2.4.2 Impact of the Gate Depletion on MOSFET Characteristics

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2.4.2 Impact of the Gate Depletion on MOSFET Characteristics


Our numerical model is applied to study the performance of thin-oxide submicrometer MOSFETs with an (implanted) nondegenerate gate. In the first example we analyze the threshold voltage instabilities due to gate depletion in a small -gate/-channel device with very thin oxide . The device has an ideal threshold voltage of and is designed for room-temperature operation. Implanted source and drain profiles are reconstructed from the data in the literature [512][351][93][60] (see also [472][301]). We simulated static characteristics in the linear and the saturation region, transconductance, breakdown voltage and threshold-voltage variation with channel metallurgical length for this device. The results correspond to typical values reported for such experimental devices in literature. Possible B-penetration in -gate devices is neglected in this study (Section 2.1.2). The numerically calculated threshold voltage and the voltage drop in the gate in the middle of the channel are presented in Figure 2.15, with the fixed charge at the gate/oxide interface being a parameter. As already shown in Figure 2.5, a positive reduces threshold voltage increasing due to factor in -gate/-channel devices. However, in -gate/-channel devices, a positive increases and consequently, becomes larger because of an increased . Moreover, the threshold voltage sensitivity with respect to the activated impurity concentration increases with presence of a positive in -gate/-channel devices, as shown in Figure 2.15. Contrary to -gate/-channel devices in conventional -gate/-channel devices the gate enters into accumulation and the influence of lowering and positive on the threshold voltage is much weaker. Note that B-penetration would shift to more positive values in Figure 2.15 as opposed to a roll-off in due to gate depletion.

Figure 2.16 shows the distributions of potential, electric field strength and carrier concentration in a small -gate/-channel device, including gate, oxide and bulk area. A device with , very thin oxide of and is designed according to data for the technological processes, multiple-implanted doping profiles and terminal characteristics in the literature [512][394][393][351][93][60]. Because of the thin oxide (), the moderate doping in the gate () and the high gate bias () a remarkable potential drop occurs in the gate. The effective gate bias at the source channel-end is reduced by or about .


When is small, the gate-bias reduction is uniform along the channel. In saturation, the fields and reduce when going from source towards the drain


channel-end. decreases along the gate/oxide interface. As a consequence, one may expect that the gate-depletion effect becomes less important in the saturation than in the linear region; for instance a reduction in should be smaller in the saturation region than that in the linear region. However, a careful analysis shows that different effects take place which tend to cancel each other out. These effects are discussed in the following, applying the results known from analytical MOSFET modeling and supporting the conclusions by numerical simulation necessary for such short-channel devices.

The potential distribution along the channel in an MOSFET is a concave function of the -coordinate. Let us denote the channel potential due to nonzero with respect to potential in the source at the gate edge. In short-channel MOS transistors the channel potential is a slowly varying function of the -coordinate in the source channel-part and increases rapidly when approaching the characteristic pinch-off point (where increases enormously, [204]). In contrast, in long-channel MOSFETs increases with a moderate slope along the whole channel. Such a peculiarity of in short-channel devices is a direct consequence of the non-linearity and saturation in the relationship [162][161]. Therefore, decreases weakly from its maximal value at the source-side when approaching the pinch-off point near the drain-side, as can be seen on the potential and field distributions in the gate shown in Figure 2.16. In this example, we employed a standard drift-diffusion transport model with for Si and obtain and in the middle of the channel (). Simulating the same example, but without accounting for the drift velocity saturation (constant mobility) is equivalent to assuming a classical long-channel MOSFET theory. In the latter case we obtain and at the middle of the channel for the same device. These numerical results are consistent with our preceding discussion. In both, the ``long'' and the short-channel device, and are approximately the same at the source and drain-end of the channel, but they differ within the channel due to linear and non-linear relations. According to this finding the degradation of in saturation should be lower, but close to that in the linear region, since depletion occurs in a significant part of the gate for transistors biased in saturation.
Figures 2.17 and 2.18 display the numerically calculated drain current in linear and saturation region for the -gate/-channel device, with activated concentration in the gate as parameter. The numerical calculation is carried out employing the classical drift-diffusion model with parameters for the field-dependent mobility as in [417], being aware of all shortcomings of such an approach to simulate -devices biased in saturation. Calculations show that the reduction of is always larger in the saturation than in the linear region, contrary to our previous conclusion.


To explain this finding remember that the drain current is given by


with representing the inversion-layer charge and an average drift velocity across the inversion layer at the coordinate . It is known that close to the source channel-end, denoted as , is the main quantity depending on which determines the drain current in a short-channel MOSFET. G.C.A. is best fulfilled at the source channel-end. On the other hand the drift velocity at the source channel-end depends primarily on the drain-source bias . In the linear region, holds, where is the low-field surface mobility dependent on the transversal field gif. The lowering of is determined by the product . Gate depletion reduces , but leads to an increase in , since the depletion in the gate reduces gif. The latter effect cancels the lowering of due to in a significant amount.

This explanation correlates with the numerical calculation carried out assuming a surface mobility independent of the perpendicular field . For example in Figure 2.17 we obtain the relative reduction of , and for , and at , , respectively. In Figure 2.17, the corresponding reduction was , and , respectively. The differences between these two data sets arise due to the effect.


In the saturation region, approaches the non-linear part of the relationship in our device. It is accepted that the saturation velocity does not change with the transversal field, which is also assumed in the mobility model employed in the numerical simulation. The drift velocity at the source channel-end is slightly affected by through the weak dependence . In short-channel transistors, the variation of with is small in the saturation region due to the non-linearity and the saturation in the relation. Remember that this effect leads to linearization in the transfer characteristic and the saturation of transconductance in the saturation region. Moreover, is practically independent of the gate bias at the source channel-end. As a conclusion, the lowering of in saturation is for the most part determined by the large reduction in . This is compensated with a slight increase in ( to in our example) which represents a second order effect. Employing the analytical model from Section 2.2 to a MOS capacitor which is equivalent to our -gate/-channel device, the degradation in is calculated to be , and for , and at , respectivelygif. These results should be compared with the lowering of in Figure 2.18: , and for the same impurity concentrations in the gate, respectively. In addition, distributions of the surface electron concentration resulting from the numerical calculation confirm the above conclusion.

In general, the degradation of is larger than the reduction of in saturation, while the latter effect is larger than lowering of in linear region.


A high concentration of holes in the gate close to the source-sided gate corner may be observed in the 2D distribution shown in Figure 2.16. For this device the inversion in the gate takes place at beginning at the corner. This effect produces a recovery of transconductance to the value for equipotential-gate device, as shown in Figure 2.19 and reported in experiments [281][226]. The gate inversion is responsible for the eccentricity in the characteristics in Figures 2.17 and 2.18, as well. Note that the maximum transconductance of is much lower than the ideal limit of for the device in Figure 2.19 gif.

With regard to the influence of the charge at the gate/oxide interface on the drain current, the numerical study has provided the result which is consistent with that obtained for ; see Figure 2.6. One family of the transfer characteristic is presented in [163]. Here we only repeat that has a second order influence on and that is the main parameter determining the degradation.

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Martin Stiftinger
Sat Oct 15 22:05:10 MET 1994