What are the effects on mesh element quality when using a templated mesh generation algorithm compared to a conventional mesh generation algorithm? How do non-symmetric meshes (of symmetric geometries) affect the solution of simulation processes?

It has been shown that the quality of the templated approach is as good as the quality of the conventional approach in most cases and minimally worse otherwise. An analysis on mesh element quality for reflective and rotational symmetric objects is given in Section 7.2 and Section 7.3, respectively.

If a simulation problem has a symmetric geometry, transforming the boundary conditions with the symmetry transformation yields a mathematical solution which is equal to the solution of the initial problem transformed by that same transformation. However, a FEM-based symmetry analysis yields that utilizing non-symmetric meshes result in numerical solutions which are numerically not equal (cf. Section 7.5). A symmetric mesh is required to obtain numerically equal solutions.

florian 2016-11-21