
First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisors Prof. Siegfried Selberherr and Privatdoz. Dr. Viktor Sverdlov for the opportunity to join the scientific group of the Institute for Microelectronics and introducing me to an intresting research area, where I was able to invent, develop, and implement my ideas.

Additional thanks to Privatdoz. Dr. Viktor Sverdlov for introducing me to microelectronics simulations and a very interesting course of lectures “Introduction to silicon spintronics”.

I am very grateful to all my co-authors and colleagues, in particular to Dr. Stanislav Tyaginov, Dr. Thomas Windbacher, Dr. Karl Rupp, Dr. Lado Filipovic and MSc. Dmitry Osintsev.

To all my family, and my parents, who always support me in any of my undertaking.