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6.2.5 The New Method

Damping of the contact voltages in general-purpose device simulation is different in two aspects. Firstly, arbitrary devices with arbitrary characteristics and an arbitrary number of nodes can be simulated. Secondly, for compact models only potential differences are used ( V = $ \varphi_{A}^{}$ - $ \varphi_{C}^{}$) whereas the contact models in device simulation normally use absolute potential values. This implies that a DC offset which does not change anything about the solution will waste computation time as it needs many iterations to build up the proper potential distribution inside the device. This is due to the fact, that the potential is initialized to the so-called built-in potential which evaluates to [15]

$\displaystyle \psi_{\mathrm{bi}}^{}$ = $\displaystyle {\frac{E_{C}}{\mathrm{q}}}$ + VT . ln$\displaystyle \left(\vphantom{ \frac{1}{2\cdot N_{C}}\cdot \left(N_{T}+ \sqrt{N_{T}^{2} + 4\cdot n_{i}^{2}}\right)}\right.$$\displaystyle {\frac{1}{2\cdot N_{C}}}$ . $\displaystyle \left(\vphantom{N_{T}+ \sqrt{N_{T}^{2} + 4\cdot n_{i}^{2}}}\right.$NT + $\displaystyle \sqrt{N_{T}^{2} + 4\cdot n_{i}^{2}}$ $\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{N_{T}+ \sqrt{N_{T}^{2} + 4\cdot n_{i}^{2}}}\right)$ $\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ \frac{1}{2\cdot N_{C}}\cdot \left(N_{T}+ \sqrt{N_{T}^{2} + 4\cdot n_{i}^{2}}\right)}\right)$         NT > 0    
  = $\displaystyle {\frac{E_{V}}{\mathrm{q}}}$ - VT . ln$\displaystyle \left(\vphantom{ \frac{1}{2\cdot N_{V}}\cdot \left(- N_{T}+ \sqrt{N_{T}^{2} + 4\cdot n_{i}^{2}}\right)}\right.$$\displaystyle {\frac{1}{2\cdot N_{V}}}$ . $\displaystyle \left(\vphantom{- N_{T}+ \sqrt{N_{T}^{2} + 4\cdot n_{i}^{2}}}\right.$ - NT + $\displaystyle \sqrt{N_{T}^{2} + 4\cdot n_{i}^{2}}$ $\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{- N_{T}+ \sqrt{N_{T}^{2} + 4\cdot n_{i}^{2}}}\right)$ $\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ \frac{1}{2\cdot N_{V}}\cdot \left(- N_{T}+ \sqrt{N_{T}^{2} + 4\cdot n_{i}^{2}}\right)}\right)$         NT < 0 (6.9)

with NT being the net dopant concentration. For NT > 0 the first version and for NT < 0 the second version of (6.9) should be used to avoid cancellation errors for large absolute values of NT. (6.9) is an excellent guess for the potential in non-depletion regions when all contact voltages are zero. However, this initial-guess could be improved by adding the average of the contact voltages. Unfortunately this cannot be done for a mixed-mode simulation as the contact voltages evolve during iteration and hence are not known in advance.

To make use of the damping strategy (6.8) device nodes were grouped in pairs using available information about the device (diode, bipolar junction transistor or MOS transistor). Then the contact voltages were damped using (6.8). However, the solution of the semiconductor equations is damped using a global damping strategy

x* = xk + d . u (6.10)

with a global damping factor d which applies to all solution variables in the same way. An important feature of (6.10) is that the direction of the update does not change which is not the case when applying (6.8). In experiments it was tried to limit the node voltages using (6.8) whereas for the rest of the solution vector (6.10) was applied. As the node voltages are directly coupled to the contact voltages by (5.27) and the contact voltages determine the potential inside the device this caused inconsistencies which lead to strong oscillations of the solution variables. Hence, further investigations of this mixed damping procedure were skipped.

A circuit revealing the problems caused by DC offsets is shown in Fig. 6.2. Here V1 = VD + VDC and V2 = VDC with VD = 1 V. First, the circuit is simulated using the direct boundary condition (DBC) given in (5.27). The evolution of the node voltages and the device contact voltages during iteration for VDC = 0 V is shown in Fig. 6.3. Until convergence 10 iterations are needed. However, when setting VDC = 10 V convergence properties deteriorate (35 iterations) as shown in Fig. 6.4 since it takes many iterations to build up the high potential inside the diode. As for the device operation only potential differences are relevant, a modified boundary condition can be formulated. Using one of the device terminal voltages as reference voltage the boundary condition (5.27) can be reformulated to yield

f$\scriptstyle \psi_{C}$ = $ \psi_{C}^{}$ - $ \left(\vphantom{ \varphi_{C} - \varphi_{\mathit{Ref}} }\right.$$ \varphi_{C}^{}$ - $ \varphi_{\mathit{Ref}}^{}$ $ \left.\vphantom{ \varphi_{C} - \varphi_{\mathit{Ref}} }\right)$ = 0 (6.11)

for a general node and

f$\scriptstyle \psi_{\mathit{Ref}}$ = $ \psi_{\mathit{Ref}}^{}$ = 0 (6.12)

for the reference node. The MNA stamp for a general node reads
jx, y $ \varphi_{C}^{}$ $ \varphi_{\mathit{Ref}}^{}$ $ \psi_{C}^{}$ IC r
$ \varphi_{C}^{}$       -1 f$\scriptstyle \varphi_{C}$k
$ \psi_{C}^{}$ 1 -1 -1   f$\scriptstyle \psi_{C}$k
IC       -1 fICk
whereas it simplifies to
jx, y $ \psi_{C}^{}$ IC r
$ \varphi_{C}^{}$   -1 f$\scriptstyle \varphi_{C}$k
$ \psi_{C}^{}$ 1    
IC   -1 fICk

Figure 6.2: Problematic constellation when using DBC.
\psfrag{I}{$\scriptstyle I$}...

