2.4.1 Electronic Band Structure of Graphene

Within the tight-binding method the two-dimensional energy dispersion relations of graphene can be calculated by solving the eigen-value problem for a HAMILTONian $ H_\mathrm{g-2D}$ associated with the two carbon atoms in the graphene unit cell [12]. In the SLATER-KOSTER scheme one gets2.1

$\displaystyle H_\mathrm{g-2D} \ = \ \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 0 & f(k)\\ - f^\dagger(k) & 0 \end{array} \right] \ .$ (2.3)

where $ f(k)=- t(1+e^{i{\bf k}\cdot.{\bf a_1}}+e^{i{\bf k}\cdot{\bf a_2}})=
-t(1+2e^{\sqrt{3}k_xa/2}\mathrm{cos}(k_ya/2))$ and $ t$ is the nearest neighbor C-C tight binding overlap energy2.2 [29]. Solution of the secular equation $ \mathrm{det}(H_\mathrm{g-2D}-EI)=0$ leads to

$\displaystyle E_\mathrm{g-2D}^{\pm}({\bf k}) \ = \ \pm \ t\sqrt{1 \ + \ 4\mathr...
...\left(\frac{k_ya}{2}\right) + \ \mathrm{cos}^2\left(\frac{k_ya}{2}\right) } \ ,$ (2.4)

where the $ E_\mathrm{g-2D}^+$ and $ E_\mathrm{g-2D}^-$ correspond to the $ \pi ^*$ and the $ \pi $ energy bands, respectively. Figure 2.6 shows the electronic energy dispersion relations for graphene as a function of the two-dimensional wave-vector $ {\bf k}$ in the hexagonal BRILLOUIN zone.
Figure 2.6: The energy dispersion relations for graphene are shown through the whole region of the BRILLOUIN zone. The lower and the upper surfaces denote the valence $ \pi $ and the conduction $ \pi ^*$ energy bands, respectively. The coordinates of high symmetry points are $ \Gamma =(0,0)$, $ \mathrm{K}=(0,2\pi/3a)$, and $ \mathrm{M}=(2\pi/\sqrt{3}a,0)$. The energy values at the $ \mathrm{K}$, $ \mathrm{M}$, and $ \Gamma $ points are 0, $ t$, and $ 3t$, respectively.
\includegraphics[width=.34\textwidth]{figures/Graphite-3D.eps} \includegraphics[width=.26\textwidth]{figures/Graphite-2D.eps}
M. Pourfath: Numerical Study of Quantum Transport in Carbon Nanotube-Based Transistors