of a transistor in pinch-off is used [36]. Using the values for the parasitic $ C_i$ and measuring a short structure, the metal parts of $ {\it R}_{\mathrm{G}}$ and $ {\it R}_{\mathrm{D}}$ can be determined from the S-parameters as well as the parasitic inductances $ L_i$. Alternatively, the determination of the $ L_i$ can be replaced by forward measurements of a HEMT at $ {\it V}_{\mathrm{DS}}$= 0 V at different current levels [36]. A gate width dependent port extension $ {\it\tau}_{\mathrm{port}}$  is added to account for the delay of a coplanar line which additionally is part of the transistor layout in the measurement. For overall justification Fig. 4.1 and the examples in Chapter 7 show the comparison of simulation and extraction.

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