Mixed Negative Bias Temperature Instability and Hot-Carrier Stress
ausgeführt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades
eines Doktors der technischen Wissenschaften
unter der Leitung von
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Tibor GRASSER
Institut für Mikroelektronik
eingereicht an der Technischen Universität Wien
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Dipl.-Ing. Bianka ULLMANN
0425601 / E 786 710
Wien, am 28. Mai 2018
Bias temperature instability (BTI) and hot-carrier degradation (HCD) are among the most important reliability issues, which affect the performance of metal-oxide-semicon-ductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). Both are typically studied in an idealized setting. In particular, for BTI studies no voltage is applied to the drain, leading to laterally homogeneous degradation. With increasing drain bias, the degradation becomes more and more inhomogeneous and the contribution of HCD to the total degradation increases. Even though it is well understood that this mixed BTI/hot-carrier (HC) degradation corresponds to what actually happens in real circuits, there is only a limited number of studies available on the impact of the mixed stress conditions.
In this thesis, the problem of mixed negative bias temperature instability (NBTI)/hot-carrier (HC) stress conditions on SiON pMOSFET characteristics is discussed. This contains on the one hand a comparison of commonly used measurement methods for the threshold voltage shift: the single point measurement of the drain current and the gate voltage. It is shown that in the case of mixed NBTI/HC stress both methods provide different results for the shift, which has to be considered when modeling the degradation. On the other hand, the focus is on the contribution of single defects to the recoverable component of the threshold voltage degradation. Quite remarkably, mixed NBTI/HC stress affects the recoverable component considerably due to two effects.
First, the contribution of oxide defects to recovery after mixed NBTI/HC stress is suppressed independently of their lateral position. As an explanation, from an electrostatic point of view, recovery after mixed NBTI/HC stress is mainly attributed to charge carrier emissions by oxide defects near the source, which have been charged during stress. However, the experimental characterization of recovery after different stress conditions clearly suggests that even defects located in the vicinity of the source can remain uncharged after mixed NBTI/HC stress and thus do not contribute to the recovery signal although they are fully charged after homogeneous NBTI stress. As a consequence, recovery of the threshold voltage shift can be negligibly small after certain stress conditions. This leads to the conclusion that a simple electrostatic model neither describes the behavior of degradation during mixed NBTI/HC stress nor the recovery afterwards properly. Only if secondary generated carriers triggered by impact ionization and the carrier distribution functions are correctly considered, agreement with experimental data is obtained.
Second, the experimental data collected during this work shows that the contribution of oxide defects to the recoverable component depends strongly on the device “history". The experimental characterization shows that mixed NBTI/HC stress anneals a considerable number of oxide defects and thus dramatically reduces recovery after all kinds of stress conditions, homogeneous NBTI and mixed NBTI/HC. In this context, volatility as a possible mechanism responsible for such a reducution is discussed.
As a conclusion, both degradation mechanisms, NBTI and HCD have an impact on each other. This impact depends on both, stress conditions which trigger physical mechanisms associated with NBTI as well as HCD and previoiusly applied stress or in other words the “history".
Die Zuverlässigkeit von einzelnen Elektronikkomponenten ist unter anderem von bias temperature instability (BTI) und hot-carrier degradation (HCD) beeinflusst. Diese Degradationsmechanismen beeinflussen die Leistungsfähigkeit von einem der wichtigsten Bauteile in elektronischen Schaltkreisen, nämlich dem metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). Typischerweise werden BTI und HCD unabhängig voneinander erforscht. Zum Beispiel wird BTI unter homogenen Bedingungen charakterisiert, indem keine Spannung am Drain-Kontakt angelegt wird. Sobald die Spannung am Drain-Kontakt erhöht wird, herrschen immer inhomogenere Bedingungen vor, was zu einem wachsenden Beitrag von HCD zur Gesamtdegradation führt. Obwohl es bekannt ist, dass eine solche gemischte BTI/hot-carrier (HC) Degradation den anwendungsrelevantesten Fall darstellt, gibt es wenige Studien zu der Auswirkung auf die MOSFET-Parameter.
In dieser Dissertation wird eine fundierte experimentelle Untersuchung der Auswirkung von gemischtem negative BTI (NBTI)/HC Stress auf SiON pMOSFET Charakteristika präsentiert. Dies beinhaltet einerseits einen Vergleich zwischen zwei gängigen Messmethoden der Schwellspannungsänderung, nämlich der Messung der Gate-Spannung bei konstantem Drain-Strom und der Messung des Drain-Stromes bei konstanter Gate-Spannung. Es wird gezeigt, dass beide Messmethoden unterschiedliche Ergebnisse des zeitlichen Verlaufes der Schwellspannungsänderung nach gemischtem NBTI/HC Stress liefern. Diese Unterschiede werden ausführlich diskutiert. Andererseits liegt der Fokus auf der Untersuchung der ausheilbaren Degradationskomponente. Interessanterweise beeinflusst gemischter NBTI/HC Stress eben diese sehr stark auf Grund von zwei Effekten.
Der erste Effekt ist die Unterdrückung des Beitrags zur ausheilbaren Komponente von einzelnen Materialdefekten im Oxid unabhängig von deren lateralen Positionen. Bisher wurde angenommen, dass das Ausheilen der Schwellspannungsdegradation nur von den elektrostatischen Bedingungen während der Stressphase abhängt. Auf der Einzeldefekt-ebene bedeutet das, dass aufgrund der inhomogenen Bedingungen im Oxid während gemischtem NBTI/HC Stress hauptsächlich Defekte nahe des Source-Kontaktes zur Ausheilung von der Degradation beitragen. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese Annahme nicht stimmt und dass auch der Beitrag von source-seitigen Defekten unterdrückt wird. Dies führt zu einer wesentlich höheren Reduktion der ausheilbaren Degradationskomponente als angenommen. Es wird gezeigt, dass zusätzlich zu den elektrostatischen Bedingungen, im Falle von gemischtem NBTI/HC Stress auch die Ladungsträgerverteilung im Kanal, welche sich auf Grund der inhomogenen Bedingungen und Impact Ionization ändern kann, berücksichtigt werden muss.
Der zweite Effekt betrifft das “Verschwinden" von Defekten auf Grund der Messgeschichte des MOSFETs. Die Experimente zeigen, dass Oxid-Defekte nach vielen Stresszyklen elektrisch inaktiv werden und somit weder zur Degradation, noch zur Ausheilung vom MOSFET beitragen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird der Volatility-Effekt als mögliche Ursache diskutiert.
Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass beide Mechanismen, NBTI und HCD, einander beeinflussen. Diese Beeinflussung hängt sowohl von den Stressbedingungen, die physikalische Mechanismen auslösen, welche mit NBTI und HCD assoziiert werden, als auch von vergangenem Stress ab.
With the first analysis of electricity more than 200 years ago and the enhanced insight into the physical process of electric charge manipulation the way to revolutionary technological inventions was enabled. Although many inventions were considered fundamental research and initially ignored by industry, some of these have eventually changed our way of living and as such are of enormous economic importance. A rather prominent example is the transistor, which is one of the key inventions of modern society, arguably comparable to the domestication of fire and the invention of the wheel.
As a result of basic research on the physics of solids, transistors were able to replace vacuum tubes in the 1950s. In the following, this led to the development of the integrated circuit and the microprocessor, which are at the heart of modern electronics. Thus, transistors paved the way for a new generation of powerful and efficient electronic devices with a seemingly unlimited number of applications in everyday life. As a consequence of the continuous improvement of their performance, modern technologies have enabled numerous innovative ways of global networking by connecting things and people, optimizing work flows as well as saving valuable resources.
The economic importance of these new technologies and the pressure to keep production costs low have been the driving forces for the development and improvement of the transistor. In 1965, Moore predicted an exponential relationship between circuit complexity (number of transistors per area unit) and time, by stating that “the complexity will double annually." This prediction has in the meantime been revised to a doubling every two years [1], resulting in over 5 billion transistors being processed on a single chip today. As a consequence of the complexity increase, transistors have been downscaled to the deca-nanometer regime during the past decades, which has resulted in reliability issues, power loss and instabilities as the physical limits are approached.
As an introduction to this thesis, a short overview of the consequences that have resulted from downscaling combined with the motivation to study degradation mechanisms in transistors is given.
Since the transistor has been invented, an enormous diversity of transistor technologies has arisen, each of them developed for a different purpose. As examples for the numerous purposes, the basic function of a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is to amplify current in electronic circuits, the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is a power semiconductor device primarily used as an electronic switch in power electronics and the field-effect transistor (FET) acts like a switch in digital circuits. Particularly the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) is one widely used transistor technology in digital circuits due to the achievable short switching times and the nearly loss-less control at low frequencies. In the present work, MOSFETs were studied exclusively.
The MOSFET in digital circuits can be compared to a switch realized by modifying the conductivity properties of semiconductors. Figure 1.1 shows the cross section of a pMOSFET containing two highly p-doped regions, source and drain, separated by an n-doped body region. An insulating layer (e.g. amorphous silicon oxynitride ) is sandwiched between the gate and the body, separating them from each other. Therefore, the gate electrode (metal or polysilicon), the insulating layer and the substrate form the MOSFET capacitor, which prevents a current flow and enables a loss-less control of the MOSFET. Assuming that this capacitor is ideal (no charges in the oxide, resistivity of the oxide is infinite) the MOSFET function can be explained based on the band diagrams shown in Figure 1.2.
In the case of a pMOSFET, a positive gate voltage () accumulates the majority carriers of the substrate, which are electrons, in a layer near the oxide/substrate interface. In the band diagram shown in Figure 1.2, this means that the conduction band () bends down towards the Fermi level (). When sweeping towards zero, the MOSFET reaches its flatband condition for 0 V (ideal capacitor, otherwise the contact voltage must be considered), where the majority and minority carriers are in thermal equilibrium. By applying a low negative the majority carriers are forced away from the interface and therefore a depletion layer near the interface forms, which results in a bending up of the bands and the intrinsic energy () moves closer to . With further increasing negative , the depletion layer is populated by minority carriers until exceeds a certain threshold voltage () and the concentration of minority carriers is high enough to form a thin inversion layer near the interface. In the band diagram the inversion mode can be explained by a crossing of and where the minority carriers exceed the majority carriers at the interface. In this context it has to be mentioned, that is defined as a microscopic parameter which indicates the transition to the inversion mode.
As a consequence, if the supply voltage () is applied between the drain and the source, controls the drain current () as seen in the transfer characteristics (-) shown in Figure 1.3 for an nMOSFET. If V, the MOSFET is in its off-state and current flow is inhibited because of the reverse biased p-n junction. As soon as a positive is applied and increased an can flow due to the inverted interface until it reaches the saturation which corresponds to the on-state of the pMOSFET. This basic function of a MOSFET makes it quite advantageous for processing of digital signals in circuits as shown in Figure 1.1 for the digital stage of a CMOS inverter. For this example, the nMOSFET is in its on-state in the case that the input is at a digital high level while the pMOSFET is in its off-state. As a result, the output voltage is at ground (digital low level). By contrast, if the input voltage is near zero, the nMOSFET is in its off-state while the pMOSFET is conductive, which results in an output voltage at (digital high level). This corresponds to inverting a digital signal.
Due to the imperfections of real devices, the CMOS technology allows for deviations from the perfect digital low level at ground and the digital high level at by defining the first as a voltage between 0 V and / and the second as a voltage between / and . Thus, a reliable and proper signal processing requires digital low and high levels within these margins at a low circuit power consumption, which implies some limitations for the MOSFET design. These limitations can be explained based on the characteristics of a real device as shown in Figure 1.3. The - of a MOSFET is typically characterized by four parameters determined by materials, doping and geometry: the off-current, the sub-threshold swing () (reciprocal value of the sub-threshold slope () in a log-lin plot), (in this case a macroscopic parameter corresponding to, e.g., the gate voltage at which a certain flows) and the on-current. The off-current (0 A at 0 V) is caused by leakage currents between source and drain and is inevitable. Furthermore, the switching process between off- and on-state shows switching dynamics characterized by and which are limited to certain minimum values. At this point it has to be mentioned that several definitions for the extraction of the macroscopic parameter exist [2] which contradicts the definition of as the gate voltage where inversion is satisfied. While as a macroscopic parameter is extracted from the transfer characteristics and is based, e.g., on an threshold or on the maximum transconductance, as a microscopic parameter defines the transition from accumulation to inversion. The latter depends on the lateral position due to non-uniform doping profiles along the channel.
These parameters have to meet certain requirements in order to ensure a correct interaction of the MOSFET with other circuit components. For example, clearly distinguishable digital levels require a ratio between on- and off-current which is as large as possible. This can be achieved by maximizing while simultaneously keeping and as low as possible. Besides increasing the ratio, a high would also ensure an on-current which is high enough to drive subsequent digital stages, and low and would enhance the switching dynamics. However, increasing conflicts with the requirement of low power consumption since and, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, and are either fundamental limits or limited due to materials, doping and geometry of the MOSFET.
The consideration of these aspects in the fabrication process provides fundamental challenges for the design of MOSFETs in general. However, excessive scaling of the MOSFET geometries has led to further challenges.
While decades ago transistor structures were processed in the micrometer range, modern transistor structures have been scaled down to 22 nm in 2008 and to 14 nm or even less in the current generation of transistors [4]. In addition to the scaling of the gate width () and gate length () of the transistors, the oxide thickness () has also been scaled down, reaching values of less than 2 nm, which corresponds in fact to a rather small number of atom layers.
The scaling of the geometry results in several design and fabrication challenges. For example:
• A short transistor length (less than 100 nm) leads to short-channel effects, e.g., drain-induced barrier lowering, which affects the MOSFET performance. Moreover, channel leakage currents are more pronounced, therefore, the off-current increases significantly
• Considering that the oxide capacitance () is proportional to the ratio between channel area () and , where , has to be downscaled in the same manner as . Otherwise, would increase significantly which would have a considerable impact on and the switching dynamics. However, is limited to a certain minimum value because of quantum effects like tunneling, leading to a dramatic increase of leakage currents if the oxide thickness is further reduced. With a below this value, a loss-less control cannot be ensured any longer.
• As a consequence, the oxide electric field () has increased considerably due to the indirect proportionality to . could be decreased by a decrease of . However, due to the limited subthreshold slope, the supply voltages cannot be scaled in the same manner as the device geometry without affecting the ratio between the on- and off-currents. As a consequence, degradation effects depending on , e.g., the bias temperature instability (BTI), have a greater impact in downscaled devices than in devices with thicker oxides.
Another consequence of downscaling is a higher device variability due to the variance of parameters between transistors processed in the same manner. This is because nano-scale devices contain, in contrast to large devices, only a countable number of discrete dopants. Therefore, the slightest deviations of their number or position influence the non-uniform current flow over the width, the so-called percolation path as shown in Figure 1.4 left [3, 5]. Furthermore, the relative deviation of device dimensions due to fabrication variability increases with scaling. As a result of both, the variance of discrete dopants and dimension deviations, even transistors of the same technology and processed in the same manner show a significant variance in their characteristics, like . This variance results in an increased ratio between defective and functional devices and affects the performance of circuits detrimentally [6].
Additionally, any real device contains structural defects, for example, impurities, interstitials, vacancies and dangling bonds. Two of the most important defect types are shown in Figure 1.6, interface defects and oxide defects. While both are considered the main cause of device degradation, oxide defects are the main focus of this thesis. Both have energetic states within the band diagram shown in Figure 1.2 and are capable of exchanging charge carriers with the valance or conduction band of the substrate.
Interface defects occur when interfacing different materials, like crystalline and amorphous . Such material transitions result in an interface region containing trivalent dangling bonds. Such interface states known as -centers, which are amphoteric traps and act as donors as well as acceptors [7, 8]. Typically they act as traps for electrons and holes and distort the device characteristics detrimentally. Charge exchange between interface states and the substrate is consistent with the Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) theory [9]. In order to ensure a proper MOSFET function, such interface defects have to be reduced considerably. This reduction is realized by a passivation of the dangling bonds by hydrogen () during a processing step of forming gas annealing.
