List of Tables

3.1 Truth tables of the basic implication operations, IMP and NIMP (negated IMP).
3.2 Realized conditional switching behavior is equivalent to the operation IMP or NIMP depending on the definitions for the high and low resistance states (HRS and LRS) as logical ‘0’ and ‘1’.
4.1 Realized conditional switching behavior is equivalent to the AND and OR operations with a preset of y =  1  using the two-input reprogrammable gate. Desired switching events in the output (  ′
y ) are indicated by boldface type.
4.2 Realized conditional switching behavior is equivalent to the NAND and NOR operations with a preset of y =  0  using the two-input reprogrammable gate.
4.3 Average error probabilities for 7 distinct binary Boolean functions based on the implication and reprogrammable logic architectures for TMR    =  250%  .
A.1 Full adder truth table.
A.2 *