2.3.2 Profiles in Arbitrary Structures

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2.3.2 Profiles in Arbitrary Structures


With cognizance of a point response it is evident, that we get the dopant distribution in a more-dimensional space by convolution of this distribution function, i.e. by adding up the point responses to the final concentration . For multilayered, nonplanar structures such as in Figure 2.3-3, we take a vertical profile at a lateral position from Section 2.2.4, and obtain the concentration profile from a lateral convolution (2.3-7).



First, we must consider the beam tilt angle . Many implantation machines tilt the wafer by about to reduce channeling effects [Gil88], larger tilt angles may be used to obtain advantageous electrical characteristics [Hor88]. We rotate the complete geometry and also the grid by as shown in Figure 2.3-4 using the transformation matrix (2.3-8).



Then, we cut the geometry in thin vertical slices parallel to the direction of the ion beam (Figure 2.3-4). We use an even number of slices, in order to promote numerically symmetrical calculations for geometrically symmetric structures. For each slice we determine the quantities required for the calculation of a one-dimensional vertical distribution function [Sch91]. These quantities are the scaling factor , the shift for the vertical distribution function in layer , and the interface positions .

The vertical coordinate of the entry point of the ions makes the calculation independent of the actual origin of the coordinate system. The interface positions simplify the determination of the layer index for a given vertical coordinate (Figure 2.3-5). We calculate and pretending to deal with a laterally infinite structure. Vacuum layers in a slice require special treatment and, therefore, the original equations (2.2-32) - (2.2-35) are slightly modified.






The distribution function vanishes in vacuum layers and is continued in the next non-vacuum layer (2.3-13). For a layer , points to the previous non-vacuum layer, i.e. in most cases holds .


After having completed this initialization phase we have all parameters for the vertical distribution function at any lateral position . To get the implanted dopant concentration at a certain grid point (in the rotated coordinate system) we have to calculate the convolution integral (2.3-14).


We adjust the actual integration limits to the maximum lateral standard deviation of the layers (2.3-15). Contributions to the integral outside the interval (2.3-16) are neglected. The integration boundary parameter is to be selected according to the desired accuracy.



This integration has to be performed numerically by one of the numerous quadrature formulae, e.g. Chebyshev, Euler-Maclaurin, Gauß, Maclaurin, Newton-Cotes, Romberg [Sto83]. We perform the integrations (2.3-14) and (2.3-11) numerically with a Simpson integrator, which is based on a Newton-Cotes formula. This Simpson integrator defines its own grid for the integration and refines the grid locally if desired. It starts with an initial equidistant grid of lines in the right half and lines in the left half of the integration domain. The grid in the left and/or right half is refined successively until certain absolute and relative accuracy conditions are fulfilled.

As mentioned above the distribution functions in the lateral interval are required for the calculation of the concentration at a point . Usually, the real geometry is given for exactly the domain where we want to calculate the concentration. Some of the boundaries do not exist in the physical structure and are only introduced to limit the simulation domain. These boundaries are labeled artificial. At artificial boundaries we extend the geometry by , such that the concentration can be calculated at any grid point in the whole real structure (see Figure 2.3-6), without loosing any contribution to the convolution integral (2.3-14). It is necessary to extend the geometry at all (lateral and vertical) artificial boundaries, because the wafer might be tilted against the ion beam, and the lateral integration is always performed perpendicular to the ion beam.


We want to emphasize that this implementation for the calculation of the dopant concentration is completely independent of the grid used for the dopant profiles.   Furthermore, any vertical and lateral distribution function may be employed for the different target materials to calculate the profiles in the one-dimensional slices. For a list of available distribution functions and parameter sets see Section 2.4.

The basic assumptions for analytical approaches based on moments of a distribution function restrain their applicability to half spaces. The shown expansions to multilayered and nonplanar structures mostly give acceptable results but suffer from lacking underlying physics. The results can be in a high degree inaccurate for instance if the interfaces between layers are not really perpendicular to the initial ion beam direction, or when steep surface contours have to be handled [Hob89].

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Martin Stiftinger
Wed Oct 19 13:03:34 MET 1994