5.3.2 Fit to SIMS Results

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5.3.2 Fit to SIMS Results

The parameters of the dual Pearson IV distribution in SUPREM-III   were adjusted to minimize the sum of squares objective between Secondary Ions Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) measured as-implanted profiles of   Boron at an energy of 10 keV:

Where n is the number of discrete measured points, is the SIMS concentration, and is the simulated concentration at those points. In general, the SUPREM-III grid does not match the measurement grid. A spline logarithmic interpolation was used to get the simulated profile values at the same depth as the measured concentrations. In Fig. 5.8 the excellent fit between the SIMS data and the corresponding dual Pearson distribution is shown. The single Pearson fit to the channeled and amorphized regions are also shown to illustrate how the two functions are combined.

Figure 5.8: Comparison of SIMS data (symbols) with single Pearson for amorphized region (dashed line) and channeled region (dotted line) and dual Pearson model (solid line).  

Martin Stiftinger
Tue Aug 1 19:07:20 MET DST 1995