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2. Mathematical Description of the Motion of Interfaces

In this chapter we present PDE s which describe moving interfaces. From one point of view this leads to a boundary value problem for a PDE and from another point of view to a time-dependent initial value problem for a PDE. We also lay out the theoretical and computational advantages of these two formulations.

2.1 Formulation of the Motion of Interfaces

In order to describe a moving boundary in direction normal to the boundary (we neglect the tangential component of the speed, because the addition of a tangential component has the effect of just changing the parameterization of the boundary [71]) one has to know the value of the normal speed function which we denote as $ F$. The speed function $ F$ generally depends on many parameters and can be written as $ F(L,G,I)$, where $ L$, $ G$, and $ I$ stand for local, global, and independent parameters described as follows: For the moment we assume that $ F$ is known and our goal is to track and describe the motion of interface.

2.1.1 The Boundary Value Formulation

Assuming $ F>0$, the interface will always move outward. One way to detect the position of the interface is to find the time $ T(x,y)$ at which the interface crosses a point with coordinates $ (x,y)$. Considering the fact that in one dimension distance is equal to speed multiplied by time, the equation of motion of the interface can be formulated as follows:

$\displaystyle dx=F \cdot dT.

In multiple dimensions $ \nabla T$ is orthogonal to level sets of $ T$ and analogous to one dimension it is inversely proportional to $ F$. Therefore, we can write

$\displaystyle \vert\nabla T\vert F=1 \qquad T=0\> \textrm{on $\mathbf{x}$}$ (2.1)

where $ \mathbf{x}$ is the initial position of the interface. Hence, this formulation of motion of an interface leads to a boundary value problem.

2.1.2 The Initial Value Formulation

In contrast to the requirement of $ F>0$, the speed is not strictly positive but it can be arbitrarily positive or negative. This leads to a motion of the interface backward and forwards. Therefore, the interface can pass a certain point more than one time. Therefore, $ T(x,y)$ is no unique value to detect the position of the interface. In order to solve this problem we embed the initial position of the interface as the zero level set of a function $ \varphi $ in a higher dimension. Linking the position of the interface to the evolution of $ \varphi $ leads to a time-dependent initial value problem. At each time step the interface is given by the zero level set of the time-dependent level set function $ \varphi $.

To derive the equation of motion, we define the interface $ \mathbf{x}(t)$ which must always guarantee the following equation

$\displaystyle \varphi (\mathbf{x}(t))=0.

Using the chain rule the above equation results in

$\displaystyle \varphi _{t}+ \nabla \varphi \cdot \frac{d\mathbf{x}}{dt}=0.

Since the normal vector $ \mathbf{n}=\nabla \varphi /\vert\nabla \varphi \vert$, and $ \mathbf{n}\cdot d\mathbf{x}/dt=F$, we get the level set equation in the following form [80]:

$\displaystyle \varphi _{t}+F\vert\nabla \varphi \vert=0.$ (2.2)

2.1.3 The Beneficial Properties and Comparison of These Formulations

Some common advantages of the boundary and initial value problem are listed [80] here:

At the same time there are important differences between these two formulations [80]:

2.2 An Overview of the Techniques for Tracking the Motion of a Surface

Various surface representation algorithms beside the level set method have been used to develop topography simulators. Roughly speaking, these algorithms fall into two categories [53], namely, string-based and cell-based methods. In the next sections we briefly present these three methods.

Figure 2.1: Illustration of the representation of a boundary by string-based method.

2.2.1 String-Based Methods

This approach has also been known under different names such as marker particle, nodal, and string method [97,72]. The interface is represented as a series of lines in two dimensions (cf. Figure 2.1) or triangle segments in three dimensions. The position of nodes forming a line or triangle segment is advanced in each time step using interface information about the normals and curvatures of the surface facets. Several techniques have to be used for an accurate advancement of the interface, while at the same time keeping the CPU time at a minimum. For this purpose the number of nodes needs to be kept at a minimum. In order to do this the nodes have to be distributed as a function of the curvature. Thus the flat part of the interface only requires one line segment independent of its length. While this can be easily achieved, during the advance of neighboring surface facets along their normals, interstices or duplications occur and thus area-readjustment procedures for de-looping are needed. However, these procedures induce significant computational error into the simulation result in proportion to the complexity of the process geometry. Furthermore, these methods are very time and memory consuming in three dimensions and strongly limit the applicability of these methods in three dimensions.

