List of Symbols

u(x,y,z)  Displacement field
 x  Displacement field in the x-direction
uy  Displacement field in the y-direction
uz  Displacement field in the z-direction
Dx  Difference between displacement fields in the x-direction
α   , β  Congruent skew angles in the xy plane
γ   , ϕ  Congruent skew angles in the yz plane
ω   , θ  Congruent skew angles in the xz plane
ϵii  Normal strain in the i-direction
γij  Engineering shear strain in the ij plane
F  External force applied in a solid
A  Surface area
σ  Stress tensor
ϵ  Strain tensor
σii  Normal stress in the i-direction
σij  Shear stress in the ij plane
T(ex)  Traction in the x-direction
T(ey)  Traction in the y-direction
T(ez)  Traction in the z-direction
c  Linear mapping between stress and strain
E  Young’s modulus
ν  Poisson ratio
τ  Shear stress
G  Shear modulus
ΔT  Temperature variation
 T  Total strain energy per unit of area
UH  Hydrostatic strain energy per unit of area
UD  Distortion strain energy per unit of area
V  Sub-space with infinity dimension of continuous with piecewise continuous derivatives
v  An element in V space
 j  FEM basis function
 h  Discrete sub-space of V
uh  A sample function in the sub-space Vh
vh  A second sample function in the sub-space Vh
Ps−1(t)  Lagrangian polynomial in the BDF method
σrr  Normal stress in r direction of a cylindrical coordinate system
σϕϕ  Normal stress in θ  direction of a cylindrical coordinate system
 T  Thermal stress due to temperature variation
B(t)  Bézier polygon
˙γ  Strain rate in the low temperature dislocation glide model
γ0   Pre-exponential factor
ΔF  Activation energy of an obstacle
σs  Shear stress in the low temperature dislocation glide model
T  Temperature
T0   Initial temperature
k  Boltzmann constant
ˆτ  Shear stress required to trigger dislocations movement
ϵT  Thermal strain
e  Elastic strain
ϵp  Plastic strain
σF  Stress in the film
Mf  Biaxial modulus
s  Schmid factor
 ij  Dirac delta
t  Time
˙ϵ  Strain rate tensor
˙ϵij  Components of the strain rate tensor
 1   System free energy per unit of area in Hoffman’s model
E0   Free surface energy per unit of area ot island’s top in Hoffman’s model
γsv  Free surface energy per unit of area of the island’s lateral surface
γgb  Energy per unit of area spent in the formation of a grain boundary
Δ  Critical distance between two islands in Hoffman’s model
E2   Free energy per unit of area after coalescence in Hoffman’s model
GR  Strain energy release rate
Kf  Stress intensity factor
R  Island radius
Y0   Height of island coalescence
Z0   Maximum displacement of the island surface due to coalescence
Etotal  Total energy in Seel’s model
DR  Deposition rate