Area, Arc and Surface Elements

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Area, Arc and Surface Elements


From basic vector algebra we know the initial relationship between the determinant and the area (3.3-10), which might alternatively be expressed by the cross product. Note, that the cross product is defined as a scalar in two space dimensions [Dir86].


The general differential increment of a position vector is given by


Consequently, an increment of arc length along a general space curve then is


The dot products (, ...) are known as elements of the covariant metric tensor. An increment of arc length on a coordinate along which just or just varies is given by (3.3-13).


We define the differential surface element as the vector of length directed outward normal to the surface. We recognize the contravariant base vectors and as vectors normal to coordinate surfaces and , respectively, so we get (3.3-14) and (3.3-15) for the differential surface element and , respectively.




This rudimentary discussion of metric and differential geometric properties is sufficient for our purposes. Further discussion can be found in virtually any text on differential geometry (e.g. [Bur79], [Sim82], [Cra86], [Abr88]).

Martin Stiftinger
Wed Oct 19 13:03:34 MET 1994