Figure 2.2: Illustration of the representation of a boundary by cell-based method.

2.2.2 Cell-Based Methods

This method has also been introduced under different names such as partial fraction or cell method [65,64]. Considering a grid within a computational domain, a basic idea of this method is to assign values to each grid cell depending on the fractional part of the cell containing the interface. Therefore, grid cells which are totally lying within or outside the interface get $ 1$ or 0, respectively. The grid cells containing a part of interface get a value between 0 and $ 1$. These grid cells are called surface cells as shown in Figure 2.2. After advancing the interface, the fractional values are updated where the interface is detected. The main advantages of this approach are its robustness and good handling of critical structures such as high aspect ratio trenches used in simulations. There are some disadvantages, however:

At our institute Dr. Pyka has implemented a topography simulator based on the method described above. The simulator has been used to rigorously treat different etching and deposition models. Furthermore, it has been used to generate accurate input geometries to guarantee reliable interconnect or device analysis [64].

Figure 2.3: Illustration of the idea of the level set method. The curve on the left is the original curve in $ xy$ plane. This curve is built into a cone-shaped surface, namely, the level set function as shown on the right. The intersection of the level set function with $ xy$ plane in each time step gives the curve.

2.2.3 Level-Set-Based Methods

The level set method [80] is an interesting alternative method that solves the previously mentioned problems emerging with the other methods. It provides means to describe boundaries, i.e., curves, surfaces or hyper-surfaces in arbitrary dimensions, and their evolution in time which is caused by forces or fluxes normal to the surface. The basic idea is to view the curve or surface in question at a certain time $ t$ as the zero level set (with respect to the space variables) of a certain function $ \varphi (t,\mathbf{x})$, the so called level set function as shown in Figure 2.3. Thus the initial surface is the set $ \{ \mathbf{x}\mid \varphi (0,\mathbf{x})=0 \}$.

Each point on the surface is moved with a certain speed normal to the surface and this determines the time evolution of the surface. The speed normal to the surface will be denoted by $ F(t,\mathbf{x})$. For points on the zero level set it is usually determined by physical models, in our case by etching and deposition processes, or more precisely by the fluxes of certain gas species and subsequent surface reactions. The speed function $ F(t,\mathbf{x})$ generally depends on the time and space variables and we assume, for now, that it is defined on the whole simulation domain and in the whole time interval considered.

The surface at a later time $ t_1$ shall also be considered as the zero level set of the function $ \varphi (t,\mathbf{x})$, namely $ \{ \mathbf{x}\mid
\varphi (t_1,\mathbf{x})=0 \}$. As we showed in (2.2) with some notational differences, this leads to the level set equation

$\displaystyle \varphi _{t} + F(t,\mathbf{x}) \Vert \nabla_\mathbf{x}\varphi \Vert = 0,\qquad \varphi (0,\mathbf{x})$   given$\displaystyle ,$ (2.3)

in the unknown function $ \varphi $, where $ \varphi (0,\mathbf{x})$ determines the initial surface. Having solved this equation, the zero level set of the solution is the sought curve or surface at all later times.

Although in the numerical application the level set function is eventually calculated on a grid, the resolution achieved is in fact much higher than the resolution of the grid, and hence higher than the resolution achieved using a cellular algorithm on a grid of the same resolution. This is due to the surface extraction step, where the curve or surface is reconstructed by lines or triangles using linear interpolation of the level set values on the grid. Of course the level set function must essentially remain a linear function near to the zero level set.


... efficient2.1
Fast marching method is principally used by the boundary value formulation, but it can be used for the calculation of the distance function when using the initial value formulation.

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A. Sheikholeslami: Topography Simulation of Deposition and Etching Processes