3. Defect Creation

A comprehensive model for hot-carrier degradation should carefully capture the physical picture behind this detrimental effect. The developed model incorporates the main features of the previous approaches for hot-carrier degradation modeling. However, contrary to the previous HCD models the main aim of this work is to cover and link all levels related to this effect, starting from microscopic mechanisms of defect generation and ending at the device level. This means that essential peculiarities of this phenomenon (see Section 1.3) must be represented by the model. Among them are the interplay between SP- and MP-processes of Si-H bond dissociations [99,32,30,41], the strong localization of the damage [2,65], and the degradation saturation achieved at long stress times [41,29]. Finally, the damage induced not only by the minority carriers (forming the channel) but also by the majority carriers is to be considered [27,164].

I. Starkov: Comprehensive Physical Modeling of Hot-Carrier Induced Degradation