Oxide defects are intrinsic defects and can be either vacancies, e.g., the oxygen vacancy, or bridging atoms, e.g., the bridge. Phenomenologically they are classified in defects near the interface, also called border defects or defects away from the interface [10, 11]. Microscopically the border defects are often associated with ’ centers, which are trivalent silicon dangling bonds in the oxide [8] or hydrogenic defects [12]. Similar to the interface defects, defects in the oxide also can distort device characteristics due to charge exchange events with the substrate. Such charge exchange is consistent with non-radiative multiphonon processes [13–15].
Due to the comparatively large in devices with large , a single capture or emission event caused by an oxide defect has a small impact on the MOSFET parameters. In stark contrast, in nano-scale MOSFETs with dimensions around 100 nm or smaller, containing just a handful of defects such events affect device performance severely [16–18]. Depending on the position of the defect, the percolation path is disturbed as can be seen in the center and right panels of Figure 1.4. Charge exchange events of defects located near or in the percolation path cause a shift, a degradation of the subthreshold slope and a reduction of the on-current as summarized in Figure 1.5. Even one single active defect may shift by a detrimental value, and thus, change the transistors behavior and dynamics in digital circuits dramatically. Such a shift of transistor characteristics can endanger the correct interaction with other components, which makes the circuit less reliable and more likely to fail.
A reliable MOSFET meets the requirement of correct interaction with other circuit components. Unfortunately, even under nominal operating conditions, this correct interaction cannot be ensured at all times. So-called degradation mechanisms, which are associated with shifts of the device characteristics, endanger the correct interaction and reduce the time-to-failure of integrated application. The physical processes responsible for these mechanisms are in the focus of the device reliability research field, including the characterization, understanding and modeling of, e.g., BTI, hot-carrier degradation (HCD), stress induced leakage current (SILC) and trap assisted tunneling. Only with a deep understanding of how degradation is caused, advanced simulations based on realistic models can ensure a robust circuit design. Moreover, such a fundamental knowledge is a great advantage for future transistor designs to prevent instabilities.
The focus of this thesis lies on the experimental characterization of degradation mechanisms. In this context, numerous methods and sequences have been introduced. Each of these methods and sequences is suitable for the characterization of a certain parameter or physical quantity. For example, charge pumping (CP) allows for the characterization of interface defects, whereas time-dependent defect spectroscopy (TDDS) is suitable for the characterization of single oxide defects. The methods and sequences are discussed in Chapter 3 in detail.
In general, degradation has been shown to consist of a recoverable and a permanent component. While, for example, the recoverable component of BTI is attributed to oxide defects, which capture and emit charge carriers, HCD is suspected to be determined by breakage of passivated Si dangling bonds at the substrate/oxide interface, typically associated with a permanent component of degradation. Both degradation mechanisms are typically studied in an idealized setting and independently from each other [16, 19–24] as discussed in Chapter 2. In particular, for BTI studies no voltage is applied to the drain, leading to homogeneous degradation. With increasing drain bias, the degradation becomes more and more inhomogeneous and the contribution of HCD to the total degradation increases. Even though it is well understood that this mixed degradation corresponds to the situation in real circuits, there is only a limited number of studies available on the impact of the mixed stress conditions [25–27]. Additionally, defect creation, annealing, activation, and deactivation as well as secondarily generated carriers and non-equilibrium effects play an important role.
The term of degradation is associated with unwanted shifts of certain MOSFET characteristics which can endanger the correct interaction with other circuit components in digital circuits. For example, drifts of , also called threshold voltage shift (), during operation seriously reduce the time-to-failure of integrated applications. Degradation phenomena like stress induced leakage current (SILC), time-dependenc dielectric breakdown (TDDB), bias temperature instability (BTI) and hot-carrier degradation (HCD) describe the origins of these uncontrolled drifts. Especially the last two are commonly listed as the most prominent challenges which have to be properly understood [4]. In order to meet these challenges, advanced simulations based on physical models are required for a robust design of circuits.
Throughout the process of understanding and modeling degradation mechanisms, different pieces of the puzzle have been put together in order to get the big picture. In this thesis, one important piece of the puzzle in the context of BTI and HCD and their interplay is contributed. Therefore, the theoretical background and state of the art modeling attempts are introduced in this chapter.
The phenomenon BTI has been known for more than 50 years [16, 28–30] and describes basically the temperature and gate bias, or in other words the oxide electric field (), dependent shift of transistor parameters. For example, at BTI conditions the transconductance (), the linear drain current (), the saturation drain current () and the channel mobility () decrease while the sub-threshold swing (), the off-current and increase as shown in Figure 2.1. Further, as devices have been downscaled, the vulnerability to BTI has increased. The oxide field at nominal operating conditions has increased due to the scaling of , the nominal operating temperature has increased due to the higher power dissipation, and charge exchange events of single defects have a detrimental impact on the MOSFET electrostatics. All these aspects together with the challenge of keeping pace with the downscaling of device dimensions have led to several modeling attempts, which are introduced in this section.
Although BTI affects all device parameters, as it is shown illustratively in Figure 2.1, it is commonly studied and expressed in terms of an equivalent since BTI affects the threshold voltage significantly. Typically, BTI is characterized as a gate bias is applied to the gate contact while drain, source and well contacts are at ground. In experiments BTI is classified according to the sign of the gate bias, namely NBTI if a negative is applied and positive bias temperature instability (PBTI) if a positive is applied, commonly studied in pMOSFETs and nMOSFETs, respectively. By contrast, the study of NBTI in nMOSFETs and PBTI in pMOSFETs receives less attention due to the difficulty of the experimental characterization. This is because most of the transistors are protected against electrostatic discharge, which is realized by a diode. This allows only for the operation in inversion mode but not in accumulation. Thus, in most real devices of a commercial technology it is not possible to study NBTI in nMOSFETs and PBTI in pMOSFETs.
Both, NBTI and PBTI, are usually characterized at accelerated stress conditions, which allow for obtaining meaningful parameter shifts within feasible experimental time slots of minutes, days or weeks instead of years. Such accelerated stress is associated with above nominal operating conditions and elevated temperatures, e.g., 80 °C to 150 °C. Most of the BTI studies in this regard are realized by the on-the-fly (OTF) method, the measure-stress-measure (MSM) or the extended measure-stress-measure (eMSM) method. Although these methods are discussed in the Sections 3.1, 3.4 and 3.5 in detail, they are introduced in this subsection briefly.
• MSM measurements are realized by short interruptions of the applied gate and drain voltages in order to characterize the degradation state of the device, e.g., by taking an - curve. From this, the monitored parameter is extracted and the degradation and/or recovery over time is obtained.
• The OTF method obtains during operation without interruption of the applied voltages. By a periodic modulation of the gate voltage at stress conditions () at a certain and simultaneous monitoring of , can be estimated at a stress level.
• The eMSM method comprises of basically three phases. First, the unstressed device is characterized by taking an -. Subsequently, typically higher than nominal operating conditions is applied for a certain stress time (). Finally, the recovery is obtained with the gate voltage set to recovery conditions () near or below by monitoring the evolution of over a certain recovery time () without interruption of the applied voltages.
The impact of a stress and a recovery bias on of a FinFET is illustrated in Figure 2.2. During stress, drifts and , being the difference between the current and the threshold voltage before stress (), increases while it decreases again as soon as the stress is removed. The decrease of is also called recovery or relaxation. The sign of illustrated on a linear scale, as in Figure 2.2, commonly corresponds to whether an n-channel or a p-channel device is probed and whether the absolute value of increases or decreases. In the case that , is negative for p-channel devices and positive for n-channel devices while it has the opposite sign for both in case that . If drifts towards larger , which is typically associated with the term of degradation, drifts to more negative values for p-channel devices and more positive values for n-channel devices. By contrast, the dynamics show the opposite trend if shifts towards smaller , which is typically associated with a recovery of the degradation.
The particular behavior of over time during stress and recovery strongly depends on whether NBTI or PBTI is applied and on almost every device characteristics and probe condition, namely , , temperature, and , transistor type and many more. Useful for the further discussion, the most important dependencies are introduced briefly, starting with the fact that NBTI and PBTI have considerably different impacts on [32]. A characterization of these different impacts for an oxide can be seen in Figure 2.3. While NBTI ( V applied) has the greatest impact on pMOSFETs, PBTI ( V applied) nearly does not affect nMOSFETs. Based on this, it is not surprising that the most studied case is NBTI on pMOSFETs. In the following, the focus is mainly on NBTI on pMOSFETs.
Moreover, the evolution of is affected by the gate bias applied during stress as well as during recovery as illustrated in Figure 2.5. Based on the impact of and the gate voltage at recovery conditions () on measured for a large-area pMOSFET it can be seen that while a higher accelerates the increase of over time a higher suppresses the recovery of [33].
Similar to the acceleration of the shift over time due to a higher gate bias at stress conditions, degradation is also accelerated because of an elevated temperature (). In this regard, Figure 2.6 shows that the degradation of is higher and changes faster with elevated [33]. By contrast, the recovery shows only a weak, almost negligible, temperature dependence for large-area devices, which is not shown here.
All shown dependencies on gate bias and temperature are different for different device dimensions and different architectures. While the latter are not discussed in detail here, the changes in device dimensions together with the limitations in time of the experimental window are quite important in regard of understanding the different approaches of modeling device degradation. For an explanation, one should take a look at the lower limit of the experimental window during stress () of the measurements in Figure 2.3 and Figure 2.6. This lower limit is 1 s and 10 s, respectively, which are common lower limits in literature until approximately 2004. The reason lies in the measurement sequences for the characterization of degradation. The interruptions of the applied voltages using the MSM method, although as short as possible, can take 50 ms or more and disturb the degradation or recovery state seriously. Due to such a distortion of the degradation or recovery state the MSM method often cannot capture short-term effects because the interruption of the applied voltages might reverse their impact on device characteristics. This makes reliable short-term measurements ( 1 s or 1 s) impossible.
As a result, for a long period of time models were developed based on mainly long-term measurements from 1 s to nearly 10 ks. The long-term characterization, at a first glance and in a very simplified way, shows that in stress measurements of large-area devices has power-law-like behavior. Thus, simple empiric models based on a power-law-like life-time estimation as shown in Figure 2.6 have been popular [32, 34–36].
The power-law covers a stress bias dependent pre-factor, a temperature dependence following an Arrhenius’ law and the power-law in time. Based on this, the can be extrapolated in order to estimate the parameter shift over time. However, such an empirical description is quite inaccurate and overestimates the over time because it neither describes the short-term behavior for stress times below 1 s nor the very long-term behavior for stress times larger than 10 ks nor recovery effects due to interruptions of the stress properly as discussed in the following.
Beside the empirically found power-law as an attempt to estimate the life-time of a transistor, also physics-based models have been introduced in order to describe the processes leading to device degradation. A widely accepted model in this regard is the reaction-diffusion model. This model is capable of reproducing the time evolution of device degradation of large-area MOSFETs. It was introduced in 1977 [30] and continuously adapted [32, 37, 38]. The basic assumption of the reaction-diffusion model is that - bonds at the interface between the substrate and the oxide can be broken by NBTI stress, schematically shown in Figure 2.7. Consequently, the remaining dangling bonds (interface-states or interface-traps) are positively charged, which can be expressed by a interface-charge density (), and the hydrogen atom diffuses into the dielectric where also other related species can be created like for example a molecule. Further, can also recombine with the positively charged Si dangling bond, thus the bond is again passivated.
As soon as experimental characterization methods were improved and capable of measuring short-term effects a few inconsistencies between the reaction-diffusion model and the experimental data arose. In the context of the improvement of measurement methods, three aspects have to be mentioned: the characterization of the recoverable component of BTI, the continuous application of stress and the broadening of the experimental window. As an explanation, in Subsection 2.1.1 it is mentioned that as soon as the stress bias is removed a recovery effect of is measured. As long as the stress and recovery in MSM measurements are interrupted in order to record a transfer characteristic for the extraction of the overall degradation and recovery state will be different than if the stress and recovery biases are applied continuously. Therefore, innovative measurement methods have been introduced, which can obtain without any interruptions of stress or recovery and additionally are capable of the characterization of short-term effects. An example in this regard is the OTF method capable of obtaining the degradation without interruptions of the stress bias. However, realized with standard equipment the OTF has an integration time of more than 20 ms in order to achieve a statistical error of 1 mV in [39], which is quite long in the context of short-term measurement. Soon after the OTF method had been proposed, the fast- and fast- methods were introduced [31, 39, 40]. Such fast methods are based on single point measurements of during recovery instead of interruptions in order to record an -. Either or is measured at a point near during the recovery phase in eMSM measurements and the corresponding is extracted. Both will be discussed in detail in Section 3.5. These new methods extended the and the lower limit of the experimental window during recovery () to 100 µs or even 1 µs, which allows for a proper short-term characterization of BTI recovery.
The improvement of experimental setups and the broadening of the experimental window have led to different insights into degradation mechanisms and the understanding of BTI changed. Some important inconsistencies between the reaction-diffusion model and the experimental data are:
• A behavior of for 1 s was found. Several investigations [31, 32, 39, 42] have led to the conclusion that not only the creation of interface states contributes to during stress but also hole trapping in oxide defects near the interface between substrate and oxide. It has been found that there is evidence that these processes are highly coupled, which is not possible to be explained by the reaction-diffusion model.
• Even after long stress times (1 ks) can recover more than 60 % within the first second [43]. Since the reaction-diffusion model assumes diffusion-limited degradation, which implies also a diffusion limited relaxation, 60 % of recovery means that 60 % of the hydrogen must diffuse back to the interface and passivate the positively charged dangling bonds within one second. This implies that the backward diffusion happens by orders of magnitude faster than the forward diffusion. This cannot be explained by the effect of diffusion since the diffusivity of is a material constant.
• The overall recovery is considerably slower than the degradation during stress as obtained from eMSM measurements [44], which can be understood as an asymmetry of stress and recovery. In this context, the reaction-diffusion theory predicts a relatively short recovery phase (50 % relative recovery as soon as ). Thus, the reaction-diffusion model is not capable to model the asymmetry.
• Recovery is a bias-dependent process (shown in Subsection 2.1.1). This is not in agreement with the reaction-diffusion model because it predicts recovery due to the back-diffusion of neutral and as such is bias-independent.
• It has been shown that interface-states nearly do not recover in the context of MSM measurements [45]. Therefore, the reaction-model, where recovery is explained as passivation of interface-states is not suitable to model recovery.
In order to overcome some of the mentioned inconsistencies, the reaction-diffusion model has been improved over the last two decades including the attempt to describe the diffusion as a dispersive process instead of a classical, i.e., Gaussian-like, process [31, 32, 46, 47].
These improvements notwithstanding, the complicated behavior of during stress and recovery has led to the development of the non-radiative-multiphonon (NMP) model as a different approach to explain BTI. For the development of the NMP model two processes played a major role, the improvement of measurement setups as well as the downscaling of MOSFETs. As soon as devices were scaled to the nanometer regime it has been recognized that the recovery of MOSFETs proceeds not continuously as shown in Figure 2.2 but step-wise as shown in Figure 2.8 top.
Back in the 80’s, it was found that random fluctuations in the terminal currents are caused by structural defects, also called states or traps, in the bulk oxide. Such fluctuations are due to defects randomly exchanging charge carriers with the substrate [13, 48]. The corresponding noise was introduced as random telegraph noise (RTN). The study of nano-scale devices has shown that device degradation and recovery is determined by single hole capture and emission processes in pMOSFETs, respectively, which is consistent with a first-order reaction-rate but not with a diffusion-limited process [40, 49, 50]. Soon it has been proposed that single oxide defects near the interface between oxide and substrate communicate with the inversion layer in the channel by exchanging charge carriers.
Such charge carrier exchange events, also called capture and emission events, of oxide defects near the interface are a serious perturbance of the electrostatic conditions in nano-scale devices. Considering the average impact of one capture or emission event due to the downscaled device dimensions and the inhomogeneous channel potential due to randomly placed dopants [51], such events cause step-wise measurable shifts in experiments. Therefore, each individual defect leaves its fingerprint by the fact that it appears with a certain step height (), a certain mean value of the capture time () and a certain mean value of the emission time () in traces, which depend on the position relative to the dopants, the depth of the defect in the oxide, the gate bias and the temperature. For example, as discussed in Chapter 1, the randomly placed dopants cause the current to flow inhomogeneously from source to drain. As soon as a defect is located right above the percolation path [52], its step height can be considerably larger than estimated from the charge-sheet approximation [53].
