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A major node in the hierarchical tree (Fig. 4.2) formed by the PROMIS-NT input deck model hierarchy is occupied by the DeviceSetupModel. Its task is to assign the segment specific Models determining the

For that purpose its interface consists of four parameters (Table 4.13) which associate material segments and boundaries between material segments with appropriate MDL class types.

Table 4.13: PROMIS-NT segment device setup Parameters
Name Type Description
segmentPreProcessingSetup XmdModelMap
associative list [segment material] $\rightarrow$ segment initialization MDL class type
segmentPostProcessingSetup XmdModelMap
associative list [segment material] $\rightarrow$ segment postprocessing MDL class type
segmentCoefficientSetup XmdModelMap
associative list [segment material] $\rightarrow$ coefficient initialization MDL class type
boundaryCoefficientSetup XmdModelMatrix
associative array [segment material1][segment material2] $\rightarrow$ boundary coefficient initialization MDL class type
PotentialQuantity MdlString
the name of the MDL quantity to be used as potential $\psi$

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Robert Mlekus