5.4 Acoustic Deformation Potential Scattering

In this section, the coupling of the electrons with acoustic phonons is analyzed. Displacement of the atoms from their lattice sites are induced by crystal vibrations, which induces a modification of the bandstructure. For electrons in the conduction band, the variation of the conduction band edge Ec can be induced by acoustic phonons and the corresponding interaction Hamiltonian Ĥe-phAC is given by

He-ph = δEc

For small displacements δEc can be written as

δE  = Ξ   δV-
   c    acV

where Ξac denotes the acoustic deformation potential and δV is the variation of the crystal volume V . The local variation of the volume results from the lattice displacement U = x- x. The volume of a cube generated by the orthogonal vectors a = (δx,0,0), b = (0,δy,0) and c = (0,0,δz), is given by

V = a ⋅(b × c) = δx δyδz

The cube is distorted according to the transformations

(            )           (             )          (             )
  δx+  ∂∂Uxxδx                  ∂U∂xy δy                    ∂∂Uzxδz
a′=|   ∂Uyδx    | ,    b ′ = | δy + ∂Uyδy | ,    c′ = |    ∂Uyδz   |
(   ∂∂Uxz      )           (    ∂Uz∂y    )          (     ∂z∂Uz   )
     ∂x δx                    -∂y δy                 δz +  ∂z δz

and the new volume can be written as

  ′    ′   ′   ′          (    ∂Ux    ∂Uy   ∂Uz     )
V  = a  ⋅(b  × c) = δxδyδz  1 + -∂x- + ∂y--+ -∂z- + ...


δV    V′ - V   ∂U     ∂U     ∂U
---=  -------= ---x + ---y+  --z-= ∇ ⋅U,
V       V       ∂x     ∂y    ∂z

where the lattice displacement is given by  [85]

         ∑     (      )1∕2
Uˆ = √1--    wq  --ℏ--    (ˆaqeiq⋅x + ˆa†qe- iq⋅x),
       V  q      2ρωq

the interaction Hamiltonian reads

ˆHAC    =   Ξac∇ ⋅ ˆU
 e-ph      ∑
       =      (αAC ˆaqeiq⋅x + α⋆AC ˆa†qe-iq⋅x).                 (5.25)
Here, ρ is the mass density of the semiconductor, and wq denotes the polarization vector. The coupling coefficient can be written as  [86]
            (    2  )1 ∕2
α    = iw  ⋅q  -ℏΞac-
  AC          2V ρωq

The electron scattering rate with the assistance of acoustic phonons can be written in the following form  [87] (see Appendix B.2)

---1----   Ξ2acm-⋆ν′λ′kBT- ν′λ′               ′′      ′
τνν′λλ′(k∥) =    ρℏ3v2s    Iνλ Θ (E νλ(k∥)- E νλ + Δ λλ )

where Eac is the acoustic deformation potential, ρ is the density of the material, and vs stands for the sound velocity. This equation is only valid for ωq kBT, i.e. when the thermal energy is much larger than the energy of the phonon involved in the transition, and in the elastic approximation limit ωq 0 (see Appendix B.2).