In this context, based on the characterization of the step heights caused by single defects, an exponential step height distribution has been found [17, 18, 54–56] as shown in Figure 2.9. Since this distribution is based on a statistical characterization, the influence of device-to-device variation of the number of oxide defects and random dopants are considered. In detail, the probability density function (PDF) can be expressed as
probability density function | |
threshold voltage shift | |
mean value of the step height distribution. |
The corresponding CCDF is
The mean value of the distribution can be written as
elementary charge | |
oxide capacitance. |
From experiments with the TDDS framework on nano-scale MOSFETs, it has been found that BTI degradation and recovery can be explained by capture and emission events of single oxide defects [16]. The TDDS framework, which will be introduced in Section 3.7 in detail, consists of several eMSM cycles followed by a postprocessing of the recorded data. is obtained during the recovery phase by a single point measurement of or near (also known as fast- or fast- methods in literature [31, 39, 40]). Figure 2.8 top shows typical recovery measurements of a nano-scale MOSFET, containing the steps of five defects enumerated with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 12. Due to the fact that the capture and emission events are assumed to be stochastic processes, TDDS requires a number, e.g., , of the same stress/recovery experiments in order to capture the statistics for a reliable characterization. The spectral map in Figure 2.8 bottom visualizes the individuality of each defect. It is built by entering and of each emission event into a two-dimensional diagramm. From this, the spectral map can be obtained as the distribution of the numerical data [41].
and are strongly bias and temperature dependent. In this regard, the bias dependence is shown in Figure 2.11 where three defects characterized on nano-scale SiON pMOSFETs capture a hole during stress and emit it during recovery. The capture events (Subfigure 2.10a) cause an increase of the absolute value of comparable to the degradation of large-area devices shown in Subfigure 2.4a while the emission events (Subfigure 2.10b) cause a decrease of comparable to the recovery of large-area devices shown in Subfigure 2.4b. Both, capture and emission events happen at stochastically distributed and , respectively.
With increasing decreases and with increasing increases. This leads to a different contribution of the three shown defects to degradation and recovery of . At −1.4 V (blue trace in Subfigure 2.4a) of defect 2 and 3 are larger than the upper limit of the experimental window during stress (), which is 1 s. Thus, only defect 1 contributes to . At −1.7 V (green trace in Subfigure 2.4a) of defect 2 is decreased and shifted to times within the experimental window. Therefore, the capture event of defect 1 and defect 2 contribute to . Finally at −1.9 V and −2.2 V also defect 3 contributes to .
At recovery conditions, the process is quite similar. While at −0.2 V all three defects contribute to recovery, at −1 V only defect 3 contributes to because of the other two defects are higher than the upper limit of the experimental window during revery (). Quite comparable to the measurements in large-area devices (Figure 2.5) the evolution of of nano-scale MOSFETs is accelerated during stress with increasing and decelerated during recovery.
The capture and emission events are also highly affected by as shown in Figure 2.12 based on the temperature dependence of the emission events. In contrast to the discussion in Subsection 2.1.1 regarding the temperature dependence of recovery of large-area devices, which is negligible, in nano-scale devices the picture is a little more complicated. Basically, with increasing , both, during stress and during recovery decrease to lower values. In Figure 2.12 it can be seen that decreases with increasing but the overall difference beween at the lower limit of the experimental window and at the upper limit is temperature independent because only the three defects can contribute to recovery.
The bias dependence of the capture and emission times leads to a crossing point of both, where and are equal, illustrated in Figure 2.20. Around this crossing point, defects cause random exchange events as shown in Subfigure 2.14b, which is called RTN. Since the whole and behavior is different for each defect, at a certain some defects might capture charge carriers (because ), some defects might emit previously captured charge carriers (because ) and some defects might cause an RTN signal (because ). Finally, summing up the contribution of the transitions of all electrically active defects to results in what is conventianally observed as BTI degradation and recovery.
Such a broad distribution of the characteristic times and their bias dependence can be illustrated as a CET map shown in Figure 2.13. The idea is that similar defects can be grouped together using a suitably defined density [57]. In order to draw such a map, the capture time is obtained at different stress conditions while the emission time is taken at different recovery conditions. With increasing and constant , decreases, while is not affected. With increasing and constant , increases, while is not affected. The particular behavior of and can be plotted as a density:
if it is represented on logarithmic axes.
Figure 2.13 shows how broad the distribution of the capture and emission times can be, which cannot be explained by models like SRH or the reaction-diffusion model. Thus, new perspectives were needed.
Due to several inconsistencies of the reaction-diffusion model with the experimental observations, single donor-like defects in the oxide have been taken into account as the main physical cause of NBTI. The random exchange of charge carriers between an oxide defect and the substrate, which occurs if the defect energy is approximately equal to the Fermi level, produces an RTN signal in measurements as shown in Subfigure 2.14b. One simple modeling attempt to describe charge transfer reactions in RTN signals as capture and emission events is provided by the two-state model illustrated in Subfigure 2.14a. Therefore, the charge state of the defect was described by either the neutral state or the charged state with the defect occupancy of the state () being when the defect is in state and otherwise [41]. The transition probabilities are obtained as a Markov process. The probability for the transition from to within the next infinitesimally small time interval is given as
with and
/ | defect occupancies of the states / |
time | |
/ | rate for the transition from state to state / |
to state (probability per unit time) | |
infinitesimally small time interval | |
higher-order terms of . |
The probability that no transitions from to occurs is given as
If is assumed to be so small that all higher-order terms are negligible and that the defect is currently in state , the probability that is given as
By replacing the conditional probabilities in Equation 2.6 by the rates in Equation 2.4 and Equation 2.5, rearrangement and inserting for , the differential equation can be obtained:
This is an ordinary differential equation with the solution
probability that the defect is in the state for | |
transition time constant. |
This solution describes the probability of the defect being in state as an exponential transition from its inital value to its final stationary value .
The probability that the defect is in the other state can be calculated as . If it is assumed that is the neutral state and is the charged state, the capture time and emission time would be the transition times from to () and from to (), respectively. and are stochastic variables. For the calculation of the transition times, the initial defect state is assumed to be neutral, thus, in state (). In this case, the time until the defect transits to state is independent of the backward rate . The probability that the defect is in state at a certain time () is given as and that it is in state as . If , the probability that the defect is in state can be written as and the PDF can be expressed as . The mean value of is the expectation value of the exponential distribution, which is given by
Similar arguments hold also for the emission time:
/ | mean value of the capture time / emission time |
probability density function. |
A proper RTN analysis is only possible if (energy level of the defect is located near the Fermi level), (,) , and , at certain and . Only RTN signals caused by defects with characteristic times, which fullfil these prerequisites, can be characterized because of a statistically meaningful number of transitions.
If or , eMSM measurements are required where the gate bias is switched from to and back to in order to obtain the probability transition. For this it is assumed that the Markov process is stationary before each change of the gate voltage. Before switching from to the probability that the defect is in its state is given as . With Equation 2.8 the probability after switching the gate voltage from to can be calculated as
and the probability after switching the gate voltage from to as
/ | time constant for the transition from recovery to stress / from |
stress to recovery conditions | |
/ | defect time constant at different gate bias |
/ | gate bias at stress/recovery conditions |
/ | stress / recovery time |
point in time when the bias conditions are switched from | |
stress to recovery | |
occupancy. |
The corresponding transition time constants are given as
The corresponding occupancies are given as
According to Equation 2.11, the occupancy for the transition from to is
while according to Equation 2.12, the transition from to is
Experimentally the differences is seen when switching from recovery to stress conditions and when switching from stress to recovery conditions which results in
The overall degradation can be obtained as
defect index | |
total amount of active defects | |
step height of defect , induced shift in | |
. |
So far, the stochastic process of capture and emission events has been formulated based on a two-state model. In order to be able to calculate the transition rates between the state and , it has to be considered that when electrons or holes are captured or emitted from oxide defects the whole surrounding (electrons and nuclei) is influenced. In each state, neutral and charged, the total energy consists of contributions from the ionic system, the electronic system, and a coupling term. In a simplified way, the atomic positions are reduced to one-dimensional configuration coordinates and the adiabatic energy surface, which would be obtained by solving the Schrödinger equation, is approximated by a harmonic oscillator. The total energy of each charge state can be written as
total energy of the charge state | |
effective mass | |
reaction coordinate | |
local equilibrium position | |
vibrational frequency in minimum | |
potential energy. |
This parabolic approximation is shown in the configuration coordinate diagram in Figure 2.16 for both states and . For the calculation of the transition rates of such a defect, two transition possibilities between the neutral and the charged state can be considered as shown in Figure 2.16, the radiative transition and the non-radiative transition. The radiative, or optical, transition occurs around the minima of the parabolas according to the Franck-Condon principle. During the transition from state to state the lattice coordinate does not change and a photon would have to supply the energy to the system. However, no photons are available for such direct transitions during regular operation in typical semiconductor devices. Therefore, the transition between and has been described by non-radiative multiphonon processes [13–15], where the energy to overcome the barrier has to be supplied by phonons. This means that the system has to overcome the difference between the minimum points or and the crossing point of the parabolas as illustrated in Figure 2.17.
The NMP transition describes the charge carrier transfer between the conduction or the valence band of a semiconductor and the oxide trap. The corresponding rates for continuously distributed charge carrier energies can be written as [59, 60]
/ | transition rate from to for the conduction / valence band |
/ | transition rate from to for the conduction / valence band |
energy | |
trap level | |
/ | conduction / valence band edge energy |
/ | density of states of the conduction / valence band |
/ | carrier distribution functions for electrons / holes |
/ | electron wave functions of both states and accounts |
for possible tunneling processes | |
/ | lineshape function |
Under homogeneous bias conditions the carriers in the channel are in equilibrium and thus the carrier distribution functions, and , are properly described by the Fermi-Dirac distribution. Substituting and by the Fermi-Dirac distribution and considering a linear electron-phonon coupling, the transition time constants for hole capture and emission are given by
/ | minimum of the total energy of the charge state / |
/ | energy barrier height for the transitions / : |
difference between / and the crossing point of the | |
parabolas (Figure 2.17) | |
Boltzmann constant | |
temperature. |
The relative position of the parabolas depends on , which leads to a field- and temperature-dependence of the NMP transition as shown in Figure 2.17. At recovery conditions, the minimum of the neutral state parabola is located energetically below the minimum of the charged state parabola . If the defect was previously charged, it will transit from the charged state to the neutral state. At stress conditions, and a previously neutral state will transit to the charged state. According to Equations 2.9 and 2.10, the field- and temperature-dependence of the transitions rates leads to a field- and temperature-dependence of and , which reflects the experimentally observed behavior of single oxide defects discussed in Subsection 2.1.3.
Figure 2.17 already illustrates that in eMSM measurements only defects in a certain energy region contribute to . This area is the AER and is shown in Figure 2.19 [16]. As an explanation, a defect energy level , which is below the Fermi level at recovery conditions (low level is abbreviated with L, ) and above the Fermi level at stress conditions typically above nominal operating conditions (high level is abbreviated with H) is withing the AER. Following the switch from the recovery to the stress voltage, defects with energy levels within the AER are moved above the Fermi level and capture charge carriers. Therefore, as time progresses, the AER determines the maximum possible degradation. Back at recovery voltage, the defects are moved back below the Fermi level and emit the charge carriers again.
The boundaries of the AER can be defined as shown in the following. depends on the bias via the depth-dependent electrostatic potential : . At low defect concentration, it can be assumed to first-order that the charged defects inside the oxide do not significantly impact the electrostatic potential. With this assumption, the potential can be written as
where is the potential at the interface. In a simple approximation, the trap level depends on the applied bias via
With this, the lower boundary () of the AER can be written as Equation 2.27 and the upper boundary () of the AER can be written as Equation 2.28
/ | lower / upper energy boundary |
elementary charge | |
/ | potential at the interface at stress / recovery conditions |
/ | electric field across the oxide at stress / recovery conditions |
depth |
Although the two-state model can explain a field- and temperature-dependence of the characteristic capture and emission times, important details seen in experiments are still missing in this model. For example:
• The predicted field-dependence of is nearly linear, which is not the case in experiments. TDDS data shown in Figure 2.20 illustrates that shows some curvature on a logarithmic scale.
• Defects have been observed which show an interrupted RTN signal [40, 41, 62]. Figure 2.21 illustrates a defect, which produces an RTN signal only for a limited amount of time after NBTI stress. Such observations have led to the conclusion that in addition to a neutral and a charged state also a metastable state must exist. This metastable state can either be neutral or charged.
• cannot be explained properly by a two-state model. As shown in Figure 2.20 two types of defects occur, which have been named switching and fixed oxide defects [61]. In the first case is nearly constant and shows only a slight bias-dependence. In the second case is nearly bias-independent above and drops below . Such a behavior could be captured by two different paths for the emission process.
Especially the last two findings have led to the consideration of additional states. As a result, the four-state NMP model has been proposed [40].
In order to reflect experimental observations like different behavior and interrupted RTN signals, the two-state model has been extended as shown in the diagram in Figure 2.22 [16]. The potential energy surface is illustrated in Figure 2.23. The resulting four-state model consists of the two stable states (neutral) and (charged), which correspond to the two states in the two-state model, and additionally two meta-stable states, (neutral) and (charged). The transitions between and and vice versa as well as and correspond to NMP transitions as discussed in the previous subsection. The transitions from to and vice versa as well as from to proceed via a thermal barrier. This thermal barrier is associated with a structural relaxation of the defect and is described by transition state theory [63, 64] as
transition rate , | |
attempt frequency, | |
energy barrier height, | |
Boltzmann constant, | |
temperature. |
Assuming the defect is in its neutral state , the capturing of a charge carrier proceeds via . The NMP transition reflects the charging of the defect and corresponds to what is experimentally measurable. This transition is followed by a transition to the stable state via the thermal barrier.
The emission process may proceed via two different paths, either (fixed oxide traps defects) or (switching oxide defects). Figure 2.23 shows the case of a switching defect. If the defect is in the stable and charged state , the transition to the metastable state is an NMP transition, which is followed by a thermal transition to the stable state . The experimentally measurable step in a recovery trace corresponds to the transitions and .
The NMP transition rates can be calculated using the Equations 2.21 to 2.24:
The four-state model can be written in a similar manner to the one of the two-state model. As a result, the overall capture and emission times (transition from one stable state to the other via a meta-stable state) can be written as
respectively where corresponds to and to .
The four-state model captures the bias- and temperature-dependence of the capture and emission times quite well. It can also explain the interruption of RTN signals, where the RTN is, for example, the hopping between and and the interruption is the transition to the stable state .
However, at this point the question which structural oxide defect would cause measurable steps in the traces remains open. Promising defect candidates suitable for the four-state model are the oxygen vacancy and the hydrogen bridge defects [66, 67]. Moreover, the hydroxyl- center has also been proposed as a possible defect candidate [65]. The atomic configurations of all three defect candidates are shown in Figure 2.24. However, by a statistical analysis of the experimentally found NMP parameter distributions (shown in Figure 2.23) for numerous defects and comparison with the parameters extracted from density-functional-theory (DFT) calculations [68] show that the oxygen vacancy is a very unlikely defect candidate [65]. By contrast, the hydrogen bridge and the hydroxyl- give a good match for the majority of the parameters of the four-state model. Therefore, both of them are promising defect candidates for the four-state model.
Although the extension of the two-state model to a four-state model reflects the experimental observations quite well, the whole picture is still not completed. As will be discussed in the following, observations like the permanent component and volatility of defects need for further extensions.
The four-state model, as discussed so far, has been developed for active defects, which basically can be characterized in TDDS measurements ( and , for any , and ). However, it has been found that oxide defects can all of a sudden disappear from one to the other measurement from the measurement window (, and ,) as it is shown in Figure 2.25 based on spectral maps for four different TDDS measurements. Additionally, the disappeared defects can also reappear. An electrically active state can be modeled using the previously discussed four-state NMP model. The disappearing of a defect in TDDS measurements can be described as a transition from one of the four states to an inactive state. This transition from an active state to the inactive state as well as the backward transition have been formulated as volatility [65, 67, 69, 70].