Figure 6.3: Evolution of the node and contact voltages during iteration using DBC with no DC component. Until convergence 10 iterations are needed.
\psfrag{0} [r][r]{$\textsty...

Figure 6.4: Evolution of the node and contact voltages during iteration using DBC with DC component. Until convergence 35 iterations are needed.
\psfrag{-2} [r][r]{$\textst...[width=11.4cm,angle=0]{figures/diode-dc_10.eps}}\end{center}\end{figure}

Figure 6.5: Evolution of the node and contact voltages during iteration using RBC with DC component. As for no DC component, 10 iterations are needed until convergence.
\psfrag{-2} [r][r]{$\textst...

Figure 6.6: Effect of global and local damping on the solution variables: a) global damping b) local damping.
\psfrag{a} {$\scriptstyle a)$...

for the reference node. The simulation results using this reference boundary condition (RBC) are shown in Fig. 6.5. As for VDC = 0 V, 10 iterations are needed until convergence. However, an imminent problem of this approach is that the boundary condition obtained for the reference node shows no dependence on the node voltage $ \varphi_{C}^{}$. This means that when fIC is pre-eliminated the main-diagonal will be zero for f$\scriptstyle \varphi_{C}$ resulting in a singular equation system if the contact node is not connected to other devices providing main-diagonal entries. In addition, the choice of reference node is crucial and depends on the current operating condition of the device. It was found to be more useful to take the average of the node voltages

$ \overline{\varphi}$ = $ {\frac{1}{n_{C}}}$ . $ \sum_{C}^{}$$ \varphi_{C}^{}$ (6.13)

as reference voltage with nC being the number of contact nodes. This type of boundary condition will be refered to as average boundary condition (ABC). The MNA stamp for a general node reads
jx, y $ \varphi_{C}^{}$ $ \overline{\varphi}$ $ \psi_{C}^{}$ IC r
$ \varphi_{C}^{}$       -1 f$\scriptstyle \varphi_{C}$k
$ \psi_{C}^{}$ 1 -1 -1   f$\scriptstyle \psi_{C}$k
$ \overline{\varphi}$ - $ {\frac{1}{n_{C}}}$ $ {\frac{1}{n_{C}}}$     f$\scriptstyle \overline{\varphi}$k
IC       -1 fICk

It is to note that the row f$\scriptstyle \overline{\varphi}$ is entered for each contact node, hence one obtains $ \sum_{C}^{}$$ {\frac{1}{n_{C}}}$ = 1. The convergence properties using ABC for the diode circuit Fig. 6.2 are similar to RBC as shown in Fig. 6.5. However, as $ \overline{\varphi}$ = 0.5 V the internal contact voltages are $ \pm$0.5 V the built-in potential provides a better initial-guess and only 7 iterations are needed.

Figure 6.7: Placement of the iteration dependent conductance GSk for one terminal.
\psfrag{IB}{$\scriptstyle I_...

It has been observed that the full coupled system of device and circuit equations is extremely instable at the beginning of the iteration. Similar observations were made by Ho et al. [32] for FET circuits using compact models. They proposed to shunt a resistor of k$ \Omega$ at the source and drain during the first three Newton iterations, to stabilize the coupled system and to slightly decouple the device from the circuit equations. This approach has been extended by introducing an iteration dependent conductance GSk between each device node and ground as shown in Fig. 6.7. The following purely empirical expression for GSk delivered very promising results

G0 = 10-2 S (6.14)
Gmin = 10-12 S (6.15)
GSk = $\displaystyle \left\{\vphantom{ \begin{array}{lll}
\max \left(G_{\mathit{min}},...
...&\mathrm{for}&E_{2}(\mathbf{u}_{\psi}) \le 0.1 \cdot V_{T}
\end{array} }\right.$$\displaystyle \begin{array}{lll}
\max \left(G_{\mathit{min}},\ G_0 \cdot 10^{-k...{min}}
&\mathrm{for}&E_{2}(\mathbf{u}_{\psi}) \le 0.1 \cdot V_{T}
\end{array}$ $\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ \begin{array}{lll}
\max \left(G_{\mathit{min}},\...
...&\mathrm{for}&E_{2}(\mathbf{u}_{\psi}) \le 0.1 \cdot V_{T}
\end{array} }\right.$ (6.16)
$\displaystyle \kappa$ = 1.0 ... 4.0 (6.17)

with k being the iteration counter. It is worthwhile to note that the algorithm worked equally well with Gmin = 0 for the simulated circuits. However, this expression is purely empirical but unfortunately any attempt to use a more rigorous expression based on norms of the quantities did not work satisfactory.

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Tibor Grasser