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4.5.1 Logical Structure of the PROMIS-NT Input Deck

As depicted in Fig. 4.3 a PROMIS-NT input deck forms a hierarchically organized tree of MDL model instances. Starting from the root by iterating to the outer leaves these model instances are responsible for the more and more detailed description of the diffusion simulation to be computed.

Figure 4.3: Structure of the PROMIS-NT input deck

The optional Model instances StartUp and ShutDown build the flanks of the entire input deck structure both in terms of the logical structure and in terms of the simulation flow as they give the user the possibility to define MDL classes which will be evaluated upon startup and shut down of PROMIS-NT. A sample application of these two model instances can be found in Appendix D.

The root of this tree is given by the definition of the PromisNTSetup Model Instance responsible for the general setup of the simulation models and parameters concerning various details of the simulation control (Section

Instance PromisNTSetup = Instance_Name;

The second task for the PromisNTSetup Model Instance is to specify MDL classes which are responsible for

The above mentioned DeviceSetupModel instance associates with each material segment MDL Model classes which are used to setup all segment specific information:

The next hierarchy level of the input deck is formed by Model instances dedicated to single segments or boundaries between them. All Model instances on this level contain associative lists or arrays containing information about which Model instances to use for the computation of the various quantity concentrations and coefficient values on that segment. For each segment which is subject to the diffusion simulation modeling an own set of segment level Models has to be defined. These Models are described in more detail in Sections to

On the last hierarchy level of Models contained in PROMIS-NT input decks the quantity specific initialization, coefficient and post processing Models can be found. Opposed to the task of all other models discussed so far, these Model instances are not used for the further distribution of information about the model structure but for the actual computation of coefficients or quantity values found in (4.1) - (4.10) (Sections to

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Robert Mlekus