As it is shown in Figure 2.26 the dis- and reappearing can occur several times during TDDS measurements. The corresponding time constant for the transition from the active into the inactive state is typically in the range of hours to weeks. It has been proposed that the transitions between active and inactive states can be described as thermally activated rearrangement of the atomic structure. The reaction barrier can be estimated as [65, 70]
transition time constant for volatile transitions | |
attempt frequency | |
energy barrier height. |
The possible potential energy surface of this thermal transition into an inactive state is shown in Figure 2.27 and the corresponding atomic structure on the right hand side of Figure 2.30. Both figures show the transition of a hydroxyl- center, where is the charged metastable state of the four-state model. As a general explanation, for the atomic structure the transition from activity to inactivity means that a hydrogen atom is released from the hydrogen bridge or the hydroxyl- center and relocated to a neighboring atom. This corresponds to either a neutral atom moving away from the neutral defect state, which is associated with a transition to the neutral volatile state , or to a proton from the positive defect state, which is associated with a transition to a positive volatile state . This results in four possible purely thermally activated transitions starting from a four-state model: , , and . From these four, it has been found that the transitions starting from and are always lower in energy [70], especially is a quite promising transition for the explanation of volatility. Moreover, it has been found that the hydrogen bridge is not a suitable candidate to explain volatility since the transition barriers are too high to explain the experimental characterizations. By contrast, the hydroxyl- center has been considered as the suitable defect candidate for the explanation of volatility.
Figure 2.27 shows the hydroxyl- potential energy surface of the extension of the four-state model based the transition . As discussed in the previous paragraph, two additional states, a positive and a neutral and their respective barriers are added. Theoretically, in such a configuration, it would be possible that transitions between and cause RTN since they include a hole capture or emission. However, this has been discarded because it has been shown that due to typical transition barrier heights , and charge capture or emission events in the volatile states would occur most probably with a similar or lower frequency as volatility itself [58].
Basically, transitions from other active states are also possible, for example, the transition via a hydrogen hopping process. However, it has been found that this transition is associated with the permanent component of degradation as will be discussed in the next subsection.
Oxide defects contribute differently to during recovery and thus can be classified into defects contributing to the recoverable component and defects contributing to the permanent component of degradation [71, 72]. Those with characteristic capture and emission times lying within the measurement window are typically associated with the recoverable component while those with but slowly-relaxing, , are associated with the permanent component. However, properties like and and thus their assignment to the recoverable or the permanent component is highly alterable due to reactions with hydrogen [69]. Defects can also be created or annealed, whereby these terms are often related to the transition from the active to inactive states or to precursor states [62, 65, 69, 72]. The particular properties and their contribution to degradation can be spread widely.
In order to explain the permanent component of in NBTI measurements a gate-side hydrogen release model has been proposed [73, 74]. The idea is based on the fact that in amorphous hydrogen can bind to a bridging oxygen, as calculated in recent DFT calculations [75, 76]. Throughout the binding process, the hydrogen can release its electron and bind to the oxygen or the hydrogen breaks one of the - bonds and forms a hydroxyl group, which faces the dangling bond of the other . Such a defect is quite similar to the center and is additionally to the previously discussed defects a proper candidate for the explanation of volatility.
A schematic illustration of the hydrogen release model is shown in Figure 2.28. During stress, the energy level of a trapped near the gate can move below the Fermi level. Consequently, it is neutralized and emitted over a thermal barrier. The moves quickly towards the channel where it can become trapped in a preexisting hydrogen trapping site, again releases an electron and causes a shift. The gate side can be interpreted as a hydrogen reservoir.
Figure 2.29 shows schematically that the hydrogen release model can be formulated by assuming that the oxide consists of discrete interstitial sites at which hydrogen can occur in a neutral position. From this interstitial sites, it can be either trapped in a neutral configuration or in a positive configuration. The rate equation for the interstitial hydrogen species can be written as
expectation value of hydrogen in a neutral interstitial | |
position at site | |
time | |
hopping rate from interstitial site to , | |
thermal transition | |
defect site where the hydrogen can be trapped | |
neighbouring sites | |
trapping rates for interstitial site interacting | |
with several trapping sites . |
Thereby, one spatial interstitial site is allowed to interact with several trapping sites . The corresponding trapping rate is
/ | transition rate from the interstitial to the neutral |
trapped configuration / from the neutral to the | |
interstitial, thermal transition | |
maximum number of trapped hydrogen atoms | |
/ | expectation value of trapped neutral / positive |
hydrogen trapped. |
The temporal change in the number of neutral and positive trapped hydrogen atoms is given by
/ | transition rate from the interstitial to the neutral |
trapped configuration / from the neutral to the | |
interstitial, thermal transition. |
The trapping rates describe the transition from the interstitial to the neutral trapped configuration. The corresponding transition rates and backwards are modeled as a thermal activation using an Arrhenius law for each trapping site . The number of neutral and positive trapped hydrogen can be calculated using rates with standard non-radiative multiphonon theory.
Figure 2.30 shows a complete picture of all defect states being capable to describe the recoverable and the permanent component of NBTI degradation as well as the temporary inactivity of single oxide defects. This extended four-state model includes the four active states (center), the transition to the inactive states starting at state (right) and the transition to the precursor states starting at state (left) of a hydroxyl- center.
In Chapter 1 it is mentioned that basically two types of defects appear in MOSFETs, the interface defects and the oxide defects. So far, it has been discussed how charge carrier exchange between oxide defects and their surrounding affect the device parameters in the context of NBTI degradation. In this chapter, the most important modeling approaches for the degradation mechanism HCD, which is associated with the creation of interface defects, are summarized. Similar to BTI, also HCD is a detrimental mechanism in MOSFETs, which affects device parameters, such as , and on-resistance (). In this context, hot is associated with the kinetic energy of the carriers accelerated by high channel electric fields. Therefore, HCD is best observed at high electric fields along the channel, which is typically achieved by a high drain voltage at stress conditions () and a gate bias close to the operating conditions.
The process itself is known since the 60’s [77] and over the time several modeling approaches have been made in order to reflect the changing impact on MOSFET parameters because of the scaling trend. In this context, several attempts have been made in order to distinguish different HCD modes [78], e.g., hot-carrier injection (HCI). HCI is associated with channel carriers, which are entering the conduction band of the oxide as they overcome the energetic barrier between the substrate and the oxide. This requires a kinetic energy higher than eV. Although the electric fields in the device increased due to the scaling of device dimensions, the simultaneous reduction of the operating voltages compensated this increase and led to a lower kinetic energy of the carriers. Therefore, HCI has faded from the spotlight and new modeling attempts have been made.
One of the first successful HCD models was the so-called “lucky-electron" model [79], valid for long channels or high electric fields. This concept introduces a threshold energy level which needs to be surmounted by the carriers in order to trigger impact-ionization. As soon as a carrier travels a sufficiently long distance without collisions, this energy can be reached. However, it has been found that even for low operating voltages around 1.5 V in devices with dimensions in the deca-nanometer regime HCD is a severe degradation mechanism [80, 81]. Thus, models were required, which take into account colder carriers as a physical cause for HCD.
HCD in experiments is often characterized by either using the charge pumping method (Section 3.2) in order to extract the number of interface states or by measurements of the linear drain current shift (). Since defects located at the oxide/substrate interface cause surface scattering, which lowers the carrier mobility and tilts the transfer characteristics, the impact of HCD is much more pronounced in than in . can be measured using the method for extraction discussed in Subsection 2.1.1. The stress and recovery phases are interrupted periodically in order to record an - characteristics, extract and subtract it from the unstressed value. In contrast to BTI and as already mentioned in Subsection 2.1.2 created interface states barely recover. Therefore, the recovery of HCD is negligible, and interruptions of the stress conditions hardly affect the degradation state of .
The temperature dependence of HCD is different than the one of BTI. For long channel devices, for example, the degradation of is less detrimental at increased temperatures. However, for short-channel devices HCD is accelerated at higher temperatures [82]. This channel length and temperature dependent acceleration of degradation is caused by temperature-dependent contributions of scattering effects, which may populate the high energetical fraction of the carrier ensemble [23].
In contrast to the temperature dependence of HCD, the field dependence is independent of the channel length. In general, the degradation of is highly channel electric field dependent [23, 83]. However, investigations have revealed that the peak of the electric field, the peak of the average carrier kinetic energy and the maximum of the created interface defect density do not correlate with each other [84–86].
The Hess model proposes that HCD is determined by the dissociation of neutral hydrogen-passivated dangling bonds at the substrate/oxide interface by channel carriers (see Figure 2.31) [87–90]. This is based on two ideas: a hot carrier with sufficient kinetic energy scatters with a dangling bond and causes it to break (single particle process, shown in the left panel of Figure 2.32), as well as multiple colder carriers cause one bond to dissociate (multiple particle process, shown in the right panel of Figure 2.32). The bond breakage process at the interface between substrate and oxide results in centers [91, 92], which can capture and emit charge carriers and distort device characteristics. For example, the trapped charges act as Coulomb scattering centers and degrade the carrier mobility. The capture and emission dynamics are described by the standard SRH theory.
For the modeling of bond dissociation, the Si-H bond is typically modeled using a truncated harmonic oscillator [23]. This oscillator is characterized by the system of eigenstates as shown in Figure 2.33. The single particle process corresponds to the excitation from one of the eigenstates to the last bonded state and the transition to the transport state. Most probably, the interaction energy excites the bonding electron of to an antibonding state, which consequently leads to the release of the hydrogen atom. The desorption rate of this process can be written as the acceleration integral [90]
desorption rate for the single particle process | |
threshold energy | |
carrier impact frequency on the surface per unit | |
area within the range of , | |
desorption probability | |
energy-dependent reaction cross section. |
The multiple particle process corresponds to an excitation from one eigenstate to the next with each scattering process between a colder carrier and the Si-H bond, whereby the occupation number obeys a Bose-Einstein distribution. This multivibrational mode excitation is accompanied by the phonon mode decay with the corresponding rates
/ | total phonon emission / absorption rate |
Threshold energy | |
carrier impact frequency on the surface (per unit | |
energy and area), | |
/ | scattering cross-sections for bond-phonon |
emission / absorption | |
phonon occupation numbers | |
phonon energy. |
The bond rupture happens from the last bonded level to the transport state. Finally, the bond-breakage rate corresponding to the multiple particle process can be written as
bond-breakage rate corresponding to the multiple particle process | |
energy of the last bonded level in the quantum well, dissociation energy | |
phonon energy | |
Boltzmann constant | |
lattice temperature | |
/ | total phonon emission / absorption rate |
phonon reciprocal life-time. |
The Hess model was quite revolutionary because it expressed the idea that HCD is controlled by the distribution function, which enters the acceleration integral in Equation 2.40. It consideres the interface traps on a microscopic level. However, it remains unconnected to the device level. For example, the degradation of parameters like and cannot be modeled with the Hess model only.
Rauch and LaRosa suggested an alternative empirical model, which reflects the importance of the carrier energy on the degradation. The so-called energy driven paradigm consideres that in the case of scaled devices with channel lengths less than 180 nm the driving force of HCD is the carrier rather than the electric field [24, 83, 94, 95] as it was in the “lucky-electron" model. One further issue associated with the approach of Rauch and LaRosa is the increasing impact of the electron-electron scattering on HCD at reduced channel lengths because it populates the high energy tail of the carrier distribution function.
The impact ionization rate as well as the rate of hot-carrier induced interface state generation is controlled by terms as the following.
is the carrier distribution function and is the reaction cross section. While the first is strongly decaying with increasing energy, the second one grows power-law-likely. The product of both results in a maximum. As long as this is sufficiently narrow, it can be approximated by a delta-function, which avoids time-consuming calculations of the carrier distribution function. The integral can be substituted by a stress condition related empirical factor.
Although the findings of Rauch and LaRosa are a substantial simplification of the HCD treatment, the energy driven paradigm suffers from some shortcomings. For example, the product is not necessarily narrow. Moreover, the energy driven paradigm does not consider as a distributed quantity and, therefore, it does not capture the strong localization of HCD.
The Braivaix model is based on features of both, the Hess model and the findings of Rauch and LaRosa. Important ideas of the Hess model which enter the Bravaix model are the interplay between single and multiple carrier mechanisms as well as the realization that the damage is defined by the carrier distribution function. The latter enters Equation 2.43 via the particle flux in and . The findings of Rauch and LaRosa enter the Bravaix model via the substitution of the acceleration integral by the stress condition related empirical factor discussed in the previous subsection.
The Bravaix model describes the kinetics of the oscillator (Figure 2.33) as a system of rate equations [22, 90, 96]:
occupancy of the oscillator level | |
time | |
/ | total phonon emission / absorption rate |
last bonded level | |
rate of hydrogen released to the transport state, thermal barrier | |
interface-charge density | |
concentration of the mobile hydrogen |
The phonon emission and absorbtion rate are calculated differently to Equations 2.41 and 2.42 [90]:
/ | total phonon emission / absorption rate |
drain current density | |
cross-section of excitation of a phonon mode | |
phonon life-time | |
phonon energy | |
Boltzmann constant | |
lattice temperature | |
Based on the energy-driven paradigm the integral can be substituted by the empirical factor . With this and for the case of weak bond-breakage rate the equation system 2.44 to 2.46 can be solved for to yield:
The multiple particle process related interface state generation rate (bond-breakage rate corresponding to the multiple particle process) can be written as
ground state, it is assumed that the bond occurs most likely in the | |
ground state | |
energy of the last bonded level in the quantum well, dissociation energy | |
empirical factor substituting the acceleration factor (energy-driven | |
paradigm) | |
drain current | |
thermal energy barrier of hydrogen released to the transport state | |
phonon energy | |
Boltzmann constant | |
lattice temperature | |
phonon reciprocal life-time. |
Depending on whether the stretching or bending vibrational mode is considered, the values for , and can be chosen [96]. With the findings of all involved persons, the dissociation rate by multiple particle processes is represented quite well. Consequently, the life-time can be estimated for the different regimes like the hot-carrier regime where the single particle mechanism plays the dominant role, the intermediate case where electron-electron scattering leads to a population of the high energetical tail of the charge carriers and the high electron flux where the multiple particle process dominates the bond dissociation.
Nevertheless, the missing carrier transport treatment which allows one to distinguish between the single particle process, electron-electron scattering, and multiple particle process driven modes, affects the model quality. Since these mechanisms affect each other via the carrier distribution function they have to be considered. Moreover, the scheme for the single particle process rate is based on fitting parameters and not on physical mechanisms.
In order to overcome the disadvantages of the Braivaix model, a model based on the exact solution of the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) has been proposed [23, 93, 97, 98]. This approach captures the physical picture behind HCD more accurately by covering three aspects of HCD: the carrier transport, a microscopic description of the defect creation kinetics and the degraded device simulation. The aspect of the carrier transport is solved by using either a stochastic or a deterministic solver of the BTE. While the stochastic solver employs the Monte Carlo method, the deterministic solver is based on the expansion of the carrier density function in a series of spherical harmonics. The latter appears especially for ultra-scaled devices more appropriate because electron-electron scattering, for example, can be implemented easily without leading to a long computational time.
Furthermore, for a proper HCD treatment one has to consider both types of carriers, minority and majority. Due to impact ionization (II), secondary majority carriers are generated. If the device is operated near or beyond pinch-off conditions, channel carriers with sufficient kinetic energy can trigger impact ionization, thereby, generate secondary majority carriers which are accelerated towards the source due to the channel electric field. As a consequence, additional interface states to those created by the primary channel carriers can be created and result in an additional peak of the interface state density shifted towards the source (see Figure 2.34). This additionally created interface states significantly change the degradation characteristics [99, 100].
