Appendix B: Discretization Error in the Trap Equation: An Analysis

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Appendix B

Discretization Error in the Trap Equation: An Analysis


An analytical evaluation of the error is done for a special, but in practice very important, case. The general solution of the trap-dynamics equation is given by


Assuming non-steady-state emission the general solution reduces to


For simplicity, but without loss in generality, we assume for the initial condition at and for the steady-state occupancy function , for traps of interest. Also, holds. Let us consider the condition at the interface at the specific time . The occupancy function becomes


In practice, is some characteristic time in the measurement signal, as the emission time determined by the rise or fall times of the gate pulse in Figure 3.2, the emission time which equals to in Figure 3.3, or the time constants which define the emission window in the DLTS techniques. This time corresponds to an energy level so that holds. It follows


Let denotes the normalized relative trap energy with respect to the level :
. Solution B.3 reduces to


Note that . Expression B.5 represents the exact solution for the occupancy function at in the non-steady-state emission mode. This universal function is graphically presented by solid line in Figure B.1.

Let us consider the numerical solution to the non-steady-state emission problem, which is obtained by using the strongly implicit discretization. We assume an equidistant discretization in time for simplicity: , . The is the number of time subintervals in . The solutions in the individual intervals become


Note that remains constant in time. Remember that and are assumed at the beginning of our analysis. It is easy to derive the numerical solution at


Using and with , the numerical solution using the strongly implicit discretization becomes


Comparing B.8 with B.5 one is able to determine the number of discretization intervals necessary to obtain the numerical solution with the desired accuracy. It is evident: . The solution is compared with in Figure B.1 (left), with as parameter. Figure B.1 (right) shows an absolute error in the numerically calculated occupancy function versus the relative trap energy. For the absolute error in the trap occupancy lies below . Consequently, in order to keep the time discretization error acceptably small the time intervals in the terminal pulses which govern the emission modes must be resolved by more than time steps in our numerical simulation.


The previous analysis is done for the non-steady-state emission. It is valid for the capture as well, assuming that the free-carrier concentration at the interface is constant in time. For the capture with non-constant free carrier concentrations (as during the rising or falling edges of the gate pulse or when the charge-potential-feedback effect takes place) or when both, the capture and the emission influence the trap level simultaneously, the coefficients and in 3.10 change in time in a complex manner. In these cases, solution B.1 cannot be reduced to an analytical form. However, the exact solution can always be obtained numerically, applying sufficiently fine time steps. Figure B.2 shows the evolution of the occupancy function during the rising edge of the gate pulse for three characteristic traps. The gate voltage rises from strong accumulation () to weak inversion () in . After the rising edge, the interval follows. The traps at the level are filled, at first by the hole emission and later by the electron capture. The traps at , chosen in the midgap region, are filled by the electron capture only. For the level both processes, the electron capture and the electron emission take place with comparable time constants.

The numerical result given in Figure B.2 is obtained by the strongly implicit discretization of the trap-dynamics equation, but without dividing the time steps (says ) into subintervals (). In fact, we discuss the worst case, when the trap-dynamics equations are discretized in time as the basic semiconductor equations. is the characteristic time interval in the time stepping method we implementedgif. Because of , roughly speaking corresponds to in the previous analytical consideration. The population of is well reproduced when . For the electron capture by traps and , the trap occupancy is overestimated at the onset of the capture (close to ). This discretization error occurs because is evaluated at the end of the interval . At the rising edge of the gate pulse, however, the electron concentration varies significantlygif. Therefore, an average is quite underestimated in the interval . Decreasing the variation of in the discretization interval and, consequently, the discretization error are reduced (Figure B.2).


By dividing into subintervals the error can also be efficiently suppressed, as is shown in the analysis below.

In order to estimate the error in the trap occupancy due to the variation of the carrier concentration , one has to establish the relationship between the gate voltage and the concentration . Hence, an instantaneous response of the minority and majority carriers to the gate-bias changes is assumed. Also, and (uniform conditions along the interface). From the relationship between the surface potential and it follows


The general relationship between the surface potential and the gate voltage yields the expression


where is the total gate capacitance of MOS structure per unit area and is the oxide capacitance per unit area. To obtain some quantitative estimations we assume constant bulk doping . For depletion and weak inversion it follows from B.10




For the same device as in Figure B.2 and , we have: at room temperatures (). A change in of 3 times corresponds to . The restriction on the gate-bias steps becomes stronger at low temperatures: for , and one obtains .

The linear change of between two time steps is a good approximation when large changes of the concentrations occur. Therefore, is exponentially interpolated within the time intervals which are used to solve the basic semiconductor equations. By dividing into subintervals, we effectively reduce the applied gate-bias steps to , with respect to the discretization error in the trap-dynamics equation. An example given in Figure B.3 demonstrates the effectiveness of this method to control the time discretization error in solving the trap-dynamics equations, which costs a moderate increase in computational effort. For the example considered in Figure B.3 we obtain for the CPU-times gif and the charge-pumping currents , respectively. An accurate calculation results in .


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Martin Stiftinger
Sat Oct 15 22:05:10 MET 1994