

Josef Weinbub is an Associate Professor of High Performance Simulation in Micro- and Nanoelectronics, an IEEE Senior Member, and the Vice Chair of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council’s Modeling and Simulation Technical Committee. He obtained the doctoral degree in Computational Microelectronics and the venia docendi (habilitation) in the field of Micro- and Nanoelectronics from the TU Wien. He was a visiting researcher at the EPCC, University of Edinburgh and at the Device Modelling Group, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK as well as at SILVACO Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA. He founded and now chairs the master’s program Computational Science and Engineering at the TU Wien and is involved with several international scientific conferences in various management and scientific roles. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Computational Electronics and a Principal Investigator of various research projects funded by, e.g., the Austrian Science Fund and the Christian Doppler Research Association. Together with his team he investigates cutting-edge research problems in the area of computational micro- and nanoelectronics.
Institute for Microelectronics profile