For a proper modeling approach, the distribution functions for both, majority and minority charge carriers, are evaluated at each point at the interface. The distribution functions enter the carrier acceleration integral, which controls single particle as well as multiple particle mechanisms.
carrier acceleration integral | |
threshold energy | |
carrier distribution function | |
density-of-states | |
reaction cross section | |
carrier velocity |
For the single particle process, the superposition of electron and hole acceleration integrals weighted with the corresponding attempt frequencies gives the generation rate (bond-breakage rate corresponding to the single particle process)
ground state | |
/ | attempt frequencies for electrons / holes |
/ | acceleration integral for electrons / holes |
time |
For the multiple particle process, the - bond is treated as a truncated harmonic oscillator, which leads to the bond-breakage rate corresponding to the multiple particle process
ground state | |
last bonded level | |
rate of hydrogen released to the transport state, thermal barrier | |
rate of passivation of dangling bonds | |
/ | total phonon emission / absorption rate |
time. |
The model is able to capture the degradation of MOSFET parameters like measured in devices with different channel lengths and at different hot-carrier (HC) stress conditions. As will be shown in Chapter 5, also effects associated with oxide defects can be explained. In particular, with a thorough carrier transport treatment and under consideration of secondary generated majority carriers in the channel also recovery after different stress conditions can be modeled properly. However, one open question remains, namely how oxide traps contribute to HCD. As already shown in Figure 2.34, not only but also increases with the stress time. It has been assumed that so-called turn-around effects shown in Figure 2.35 could be the result of the interplay between different defect types [23].
Stress time-dependent turn-arounds of degradation as shown in Figure 2.35 have been discussed in literature for and [99, 100, 102]. A turn-around means in this regard that the degradation trend changes after a certain stress time. In Figure 2.35, initially decreases while after 10ks it starts to increase.
In the case of degradation, it has been proposed that the turn-around can be explained by two aspects. The first aspect concerns the additionally created interface states by secondary generated carriers as already mentioned in the previous subsection. The second aspect, which is finally responsible for the turn-around itself, is the interplay between contributions of defects at the interface and the oxide [101]. In case of degradation, it has been demonstrated that during stress decreases due to minority charge carriers trapping in the oxide while after a certain stress time it increases due to trapping of majority charge carriers by interface traps, generated during stress. This turn-around effect is caused by the partial compensation of the charge stored in the oxide traps by interface state trapping.
The explanation for the turn-around in is quite similar to the one for the turn-around of . Charges of opposite signs are trapped in different sections of the characterized transistor [102]. As a result, first increases followed by a decrease for longer stress times. In Section 5.1 it will be shown that a turn-around effect was measured. However, the exact interplay between oxide defects and interface defects remains still an open question.
Typically BTI and HCD are discussed and characterized independently from each other with regard to defect creation and annealing, the permanent and recoverable component, and their impact on parameter shifts. Although MOSFETs are not only subjected to either BTI or HCD conditions but also to stress conditions where both mechanisms contribute to degradation, only a limited number of studies is available on their simultaneous contribution or their interplay [21, 25–27, 103]. In this context, the term of mixed BTI/HC stress is used in order to express conditions linked to 0 V and 0 V.
So far, oxide defects in the context of BTI where is zero during stress have been discussed. In such a case, could be approximated as laterally homogenous, which means that it has the same value for each lateral defect position (). The behavior of oxide traps depend on the defect properties, which are reflected in the NMP rates. Their contribution to degradation and recovery is given typically by characteristic times, which fulfill the following requirements: and ,. In this subsection the impact of 0 V on the contribution of oxide defects to degradation and recovery is discussed.
In the case of a pMOSFET, as soon as both, and , are less than zero, the lateral dependence of the channel potential () has to be considered. In the simplest case, can be approximated linearly [27]
for those positions where the condition of inversion is fulfilled. At the pinch-off point it can be written as
channel potential | |
drain voltage | |
gate voltage | |
absolute lateral position (0 at source and at drain | |
channel length | |
threshold voltage. |
Since the applied is constant over all lateral positions, but the channel potential increases from source to drain, , which is proportional to the difference of both, will decrease from source to drain. As remains unaffected at the source-side compared to homogeneous NBTI conditions, but is reduced at the drain end of the channel, different lateral positions will contribute differently to degradation and recovery. In a very simplified model based on an exponential dependence of the degradation on the applied gate to channel voltage, a lateral position dependent can be expressed as
position dependent threshold voltage shift | |
stress time and temperature dependent constant | |
absolute lateral position (0 at source and at drain) | |
stress time | |
technology dependent constant | |
channel potential. |
Equation 2.56 shows that while each lateral position contributes equally to for homogeneous NBTI, at inhomogenous NBTI conditions with 0 V and 0 V each position contributes differently. This means that positions within the region near the source, where is very low, contribute more to than positions within the region near the drain, where might even reduce to zero. From the perspective of degradation being the result of capture events of oxide defects, Figure 2.36 shows schematically what would happen from an electrostatic point of view. It is assumed that the shown eight defects, uniformly distributed over all lateral positions, contribute to degradation and recovery at NBTI conditions by capturing a hole during stress and emitting it during recovery. This means that the energy levels of the defects are below the Fermi level at recovery conditions, and at each position is sufficient to shift the energy levels above the Fermi level during stress. In other words all shown defects are within the active energy region and as well as ,. By contrast, in the case of inhomogenous NBTI conditions, remains quite unaffected in the region near the source but is seriously reduced in the region near the drain. As a result, the energy level of source-side defects can be shifted above the Fermi level during stress, thus such defects can capture a hole during stress and emit it during recovery. Quite to the contrary, the energy level of some drain-side defects can no longer be shifted above the Fermi level during stress, thus, the drain-side defects do not capture a hole. Defects in the central region most probably will show a reduced occupancy.
In Figure 2.36 it it can be seen that not only the contribution of oxide defects to the total degradation changes at inhomogneous NBTI conditions compared to homogenous NBTI conditions but also their contribution to recovery. In this context, after homogeneous NBTI stress all eight defects emit a hole during recovery but only three to five defects emit one after inhomogenous NBTI stress. Thus, recovery will be reduced with increasing .
In such a simplified electrostatic picture, the significant change of the behavior of drain-side defects is attributed to the dependence of the characteristic capture and emission times (Equation 2.25 and Equation 2.26) and of the occupancy (Equation 2.17 and Equation 2.18). At the defect level a reduction of typically leads to an increase of , a decrease of and a decrease of the occupancy. Therefore, at inhomogeneous NBTI stress conditions, the transition constants of source-side defects remain nearly unmodified while those of drain-side defects are significantly modified. In other words, the active energy region narrows from source to drain as shown in Figure 2.37. As a consequence, independently of the total number of defects, those at the drain-side will contribute less to degradation and recovery than those in the central region or at the source-side.
As will be discussed in Chapter 5, the whole picture is more complicated since effects like II have to be taken into account as well. As a main result of this thesis, it will be shown that taking only the modified electrostatics during mixed NBTI/HC stress into accound does not reflect the defect behavior in experiments fully.
The drain voltage has not only a considerable impact on the defect behavior during stress as shown in the previous section but also on the behavior during recovery. It has been shown that the exponential step height distribution introduced in Equation 2.2 depends on the readout conditions [17]. A typical drain voltage at recovery conditions () is −0.1 V (for pMOSFETs) and the gate voltage . Similar to what has been discussed in the previous subsection, the lateral local electrostatic conditions change when −0.1 V. As a consequence, defects near the drain contribute differently to the recovery trace or an RTN signal than defects near the source and the exponential tail shown in Figure 2.9 decreases.
In the case of an RTN signal, the change of due to an increased readout drain voltage shifts of defects in the vicinity of the drain outside the measurement window. Therefore, such defects can no longer capture and emit charge carriers. Consequently, the number of active RTN defects changes, which affects the exponential step height distribution. In the case of defects which capture a charge carrier under stress conditions and emit it under recovery conditions, only can be affected by a changed readout drain voltage. In particular, of drain-side defects and defects located in the center of the channel is shifted towards smaller emission times if −0.1 V. Thus, such defects still contribute to the recovery of the device.
However, for defects which capture a charge carrier during stress and emit it during recovery another consequence of an increased has to be considered. According to simulations considering different random dopant configurations it has been shown that the step heights of the active defects change with [104]. This effect is shown in Figure 2.38 for different random dopant configurations and four different lateral defect coordinates using 2.2 nm thick oxide film pMOSFETs with 150 nm and 100 nm. The average behavior of the step height with respect to the drain voltage at a constant gate voltage clearly shows that the shape of the curves is affected by the lateral defect position. For example, while of defects in the vicinity of the source at (0 is at source and 1 is at drain) increases for increasing , of defects in the vicinity of the drain at decreases for increasing . Therefore, the characteristic can be used as a defect fingerprint and its lateral position can be extracted.
For the position extraction a simplified technique can be applied [104]. The step heights with respect to the readout drain bias can be fitted linearly using such a simplified technique. The relative lateral position can be extracted using
lateral position in the channel | |
channel length | |
slope of the linear fit | |
constant, found to be approximately [104] | |
largest step height observed in the measurements, corresponds | |
to | |
intercept of the linear fit |
This technique is based on the realization that the main information regarding the lateral trap coordinate is given by the slope () and the intercept () of the linear fit. The sign of determines whether the trap is at the source- or at the drain-side. is responsible for the proximity of the defect to one of the electrodes. The shape of with respect to the lateral defect position is symmetric (also shown in [17]) and can be approximated by a Gaussian function
with and .
The standard deviation has been found to be proportional to the channel length. In other words, in experimental data defects which cause small steps in the traces compared to the steps caused by other defects in the same device, are located in the vicinity of the source or the drain. Defects which cause comparably large steps are located near the center of the channel. Depending on the behavior of (increasing or decreasing with increasing ) the defect’s position can be assigned to either the source-side or the drain-side. This technique has been applied successfully to measurement data presented in Chapter 5 in order to extract the lateral defect position [104, 105].
The study of degradation mechanisms prevalent in transistors includes a thorough experimental characterization of time-dependent variation and time dependent drifts of MOSFET parameters. Therefore, different measurement methods and sequences have been developed. In this chapter, an overview is given and the purposes, advantages and challenges of commonly used techniques are introduced. Then, challenges which had to be faced during the measurements for this thesis, are discussed. In this context, the fact that most of the measurement techniques have been developed for the characterization of either NBTI or HCD degradation plays an important role. For the discussion of such challenges, the focus lies on the extraction methods applied using MSM techniques as this method is most relevant for the understanding of the results presented in Chapter 5.
As an introduction to this chapter, Figure 3.1 illustrates the stress conditions for triggering both degradation mechanisms, NBTI and HCD, including the so-called mixed NBTI/HC stress conditions applied for the characterization of the unavoidable interplay of both. The region of stress conditions in this figure shows the 2-dimensional parameter space applied in this thesis. The measurements discussed in the current and the following chapters were conducted on 2.2 nm pMOSFETs of a 130 nm commercial technology ( −1.5 V and 465 mV). One has to distinguish between large-area devices and nano-scale devices. The first have the dimensions 10 µm and 120 nm or 130 nm, and the second 160 nm and 120 nm or 130 nm.
Using the OTF measurement method, MOSFET parameter shifts are probed directly during operation without interruption of the applied voltages. It was introduced in 2004 for the purpose of measuring the device degradation during stress conditions [106], which typically refer to much higher biases than used at nominal operating conditions. This technique aims for the direct characterization of the evolution.
The basic measurement procedure is shown in Figure 3.2 for BTI measurements. It consists of a periodic modulation of with the modulation amplitude () at a certain drain measurement voltage () while is determined at three measurement points for each modulation period . The modulation of induces a , which changes over the modulation periods due to the degradation-induced during stress. From the modulation amplitude and the corresponding the transconductance can be obtained according to
gate stress voltage | |
drain voltage applied during measurement | |
drain current | |
stress time | |
threshold voltage. |
A step-by-step integration of / gives the threshold voltage shift during stress:
sequential number of measurement | |
number of measurements. |
One challenge arises due to the fact that a parameter which is typically measured at a level near the threshold regime, namely , is extracted from a measurement at stress level where the applied voltages are considerably higher than the threshold voltage. A proper separation of the impact of mobility fluctuations at stress level and drifts at a level near the threshold regime on the measurement is, therefore, an issue [107]. The reason is that shifts of the transfer characteristics along the -axis ( drifts) and “tilts" of the transfer characteristics (see Figure 3.3) are indistinguishable at the stress level. Such “tilts" are caused by defects located near or at the oxide/substrate interface which contribute to surface scattering and lower the carrier mobility. Based on a simple SPICE level 1 model, the following three parameter equation meets this challenge and separates the mobility and the effect from each other:
drain-source conductance | |
global mobility (parameter) | |
gate voltage | |
threshold voltage (parameter) | |
leads to an asymptotic approach to a maximum value describing | |
the mobility decrease due to surface roughness for high gate fields (parameter). |
The SPICE model has an empirical background and describes above in the linear regime rather well, as shown in Figure 3.3. However, it does not explain the threshold voltage shifts near the regime typically defined as the threshold regime in other measurement methods.
The extraction of depends on the modulation around . Therefore, two measurement points on the transfer characteristics, namely (-/2) and (+/2) or and , respectively, are inserted into Equation 3.3. Assuming that is known from an initial characterization of the device the two-equation system containing only two unknowns, and , can be solved and as a result the threshold voltage can be calculated using
corresponds to | |
gate stress voltage | |
amplitude of gate stress voltage modulation | |
drain-source conductance at | |
asymptotic approach to a maximum value describing | |
the mobility decrease due to surface roughness for high gate fields. |
Unfortunately, the extraction of from a measurement at stress level and not from a measurement in the threshold regime introduces errors. In general, due to the modulation of the gate bias, the stress level changes, leading to a different degradation state than the state obtained after constant stress over the whole . For example, it has been shown that is underestimated with the OTF method [43]. This systematic error could be minimized by a small modulation amplitude . However, the error in in Equation 3.1 is inversely proportional to and thus the smaller the amplitude is, the more error is introduced to . Since the error in determines the error of the extraction in Equation 3.4, the choice of the modulation amplitude affects the statistical error in [107].
Moreover, the modulation time plays a major role in the obtained degradation state. In order to minimize the change of the degradation state due to the modulation, the time within which the modulation is performed must be as short as possible. As a consequence, the integration time of the measurement has to be as short as possible. However, a decrease of the integration time in measurements leads to an increase of the statistical error of the measured . Integration times in the order of µs or ms lead to a relative accuracy in the measured of or less. This corresponds to a statistical error of of 12 mV, which is too high. In order to achieve a statistical error of, e.g., 1 mV in , has to be measured with a relative accuracy of . With standard equipment, the integration time required to achieve such a relative accuracy would be more than 20 ms which enlarges the measurement time enormously. Unfortunately, 20 ms is way too long if the prevention of recovery during the measurement is required. [107]
The OTF method is quite sensitive to mobility changes induced by stress [108] while it is quite insensitive to changes because the - curve flattens out at the stress level [107]. Since is the parameter of interest, an insensitivity to the changes of the threshold voltage shift is a considerable disadvantage. Together with the introduced systematic error due to the voltage modulation, this disadvantage makes the OTF method unfavorable for this thesis.
The CP effect was reported in 1969 for the first time [109]. One milestone in the development of this technique was the investigation and explanation of the method in 1984 [110]. The CP technique is a reliable and precise method for the measurement of defects at the substrate/oxide interface of a MOSFET. Thus, it is often used for the characterization of HCD, which is typically associated with an increase of such defects. The corresponding experimental setup is illustrated in Figure 3.4 and the schematic measurement procedure in Figure 3.5. The gate is pulsed by a generator between accumulation, in case of an nMOSFET defined by the low level of the gate voltage () smaller than the flatband voltage (), and inversion, defined by the high level of the gate voltage () higher than . The source to substrate and drain to substrate diodes are slightly reverse biased. Simultaneously, the bulk current (), which consists of leakage currents of the reverse biased diodes and the , is measured.
The occurrence of can be explained by the recombination of majority carriers with minority carriers. A schematic illustration of the gate pulse and the corresponding is shown in Figure 3.5. When the pulse level is in the inversion phase (pulse level at ), a thin layer in the substrate near the interface (channel) is depleted of the majority carriers and populated by minority carriers. This leads to a trapping of some of them by existing interface defects. As soon as the pulse drives the MOSFET into accumulation (pulse level at ), the minority carriers leave the channel and the majority carriers flood it. Simultaneously, some of the interface defects with energies close to the valence band or conduction band can emit their trapped charges by thermal emission before the accumulation phase is reached due to the finite rising and falling slopes. These minority carriers are pushed into the substrate while switching to the accumulation phase without any contribution to because the overall amount of positive and negative charges is not changed throughout this process. By contrast, all other trapped minority carriers recombine with the majority carriers in accumulation, which gives rise to a net flow of charge into the substrate. This can be measured as and is directly proportional to the pulse frequency and the mean interface-state density. In the accumulation phase, some of the majority carriers are trapped by interface defects. Driving the MOSFET back into inversion results in a similar process as described for the transition from inversion to accumulation but with opposite carrier types.
As a consequence of the thermal emission of carriers during the rising and falling edge of the pulse, only interface defects within a particular energy range around midgap, which is smaller than the entire silicon bandgap, can be measured in . The energy boundaries in the lower and upper half of the bandgap, defining the active energy interval, are given by [111]
/ | boundary in the lower / upper half of the bandgap |
intrinsic Fermi level | |
/ | pulse rise / fall time |
pulse amplitude | |
thermal drift velocity | |
/ | capture cross section for holes / electrons |
intrinsic carrier concentration. |
For the calculation of , it has to be considered that dependent on the chosen and only a particular fraction of the channel is probed during a gate pulse as shown in Figure 3.6 with two pulses (a) and (b) [112]. Due to the lateral doping profile along the channel (regions near source and drain are typically lightly doped) the local and differ along the channel. The requirement for driving one particular lateral position from accumulation to inversion is met if and at this position. Pulse (a) meets this requirement only for the lightly doped regions near the source and the drain but not for the central region because . Summing up the length of the regions, which contribute to for pulse (a) results in the effective length . By contrast, pulse (b) meets the requirement for a broader lateral range, including the central region of the channel, resulting in an effective length . In this regard, the effective area, which corresponds to the fraction of the channel probed during the gate pulse, can be calculated according to
active channel area | |
effective channel length | |
gate width. |
Finally, the charge pumping current can be written as [110, 112]
pulse frequency | |
electron charge | |
gate width | |
/ | boundary in the lower / upper half of the bandgap |
interface-state density. |
The measurable depends on the active energy interval, which is affected by experimental parameters like and of the pulse, the as well as . This allows for an energetic profiling by modification of the experimental parameters. Moreover, due to the fact that and depend on the lateral position in the MOSFET, the spatial distribution of interface defects can also be analyzed. As a result, different CP techniques have been proposed [112].
For example, the constant amplitude CP technique uses a variable and constant , and as shown in Figure 3.7. is swept through a broad voltage range from to . This leads to an () which shows first an increasing behavior with increasing as long as . Then the charge pumping current reaches its maximum when both and are fulfilled. Finally decreases with further increase of when only is satisfied. In this technique, the active energy interval remains constant but in fact, different channel areas contribute to , depending on and as shown in Figure 3.6 schematically. Although it seems quite advantageous to distinguish between contributions of central interface defects and defects in the lightly doped regions based on the () shape, such a characterization technique remains qualitative because the particular effective channel area () contributing to at each is unknown.
By contrast, remains at a fixed value for the whole measurement satisfying while is swept through a broad voltage range. As a consequence, is a function of only, which leads to a probing of the channel from outside to inside in a symmetrical way if is swept from to . In order to distinguish between local and energetic information, the active energy interval defined by the energy boundaries given in the Equations 3.5 and 3.6 has to be fixed. This is realized by adapting and after every step as a compensation of the increasing . Pure energetic profiling is enabled if and are fixed at and , respectively, and either or are changed. Furthermore, by variation of the active energy interval can be broadened or narrowed.
Both, energetic and position profiling of defects at the interface, typically realized with standard equipment, has made the CP method a widely used characterization technique. It gives a deep insight into degradation mechanisms associated with an increase of interface defects, typically HCD.
In addition to the CP method, the C-V method allows for an energetic profiling of defects as well. The C-V technique was introduced in 1960 in order to determine the majority carrier concentration in semiconductors [113]. Meanwhile, this method is also used for tracking the and shifts in MOSFETs due to previously applied stress [114, 115]. As shown schematically in Figure 3.8, the basic experimental setup can be realized by the application of a bulk voltage () at the drain, bulk and source contacts and a simultaneous measurement of the . The applied signal is a superposition of a DC offset, which drives the MOSFET from accumulation to inversion, and a small AC component with an amplitude typically around 50 mV. Due to the gate capacitance (), the simultaneously measured is phase-shifted as illustrated in Figure 3.9. Using an equivalent circuit diagram can be calculated from the and signals.
Typical curves of with respect to the DC offset of are shown in Figure 3.10. When sweeping the DC component from accumulation to inversion, a depletion layer near the substrate/oxide interface forms because the majority carriers are forced away into the substrate. The remaining fixed ionized acceptors or donors build up a depletion charge and reduce the total gate capacitance. As soon as the minority carriers at the interface exceed the majority carriers and an inversion layer is created, the gate capacitance increases again. From the change of the C-V shape in Figure 3.10 during stress and recovery phases, the different energy levels contributing to degradation and recovery as well as and can be extracted. This allows for a thorough characterization of degradation mechanisms like BTI and HCD.
One widely used method for the experimental characterization of device degradation is the MSM technique. This method comprises basically of the following phases (also shown in Figure 3.11):
1. Measure: The virgin device is characterized.
2. Stress: The device is subjected to a stress bias, which is typically much higher than the nominal operating conditions.
3. Measure: The stressed device is characterized.
4. The cycle comprising of the second and third phase can be repeated with either constant or increasing .
The second phase does not necessarily have to be a stress phase, it could also be a recovery phase. The main difference between stress and recovery is the applied voltages. While stress is associated with biases typically much higher than the nominal operating conditions, recovery is associated with either no bias applied or biases around . The characterization of the stressed device in the first and third phase can be realized by either taking an - curve (e.g., in order to obtain or ) or by applying one of the previously mentioned measurement methods, the CP method (e.g., in order to obtain the HCD induced interface state creation) or the C-V method. Consequently, the experimental setup has to be chosen according to the measurement method.
Especially for measurements, it has been found that MSM is quite disadvantageous. As discussed in Section 2.1, degradation comprises of a permanent and a recoverable component. Because of the recoverable component, recovers as soon as the stress is removed or as soon as the bias is switched to a lower voltage. Therefore, the overall device degradation state will be different when obtained by interruptions of stress than if the stress bias is applied continuously. Moreover, the MSM method cannot capture short-term effects of degradation and recovery (discussed in Subsection 2.1.1). The interruptions of the applied voltages, although as short as possible, can take 50 ms or more. Therefore, the degradation or recovery state of the device is distorted because the interruption of the applied voltages might reverse the impact especially of short-term effects on device characteristics. Therefore, the MSM method often cannot capture this impact, which makes reliable short-term measurements ( 1 s or 1 s) impossible.
In order to overcome these disadvantages, two innovative and fast measurement methods have been introduced, which can obtain without any interruptions of stress or recovery. These two methods are summarized in the following section as eMSM methods.
The eMSM method consists of single point measurements of either (corresponds to the constant voltage (cv) method in this thesis) or (corresponds to the constant current (cc) method in this thesis) at a point near during the recovery phase and a subsequent extraction. The basic measure-stress-measure sequence of this method is quite similar to the sequences discussed in the previous section. The main differences are that the measure phase refers to a recovery phase where or is measured and that neither stress nor recovery is interrupted. Both measurement methods are discussed and compared in the following.
The cv method and and the cc method have been introduced in the literature as the fast- method and the fast- method, respectively [31, 39, 40, 116]. The extraction of for both methods is shown in Figure 3.12.
• The cv method: is measured by recording at a constant voltage, typically near and subsequently converting to using the initial - [31, 116].
• The cc method: is monitored by recording , which is controlled by a feedback loop of an operational amplifier to achieve a constant drain current, typically near the threshold current [39].
The eMSM technique allows for a more extensive analysis of compared to other techniques. First, eMSM allows for short-term measurements ( 1 s after the recovery phase is triggered) because the recovery is measured without any distortions of the degradation or recovery state which is in contrast to the MSM method (discussed in the previous section and in Subsection 2.1.2). Furthermore, due to the fact that no bias modulation is applied during the stress phase which is the case if the OTF technique is used, no systematic error is introduced by periodic changes of the gate bias. Moreover, considering a statistical error of 1 mV in , the relative accuracy in the measured needs to be in the eMSM technique, which is achievable with reasonable integration times. Furthermore, this technique is insensitive to mobility changes induced by stress in contrast to the OTF technique [108]. Finally, the information about the recovery evolution of the MOSFET in eMSM measurements allows for the observation of both, the recoverable and the permanent component of the degradation [71]. In the context of measurements, these facts make the eMSM technique advantegeous.
Both extraction methods, the cv and the cc method, have been developed mainly for BTI measurements and provided equivalent results for NBTI stress. However, recent recovery measurements recorded after mixed NBTI/HC stress have shown that extracted from the cv method and from the cc method can differ significantly. These deviations might lead to inconsistent model parameters and lifetime predictions. Therefore, in this section, the difference between both measurement methods is thoroughly analyzed and discussed considering the shifts of MOSFET parameters like , , and .
The basic experimental setup which has been introduced for TDDS measurements in 2010 [16, 33, 40] is shown in Figure 3.13. The voltages applied to the gate and drain contacts are provided by constant voltage sources while is measured simultaneously by a transimpedance amplifier. The feedback resistor of the transimpedance amplifier defines the measurement range for . The evolution of , and over time for all three phases is shown in the measurement procedure in Figure 3.14.
The extraction for the cv method is illustrated in the left bottom panel of Figure 3.12. During the first measure phase an initial - characteristics within a narrow gate bias window around the is measured at (typically −0.1 V in the measurements performed for this thesis) in order to characterize the unstressed device. The corresponding drain current is labeled with in the left bottom panel of Figure 3.12:
Thereafter, the device is subjected to a stress bias ( and ) for the time and immediately afterwards to recovery bias ( and ) for the time . As a result of the degradation of during stress, directly after stress release the - characteristics are shifted and the drain current is reduced to :
While subjecting the device to recovery conditions, recovers from its reduced value towards its initial value and is monitored simultaneously. In a postprocessing step, each measured value of is transformed to a voltage , which corresponds to the gate voltage at on the initial - characteristics ( , , ...). Finally, the threshold voltage shift can be calculated as
Obtaining from the cc method requires a measurement setup as shown in Figure 3.15 [39]. Similar to the cv method, the gate and drain voltages during the stress phase as well as the drain voltage during the recovery phase are provided by constant voltage sources. In contrast to the cv method, in the cc method the drain current during the recovery phase is controlled by a feedback loop of an operational amplifier in order to achieve a constant value, typically near the threshold current. The evolution of , and over time for this case is shown in the measurement procedure in Figure 3.16.
obtained using the cc method does not require a transformation since can be calculated directly as shown in the right bottom panel of Figure 3.12. First, the gate voltage labeled with which corresponds to the measurement current is obtained by recording for a short duration at recovery conditions (drain current is held at at ):
Then, the device is subjected to a stress bias ( and ) for the time and subsequently to the recovery bias while the drain current is held at for the time . The consequence of the - characteristics shift due to the device degradation during stress is a reduced gate voltage directly after stress release:
During recovery, the gate voltage recovers towards its initial value and is monitored simultaneously. Finally, the threshold voltage shift can be calculated for all :
The cv method and the cc method can be considered equivalent only if the following requirements are met. The - characteristics shifts along the -axis during stress and recovery and the shape (slope and curvature) of the curve section between and in the left bottom panel of Figure 3.12 equals the shape of the curve section between and in the right bottom panel. In other words, neither nor change significantly during the experiment and the device-to-device variability is considered properly by setting each measurement point according to 0 s. In fact, all MOSFET parameters drift during stress and recovery differently, strongly depending on the stress conditions. As a result, the shapes of the unstressed and stressed - curves differ from each other, which leads to as it will be discussed in the next subsection.
For a comparison of the different threshold voltage extraction methods 21 large-area devices were measured. The measurements were performed at 130 °C (controlled by a thermo chuck) using fabricated silicon wafers. Initially, - characteristics for the linear ( −0.1 V) and saturation ( ) regime were taken. Considering the - in the linear regime, was extracted as the gate bias where the extrapolation of the - slope at its maximum transconductance intercepts the x-axis (extrapolation in the linear region method in [2]). This results in mV. During the subsequent stress/recovery measurements, each of the 21 devices was subjected to one combination of gate and drain stress voltage ( is −1.5 V, −2 V and −2.5 V, is 0 V, −0.5 V, −1 V, −1.5 V, −2 V, −2.5 V and −2.8 V) for a stress time 1.1 ks and subsequently is measured for a recovery time 3 ks. Immediately afterwards, - characteristics for the linear region and in the saturation regime are measured in order to compare the characteristics of the tested and the virgin devices. Doing so, the maximum transconductance shift (), , the saturation drain current shift () and the sub-threshold swing shift () are extracted for each device. Furthermore, and was extracted from the - characteristics of the degraded devices and the unstressed devices in two different regions near of the initial curve: the subthreshold region, abbreviated with sub in the following, and a region above the threshold voltage. Two cases are distinguished, both illustrated in Figure 3.17: with and without device variability.
In the first case, the recovery conditions are chosen in equidistant intervals to for each device (top panel in Figure 3.17). This means that or has to be set individually, depending on . In the shown measurements, recovery conditions were defined as mV or mV for the subthreshold region and mV or mV for the region above , both at . This ensures that the measurement current in the cc method corresponds always to the measurement voltage in the cv method. In the second case, the recovery conditions are set to fixed values, independent from , which is −0.43 V or −13 µA in the subthreshold region and −0.6 V or −60 µA in the region above in the measurements performed for this thesis. On average, the requirement is met but this does not hold true for every particular device as shown in Figure 3.17 bottom. If it holds true, strongly depends on the deviation of the individual - characteristics from the average.
At a first glance, it seems that the second case is easier to implement. The reason is that it requires only one analysis per device architecture and device dimensions prior to all experiments in order to determine an average - characteristics and define the recovery conditions. By contrast, the first case needs an - analysis per device prior to each experiment, which means much more effort for the experimentalist. However, the second case means that the recovery conditions differ for the cv and the cc method depending on the deviation of the individual - characteristics from the average. From Figure 3.18 it can be seen that different recovery conditions lead to different recovery traces. This introduces a difference between and . The following results lead to a similar conclusion.
In Figure 3.20 the relative difference between extracted from the cv method and extrated from the cc method () is calculated as
and is plotted against the relative degradation of , , , and under consideration of the device variability. Each point in the scatter plot corresponds to the measurement of one particular device, which has been subjected to one particular combination. Additionally, in order to analyze if the difference between both measurement methods correlates with the degradation of MOSFET parameters, the Pearson correlation coefficient as a measure for a linear correlation between and , , , and is given for each region: for the subthreshold region and for the region above . As can be seen, correlates differently with the relative change of the MOSFET parameters:
• increases with larger degradation of , , and ,
• on average, is lower for the subthreshold region,
• the maximum difference 6 %,
• correlates strongly with in the subthreshold region but weaker in the region above and
• correlates strongly with , , in the region above but weaker in the subthreshold region.
The correlation between and , , , and is dominated by the impact of the MOSFET parameter shift on the change of the slope and the curvature of the - characteristics. While characterizes essentially the slope and the curvature in the subthreshold region, , , and affect the slope and curvature at mV. Thus, a change of during stress and recovery affects mainly in the subthreshold region. However, the analysis shows that does not exceed 4 % if the measurement point is chosen in the subthreshold region.
If the variability of the MOSFETs is not considered and the measurement points are chosen at fixed values near the mean value of , the main observations change. Subfigure 3.19b shows the correlation between and , , , and . Some observations are comparable to the observations in Subfigure 3.19a: increases with larger degradation and is lower for the subthreshold region on average. However, the maximum difference 10 %, which interestingly occurs at low degradation, is higher, and the correlation with all parameters is weaker than if variability is considered. Due to the fact that 0 s does not necessarily equal the two sections measured with the cc method and the cv method can differ in slope and curvature even if the degradation is low.
Recorded recovery during the measure phase confirms these results. For low degradation of the parameters (, , , and are less than 2 %), the cc method and the cv method show quite comparable results. By stark contrast, degradation caused by mixtures of BTI and HCD or pure HCD, where the parameter degradation exceeds 4 %, leads to completely different traces. Figure 3.21 shows two recovery traces where it can be seen that −10 % at low but increases with , which indicates that the evolution of the slope and the curvature during the measure phase can differ significantly. For example, if does not recover but does recover, the shape of the - characteristics distorts during the measure phase. This is a realistic example since the transconductance is affected by scattering of channel carriers at charged interface states. The number of such interface states increases during stress and as a consequence, the transconductance reduces. As discussed in Chapter 2, interface state barely recover [22, 24, 93, 97, 117].
From this analysis, it cannot be concluded which of both techniques should be chosen for measurements. Nevertheless, the advantages and disadvantages of both measurement methods are discussed briefly. The constant voltage setup as used in [16, 40] measures the drain current with a transimpedance amplifier where the feedback resistor defines the measurement range for during stress as well as during the measure phase. Due to the fact that can vary between the stress and measure phase by a few orders of magnitude and in order to ensure a proper measurement resolution during the measurement, the feedback resistor has to be changed between stress and recovery. Thus, an additional delay on the order of ms is introduced and important information regarding the evolution of during the first ms after stress is lost. By contrast, the cc setup as proposed in [39] minimizes the delay between the stress and measure phase because no feedback resistor has to be changed between both phases. As a consequence, the cc method is advantageous in the case that the degradation of the device cannot be estimated prior to the MSM measurement, which is a requirement for the proper choice of the feedback resistor in the constant voltage setup. However, the requirement that the stress voltage applied to the gate contact has to be constant in order to avoid changes of the degradation state of the device makes the cv method easier to implement (as also discussed in [107]), e.g., using standard equipment. The reason is that the MSM cycles can be realized with one voltage source. This is not the case for the cc method where a voltage source is required during stress and a current source is required during recovery.
Further measurements using both methods showed that can be even higher, up to 100 %. One error has not been taken into account so far. By taking a look at the measurement setup for the cc method in Figure 3.15 it becomes clear that in the case that 0 V the stress conditions are not stable as shown in Figure 3.22. As soon as the device degrades, its reduces and the ratio between the drain-to-source voltage and the voltage over the serial resistance changes. The consequence is that the stress conditions of the device drift slightly during . It has already been discussed that changes of the stress conditions over lead to a different degradation state compared to the state after stable stress conditions.
As a comparison, Figure 3.23 illustrates that the setup for the cv method (see Figure 3.13) provides stable stress voltages. However, it has to be mentioned that the constant offset around 30 mV means that the set stress voltages do not correspond to the applied voltages. This offset introduces a systematic error for further modeling attempts. As shown in Figure 3.24 even slight deviations of the stress conditions, although stable, can make a difference for the recovery traces.
Both, the drift of the stress voltages using the cc method as well as the constant offset in the cv method, lead to a relative difference between and higher than obtained in Figure 3.20. Since a constant offset is easier to be considered for modeling attempts, the cv measurement method was applied for the results presented in the following chapters.
Due to the intensive down-scaling of MOSFETs, the gate area has reached dimensions in the nanometer regime where single capture and emission events of oxide defects are measurable. In this context, the observation of the so-called RTN became more likely. This phenomenon (shown in Subfigure 2.14b) has been known and modeled since the 1980s [16, 48, 62] and describes the discrete changes in the conductance of electronic devices generated by capture and emission of charge carriers by individual oxide defects. The capture and emission events can be measured as a change of with either the setup for the cv extraction shown in Figure 3.13 or the setup for the cc extraction shown in Figure 3.15.
RTN analysis includes the characterization of the mean values of the characteristic and at different bias and temperature. Therefore, a trace is recorded using linear time steps. For a proper analysis, the trace has to contain at least ten capture and emission events to calculate a mean value of the characteristic times
/ | mean capture/emission time |
number of capture or emission events | |
/ | individual capture/emission time of one event. |
Using a step detection algorithm like the Canny algorithm [118] or a Hidden Markov Model, the discrete steps are located in time and as well as are extracted for each pair of emission and capture events . As a result, the mean values and provide important information about the behavior of the defect which has caused the steps in .
The characterization of defects using the RTN analysis is only feasible for defects with rather similar capture and emission times, where is fulfilled. This limits the range of bias conditions drastically because of the properties of material defects in experiments as discussed in Subsection 2.1.3. Both, and change opposite to . As a result, RTN analysis can be applied only within a narrow window around the gate bias of the intersection point of and . For a full characterization using the NMP model as required for an extraction of the important parameters which describe the nature of the defect, the characteristic capture and emission times have to be measured over a broad range.
As soon as is not within the narrow window around the intersection point of and , two cases can be distinguished, either or . The first corresponds typically to the defect properties at recovery conditions, where is near and the second corresponds typically to the defect properties at stress conditions, both discussed in Subsection 2.1.3. This means that , and , can be obtained by a kind of eMSM method, which has been developed particularly for the extraction of defect characteristics in experiments, the TDDS framework.
The TDDS framework has been introduced recently with the main purpose to characterize single oxide defects in MOSFETs [40]. In general, both, the setup for the cv extraction shown in Figure 3.13 and the setup for the cc extraction shown in Figure 3.15 can be used as experimental setups. However, in the following, the focus is on the cv setup since this method is in the focus of this thesis. The measurement procedure corresponds basically to a sequencing of the stress and recovery phase of the eMSM technique after the initial characterization of the device (Figure 3.14) including several postprocessing steps:
1. Characterization of the unstressed device by taking an initial -.
2. Subjecting the device to a stress bias for .
3. Monitoring for providing its recovery behavior over many decades in time.
4. Repetition of the second and third phase, for example times.
5. Mapping to as explained in Figure 3.12.
6. Postprocessing of the data by extractin step heights and step times.
As already discussed in the introduction, the capture and emission events of defects affect device characteristics like . As long as the energy level of the defect is located in a certain area in the band gap, it can be shifted above the Fermi level by applying a stress gate bias typically above nominal operating conditions and shifted below the Fermi level by applying a recovery gate bias typically around the threshold voltage. Depending on the detailed defect configuration the defect can capture and emit a charge carrier at stochastic times. Such charge exchange events between the oxide and the channel can be measured as stepwise shifts of . While the step heights cannot be resolved in large-area devices due to the small impact of one charge exchange event, they can be experimentally assessed in nano-scale devices containing only a handful of defects [17, 18].
Due to the fact that the capture and emission events are stochastic, TDDS requires a number, e.g., , of stress/recovery experiments to capture statistics for a reliable characterization. The top panel of Figure 2.8 shows typical recovery measurements containing the steps of five defects enumerated with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 12. These defects have each captured a charge carrier during the previous stress phase and emit this charge carrier during the recovery phase, which causes a step in the recovery trace. In a postprocessing step, and are extracted for each step and can be binned into a two-dimensional histogram shown in the bottom panel Figure 2.8 bottom. As a result, a cluster for each defect forms in the spectral map, which is an unambiguous fingerprint of the defect. By assignment of each cluster to a certain defect, the mean values for and can be calculated.
In contrast to , is measured indirectly. Two reasons can be mentioned in this regard. In BTI measurements no is applied and thus is nearly zero. Therefore, the charge exchange events cannot be measured in . In mixed NBTI/HC stress measurements the charge exchange events cannot be measured, especially for high . In addition, considering the number of charge carriers in the channel at stress conditions and the measurement range defined by the feedback resistor of the transimpedance amplifier the single steps cannot be resolved at stress. As a result, has to be extracted from the occupancy with respect to , which is shown in Figure 3.25.
In Figure 3.25 of a defect named D1 is extracted. This is done by exploiting the stress time dependence of the occupancy. From this, the occupancy can be calculated as the ratio of the number of emission events () to the number of recovery traces (). The occupancy / in respect to follows an exponential function according to Equation 2.18:
occupancy, experimentally characterized as the ratio | |
between and | |
gate stress voltage | |
drain stress voltage | |
stress time | |
corresponds to in Equaton 2.18 | |
capture time. |
By fitting the measurement points with this exponential function, can finally be extracted. The spectral maps illustrate that with increasing the intensity of the cluster assigned to the defect named D1 increases as well.
One challenge of the TDDS, which has to be mentioned at this point is that defects with similar and cannot be distinguished in the spectral map because they cause clusters at similar positions. Often, this challenges the full characterization of a defect because the defect characteristics have to be recorded for a wide range of stress and recovery bias conditions. Each change of the stress bias results in a shift of , and/or . In devices with more than four experimentally feasible defect clusters in the spectral map it is quite likely that two defects cross their paths in the spectral map and thus cannot be distinguished. This limits the voltage range in which defects can be characterized fully. In most of the measurements, this leads to a pre-selection of defects.
However, the TDDS is one of the most reliable techniques in the context of single oxide defect characterization which has led to numerous conclusions as already discussed in Chapter 2. Although it has been developed for BTI measurements, it has been experienced that it is also reliable in mixed NBTI/HC measurements, presented in Chapter 5.
Typical capture and emission times of oxide defects vary by many orders of magnitude, from µs to weeks, depending on their properties, the temperature, and the bias conditions applied to the MOSFET. However, especially in TDDS measurements the experimental window is limited due to the fact that each measurement contains, e.g., stress/recovery cycles. In order to capture the characteristics of a defect with a characteristic emission time of one week, the measurement would take approximately two years for one gate and drain voltage combination. If it is taken into account that a thorough characterization of defects requires more than one measurement, such measurement durations are not feasible. However, defects with very large emission times are of special interest because they contribute among others to the permanent component of degradation, which is expected to dominate the device lifetime distribution. Therefore, their thorough characterization would be essential.
Not only defects with large emission times can be a challenge for the experimental characterization. Defects with emission times smaller than are a challenge as well. One possibility to overcome these challenges is to accelerate or to slow down the charge carrier exchange by changing the temperature during the stress and recovery phases in TDDS measurements independently. The impact of on and is discussed in Subsection 2.1.3. In order to shift and lying outside experimentally feasible time slots, defined temperature ramps (one example is shown in Figure 3.28) can be applied during stress and/or recovery. For this purpose, an in situ heating technology for temperature accelerated measurements has been introduced recently [119–121].
Such temperature accelerated measurements can be based on local heaters realized as polycrystalline silicon wires (poly-heater). They are processed near the MOSFET and electrically isolated as shown in Figure 3.26. In contrast to the experimental setups for the extraction in eMSM measurements, the poly-heater-device system has two additional contacts for the application of a voltage to the poly-heater (see Figure 3.27). As long as no voltage is applied to the wires, the MOSFET and the poly-heater are held at a fixed device temperature () and at a fixed poly-heater temperature (), respectively, both corresponding to the thermo chuck temperature (): . When a voltage is applied to the wires resulting in a current flow through the poly-heater (), the dissociated heat corresponding to the power dissipated in the poly-heater () elevates first. Immediately afterwards, a temperature gradient forms vertically across the device stack because . As a consequence, is elevated as well: .
In order to assign the correct to , the system has to be calibrated prior to the measurements. The calibration procedure is shown schematically in Figure 3.29. The calibration consists of the following steps:
1. is obtained at different at 0 W over a wide range of temperatures. It has to be considered that has to be chosen in such a way that no stress is introduced to the device, e.g., in the subthreshold region near .
2. is obtained at different at a fixed , which corresponds to the temperature minimum () of the setup.
3. ) and are fitted with a polynomial fit of first or second order.
4. With the coefficients of the fits, is interpolated for arbitrary poly-heater power at a certain .
This calibration method can also be applied to obtain the temperature of the poly-heater . In this context, the increase of the poly-heater resistance () with caused by the reduction of the carrier mobility of the polycrystalline silicon wires can be characterized. Therefore, at 0 W and at are measured and fitted with a polynomial fit of first or second order. With the fitted coefficients can be interpolated. For such calibrations it has to be considered that the coefficients of the polynomial fits are valid only for a certain . If the poly-heater is used at a different the calibration has to be repeated for each required .
The poly-heater technique is able to reach temperatures far beyond the scope of conventional thermo chuck systems. While the latter are typically used up to 200 °C, poly-heater systems can elevate up to 300 °C and more. As a result, the probing temperature range of the poly-heater technique is much wider than the one used for its calibration. In order to make use of this wide range, an analytical expression for has been proposed [121]. Unfortunately, does not depend linearly on but exponentially. A linear dependence is associated with simple Joule heating where the thermal resistivity () of surrounding materials does not play a role. By contrast, in the case of the poly-heater system increases simultaneously with the temperature increase. Thus the functional dependence of the device temperature on the power supplied to the heater is an exponential function:
device temperatre | |
poly-heater power | |
chuck temperature | |
thermal resistance of the substrate | |
constant | |
constant. |
As shown in Figure 3.30, this type of temperature elevation is quite fast compared to other heating setups, e.g., the furnace which was used for the temperature control of devices mounted on a ceramic package in this thesis. As soon as a certain voltage is applied to the poly-heater, it takes approximately 1 ms until the maximum is reached, a process mainly limited by the finite speed of the voltage source [121]. Afterwards, tends to decrease slightly for approximately 1 s because increases due to the elevated until the thermal equilibrium between heater, wafer and chuck is restored. Due to the delayed thermal coupling of poly-heater and MOSFET, increases after turning on the poly-heater and needs up to 10 s for the stabilization. Then, remains constant until the heater is turned off again. After turning off the heater power, decreases to zero within 1 ms, again mainly limited by the finite speed of the voltage source, and needs up to 10 s until it reaches finally. As a comparison, the furnace which was used for the experimental characterizations of MOSFETs mounted on ceramic packages in this thesis needs more than 30 min until the thermal equilibrium of the system is restored after a temperature change. Due to the significant temperature switching speed, the poly-heater system is quite promising for the realization of fast temperature ramps [119].
However, the possibility of an application of defined temperature ramps is not the only advantage of a poly-heater system. It can also overcome limitations typically associated with a thermo chuck. One limitation is that switching of the temperature in conventional setups, where is controlled by the thermo chuck and the MOSFET is contacted by probe-needles, the probe-needle contact can get lost. The reason for this is that heating and cooling a wafer on a thermo chuck results in a considerable thermal expansion of the probe-needles. As a consequence, a continuous manual needle adjustment is required when is changed. By contrast, heating with the poly-heater is local and causes no thermal expansion of needles and pads. This enables a change of temperature simultaneously with the measurement cycles without introducing additional delays due to manual needle adjustments.
A hardware and software application for temperature control of local poly-silicon heater structures based on the setup in Figure 3.27 has been developed within the TDDS framework [122]. This allows for controlled temperature pulses or ramps during device recovery within the TDDS sequence of stress and recovery cycles. The poly-heater setup can be easily realized with standard equipment as well. Unfortunately, during the measurements with this application, difficulties arose, which are discussed in the following.
For the experimental characterization only poly-heater MOSFETs mounted on a ceramic package were available, which introduces a number of complications due to two facts. On the one hand, a ceramic package has no defined heat sink as the thermo chuck in the previously described setup. On the other hand the thermal resistance of the materials surrounding the heater/device system is higher in a package than in the poly-heater-device-chuck-system shown in Figure 3.26 and described in [112, 121]. These two facts lead to a completely different thermal coupling and thermal dynamics between the poly-heater and the MOSFET, which can be seen from the characterization of the heating and cooling dynamics in Figure 3.31. was applied abruptly while and (proportional to ) were measured simultaneously. was calculated by multiplication of and .
Although the switching of shows a very comparable time evolution to the measurements on the fabricated wafers (Figure 3.30), does not reach a thermal equilibrium within 100 s. While the stabilization of needs approximately 10 ms, the stabilization of needs 30 min at least. This makes the calibration quite tedious and a pulse-like elevation of the temperature impossible because the whole system needs much longer to reach thermal equilibrium than the previously described poly-heater-device-chuck-system.
One way to overcome the challenge of slow heating and cooling dynamics would be to implement a control loop, e.g., using a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller illustrated in Figure 3.32. In this context, it is quite easy to implement one in order to hold , which is proportional to , at a constant value by adjustment of the control variable according to the calculated difference between the setpoint for () and the measured process variable = . Unfortunately, this does not change the behavior of , which is proportional to . As discussed in Figure 3.31, stabilizes within 10 ms and is constant afterwards while drifts for a longer time. Thus, the implementation of a controller in order to hold at a constant value by adjustment of seems to be the proper solution. In such a controller, corresponding to the set would be the setpoint, would be the control variable and would be the process variable, which is measured in order to calculate the error.
However, such a controller cannot be realized, since depends not only on . In fact, changes also due to device degradation. If, for example, was held constant during the stress phase in eMSM measurements by adjustment of , would increase continuously because degrades during stress. As a result, would increase, which accelerates again the degradation of the device. This could consequently overheat the device dramatically. During the recovery phase, recovers, which would lead to a decrease of and thus to a cooling effect. As a result, neither during stress nor during recovery, could be held at a constant value by adjustment of without changing the degradation and recovery state considerably.
Besides the difficulties associated with the thermal dynamics of the system, also difficulties related to the calibration of nano-scale devices made it nearly impossible to use the poly-heater system. Due to the fact that single oxide defects cause RTN signals with steps of several pA up to µA, switches periodically around the calibration point in any nano-scale device. If steps in the drain current of the same magnitude were caused by temperature changes, the corresponding temperature change would be several °C. Even if a nano-scale device is suitable for calibration (no RTN signals), the elevated temperatures during the calibration often lead to the creation of new defects which change the level. In other words, the calibration is not reproducible. In this case, a lot of devices have to be calibrated in order to be able to calculate mean values for the calibration parameters.
From these experiences, it can be concluded that temperature accelerated measurements using an in situ poly-heater are advantageous in the term of the application of fast temperature ramps only if a defined temperature gradient can form between the heating wires and the thermo chuck. In the case of devices mounted on a ceramic package, the time until thermal equilibrium is reached is quite comparable for devices heated by a poly-heater and devices heated by a furnace.
In this chapter, an overview of commonly used techniques for the experimental characterization of degradation mechanisms is given and challenges which had to be faced for the measurements conducted in this thesis, are discussed. In this context, two methods for the extraction of from single point measurements in eMSM sequences are compared. It can be concluded that the extraction of using a constant current method and the extraction of using a constant voltage method are equivalent methods if three requirements are fulfilled: First, the - characteristics shift during stress and measurement along the -axis but do not change their slope and curvature significantly. Second, the measurement current in the constant current method and the measurement voltage in the constant voltage method are chosen in the subthreshold region near to the threshold voltage of the unstressed device. Third, the device-to-device variability is taken into account, which means that the recovery conditions are set individually for each device depending on its threshold voltage. In case that one of these requirements is not met and depending on the stress and measurement conditions, the extracted and can even differ more than 10%.
However, in measurements differences up to 100 % were observed at certain stress conditions. Due to the fact that the measurement setup for the constant current method has been developed for BTI measurements ( 0 V) only, the stress voltages drift as soon as stress conditions with 0 V are applied. As a consequence, the degradation state of the device using the constant voltage method and using the constant current method differ from each other significantly. This leads to completely incompatible traces extracted from both methods. The measurements presented in the following chapters were performed using the constant voltage method since the stress voltages are stable during stress.
Additionally, in order to accelerate the degradation and recovery of MOSFET parameters by the application of fast temperature ramps independently from each other, a hardware and software application for the temperature control of in situ poly-silicon heater structures has been developed. Measurements on the available devices, which are mounted on a ceramic package, showed that the heating dynamics differs significantly from the one introduced in previous studies because the thermal properties of the surrounding materials differ. As a conclusion, such setups for temperature accelerated measurements are advantageous in the term of the application of fast temperature ramps only if a defined temperature gradient can form between the heating wires and the thermo chuck. In the case of devices mounted on a ceramic package, the time until thermal equilibrium is reached is quite comparable for devices heated by a poly-heater and devices heated by a furnace, namely more than 30 min. As a consequence, the measurements presented in the following were performed at a constant temperature during stress and recovery.
It is widely accepted that discrete steps in the traces, which are caused by individual oxide defects, can be experimentally resolved only in nano-scale devices (this is also discussed in Subsection 2.1.3 and shown in Figure 2.8). However, during the measurements conducted in this thesis discrete steps in the traces were also measured in large-area devices. An example is shown in Figure 4.1. In this figure an RTN signal measured on a large-area device with 10 µm and 120 nm is illustrated.
During the first observations of discrete steps in large-area devices, they were misinterpreted as contact issues. Especially in measurements directly on chip, a temporary failing contact between the needles and the pads have a similar impact on traces as the discrete steps associated with charge carrier exchange events caused by oxide defects. However, such steps were observed in a significant number of large-area pMOSFETs and their characteristic capture and emission times showed a bias and a temperature dependence. In particular, 40 % of the large-area MOSFETs showed step heights of 0.15 mV, 30 % showed step heights of 0.5 mV and 10 % showed step heights of 1 mV. Since no studies on discrete steps in traces in large-area devices have been reported in the literature up to now.
The step heights of discrete steps in the traces caused by individual defects in nano-scale MOSFETs are exponentially distributed, as shown in Subsection 2.1.3. Since this empirically found distribution has been formulated based on the measurements of numerous devices and hundreds of defects, it is assumed that the influence of device-to-device variation on the number of oxide defects and random dopants are considered. From the CCDF in Equation 2.2 the probability that a step height with a value greater than a certain occurs in a device with a certain and can be calculated.
First the probability to measure a step in traces with 0.15 mV (smallest observed in the large-area devices) in nano-scale devices with 160 nm and 120 nm is calculated. For this purpose, pMOSFETs of a 130 nm commercial technology with 2.2 nm were considered. With F and the mean value of the exponential step height distribution for nano-scale devices with the dimensions mentioned in this paragraph, V (Equation 2.3), the probability is
By contrast, the probability to find a step with 0.15 mV in the traces of large-area devices with 10 µm, 120 nm as it was observed it is orders of magnitude smaller. With F, the mean value of the exponential step height distribution for large-area devices with the dimensions mentioned in this paragraph, V, according to Equation 2.3 the probability is
These results show that it is quite likely to observe discrete steps in the traces of nano-scale devices but it should be highly unlikely to observe them in the signal of large-area devices. However, in 40 % of the large-area MOSFETs step heights with 0.15 mV were measured which is orders of magnitude more than the calculated probability.
In the introduction of this chapter, it is mentioned that the characteristic capture and emission times of the discrete steps in the traces of large-area devices showed a bias and a temperature dependence. In this context, the experimental characterization of these dependencies is presented in the next section.
The fact that it is assumed to be highly unlikely to measure discrete steps in the traces caused by individual defects leads to the assumption that maybe other processes are responsible for the observed discrete steps. For further conclusions, the temperature and bias dependences of the characteristic times of the RTN signal in Figure 4.1 were obtained. Therefore, pMOSFETs mounted on ceramic packages were measured since in such an experimental setup contacting issues are minimized.
The experimental characterization of the steps in large-area devices appeared to be quite complicated. Most of the observed step heights are smaller than 0.5 mV, which is very close to the resolution limit of the setup. As soon as the noise amplitude of the signal increases slightly due to, e.g., previously applied stress or elevated temperatures the steps cannot be extracted from the trace anymore. Therefore, statistics cannot be captured with such a small sample set. Nevertheless, a large-area device RTN signal could be characterized, shown in Figure 4.1.
In this figure at least three RTN signals can be seen. The signal with the largest step height, 0.2 mV, was characterized since the others were not accurately detectable over different temperatures and gate bias conditions. The results of this analysis is shown in Figure 4.2. The mean values of and were obtained according to Equations 3.9 and 3.10, respectively. It is quite remarkable that and behave similarly to the and of an individual defect in a nano-scale device (see Subsection 2.1.3): With increasing , decreases and increases and both decrease with increasing temperature.
Unfortunately, as mentioned previously, a thorough analysis of the “defect" parameters with the TDDS framework was not possible. As soon as a stress bias was applied the discrete steps could not be resolved anymore. This results in a too small data set in a too narrow gate bias region to check whether the four state NMP model can explain the observed behavior in order to make conclusions on the properties of such a “defect" in large-area devices. Nevertheless, a few thoughts which might be useful for a future work on this topic are summarized in the following.
• The large-area devices showing discrete steps in their traces in the shown measurements have a small ratio /. They are quite short but very wide. So far, the dependence of the step height distribution on the channel area or on and independently from each other have been made [18, 56]. However, any study on the dependence of the exponential step height distribution on the / ratio has been found – especially for very small ratios. Thus, the empirically found exponential step height distribution might have a different shape for different / ratios. In other contexts, e.g., the degradation and recovery of the device-to-device variability, it has been discussed that the edge area might play a role for experimental characterization [123]. This is because, the oxide in the outer regions (edge area) grows less homogeneously than in the middle of the active area during fabrication. Therefore, relative to the active area of the oxide, the edge area is larger in narrow long channel devices than in short wide channel devices. Although the edge area is not the reason for the discrete steps in the measurements, it shows that / ratio related effects might have an impact on the step height distribution.
• The discrete steps in large-area devices were always measured in the subthreshold region. In this regime, the conductive channel is not completely formed. Thus, similar to the percolation path in nano-scale devices shown in Figure 1.4, the current flow is not uniformly distributed over the width and single defects might have a similar impact on as shown for nano-scale devices.
• Possible causes for the steps in large-area devices might be capture and emission events of not a single defect but of a cluster of defects. If, for example, the capture and emission events of several defects are coupled and they capture and emit charge carriers simultaneously, the step height in the trace would be of course larger than step heights caused by single defects. With this idea, several questions arise, like if and how such clusters can form, if and how the capture and emission events can be coupled and many more.
In order to obtain the cause of discrete steps in large-area devices, a thorough experimental analysis is required. The analysis remains an open issue for future works.
About 40 % of the large-area MOSFETs showed step heights of 0.15 mV in measurements, 30 % showed step heights of 0.5 mV and 10 % showed step heights of 1 mV. Due to the challenging experimental characterization of steps close to the resolution limit of the experimental setup, the bias dependence and the temperature dependence of only one RTN signal could be characterized. It was observed that with increasing , decreases and increases and both decrease with increasing temperature. Such a behavior of the characteristic capture and emission times is comparable to the behavior of the characteristic times of single defects. However, due to a too small data set it could not be proved if and can be modeled with a four-state NMP model. Finally, a few thoughts on possible causes for such steps in traces in large-area devices were summarized. For example, not a single defect but a cluster of coupled defects might cause such steps. However, further analysis is required on this topic in order to give a proper explanation for possible causes.
BTI and HCD are among the most important reliability issues in modern devices. However, as already discussed in the previous chapters, these degradation mechanisms are typically studied in idealized settings. In particular, for BTI studies no voltage is applied to the drain, leading to homogeneous conditions across the oxide and thus to a homogeneous degradation. As soon as is increased, degradation becomes more and more inhomogeneous and the contribution of HCD to the total degradation increases (see Subsection 2.3.1). Even though it is well understood that MOSFETs in real circuits are rarely subjected to idealized BTI or HCD conditions, there is only a limited number of studies available on the impact of the mixed stress conditions as illustrated schematically in Figure 3.1. Therefore, a thorough experimental study of the impact of mixed stress conditions on 2.2 nm pMOSFETs characteristics of a 130 nm commercial technology ( −1.5 V and 465 mV) is presented in this chapter, which contains the first experimental characterization at the single defect level.
As an introduction to this chapter, it should be again mentioned that the permanent component, on the one side, is attributed to the generation of interface and oxide defects, the hopping of through the oxide, and defects with large characteristic emission times. On the other side, the recoverable component of degradation is typically attributed to the emission events of previously charged oxide defects within experimentally feasible time slots (on the order of seconds or minutes). In the following, the focus lies mainly on the recoverable component of degradation.
The characterization of recovery in large-area devices ( 10 µm, 120 nm or 130 nm) has revealed that with increasing the recovery can be negligibly small. Figure 5.1 illustrates one measurement in this regard. In this measurement, seven cycles of 5 ks stress and 10 ks recovery at a constant and each cycle increasing were performed. was extracted from a single point measurement of at (constant voltage method introduced in Section 3.5). It can be seen that the threshold voltage shift during recovery (), extracted according Equation 5.1 with 3 ms, reduces with . For example, the recovery trace after −2.8 V (red trace) recovers less than 1 mV in 10 ks.
shift during recovery (recoverable component) | |
threshold voltage shift | |
recovery time | |
lower limit of the experimental window during recovery | |
upper limit of the experimental window during recovery |
The measurement data are compared to a simulation using an electrostatic model as introduced in Subsection 2.3.1. This model takes into account a lateral position dependent threshold voltage shift based on a linear approximation of the channel potential under stress according to Equation 2.54. This approximation is valid for lateral positions at the inversion state. At the pinch-off, the channel potential can be calculated using Equation 2.55. In this regard, it is discussed in Subsection 2.3.1 that using an electrostatic model, it is expected that recovery is reduced after stress with increasing because drain-side defects most probably will not contribute to recovery due to the reduced . However, source-side defects should be nearly unaffected by and contribute to independently from the drain bias.
Although an electrostatic model describes the behavior of after NBTI rather well, Figure 5.1 bottom shows discrepancies between the experimental data and the simulation after mixed NBTI/HC stress. The measurements summarized in this figure, as well as measurements in [26], indicate that can be negligibly small after mixed NBTI/HC stress. This would mean that almost no oxide defects contribute to the recoverable component. This contradicts the assumption that source-side defects contribute nearly unaffected to . Since oxide defects are uniformly distributed all over the device area, such a behavior cannot be explained by an inhomogeneous only.
In order to analyze the origin of the discrepancies between the experimental data and the simulation, interplay between NBTI and HCD in large-area devices is studied. For this, the eMSM measurement method was used according to Section 3.5 and extracted from a single point measurement of at during recovery (constant voltage method). 58 devices were measured at 130 °C using the following phases:
1. Measure: - characteristics in the linear ( −0.1 V) and saturation regime ( ).
2. Stress: application of a combination within the range of stress conditions shown in Figure 3.1 per device: is −1.5 V, −2 V and −2.5 V, is 0 V, −0.5 V, −1 V, −1.5 V, −2 V, −2.5 V and −2.8 V for a certain stress time 0.02 s, 1.11 s and 1111 s.
3. Measure: for 3 ks at recovery conditions (typically −0.1 V and ).
4. Measure: - characteristics in the linear and saturation regime.
From these measurements following was extracted:
• The threshold voltage shift directly after stress (): extracted
3 ms.
• based on the extraction for different .
• during recovery.
• The relative and extracted from the - characteristics.
• Recovery according Equaton 5.1.
From Figure 5.2 it can be seen that local degradation minima form after stress depending on the stress voltages and on the stress time. While after 20 ms decreases or stays constant with increasing , for longer stress times 10 s a drift minimum forms around −0.5 V. Quite interestingly, for −1.5 V a second minimum forms at −2 V. The dependence of the formation of such minima on is confirmed by the data of Figure 5.4 for the two cases −1.5 V and −2.5 V. Especially for −1.5 V it can be seen that if 100 s and 0 V, is always lower than for homogeneous NBTI.
It has already been discussed in literature [25, 26] that drift minima such as shown in Figure 5.2 occur for long stress times. This behavior was explained by competing processes contributing to the degradation: while sweeping from 0 V to, e.g., −3 V, reduces first due to the fact that decreases at the drain-side and, as a consequence fewer drain-side defects capture charge carriers. From a certain on, this effect is compensated by the contribution of HCD to which leads to an increase. However, this behavior has not been observed for all and in the measurement. For example, reduces at −1.5 V and 20 ms with increasing without forming any drift minima. It can be concluded that whether and where a minimum forms in depends strongly on the stress time and on the gate and drain bias.
The analysis of the degradation of and illustrated in Figure 5.6 shows a strong dependence on as well. After −1.5 V and 1.11 ks, a minimum in the and curves can be seen around −1 V, which is comparable to the results in literature [25]. Remarkably, the measurements show that after shorter stress with 11.1 s and are higher at a certain than after stress with 1.11 ks also at −1.5 V. This means that with increasing stress time both first increase, then this trend obviously turns around and they decrease again. Such a behavior has not been observed for higher gate bias −2.5 V in these measurements. For a detailed analysis of the time dependent and evolution at higher gate stress bias, ten devices were measured using the MSM method (see Section 3.4) with the following phases:
1. Measure: - characteristics in the linear ( −0.1 V) and saturation regime ( ).
2. Stress: application of a combination per device: is −0.7 V, −1 V, −1.5 V, −2.0 V, −2.3 V and −2.8 V and −2.8 V for a certain stress time.
3. Measure: - characteristics in the linear and saturation regime.
4. Repeat the second and the third phase with increasing .
5. Relax: application of recovery conditions for .
6. Measure: -