
Daniel and Mahmood recognized for remarkable achievements

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Lukas Cvitkovich will defend his thesis on June 28th.

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Congratulations to Johannes for successfully defending his dissertation

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Congratulations to Paul for successfully defending his dissertation

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Prof. Mark Kushner will give a talk at IuE on April 18th, at 2PM on "Model Based Approaches to Optimizing High Aspect Ratio Plasma Etching"

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Luiz Aguinsky will give a talk at IuE on April 17th, at 12PM on "Machine-Learned Models for Electrochemically Active Memristors"

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Prof. Mark Kushner will give a talk at IuE on April 15th, at 2PM on "Multi-Scaled Simulations and Modelling of Novel Materials and Electronic Devices"

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Paul Stampfer will defend his thesis on April 24th.

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Congratulations to Konstantinos for successfully defending his dissertation

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MSc Diego Milardovich will defend his thesis on April 25th.

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The post-discussion for the new scientific programming course was held on Friday, January 19th! The course was held for the first time in the past winter semester after the reform of the Bachelor's…

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MSc Konstantinos Tselios will defend his thesis on February 28th.

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Prof. Hocheon Yoo will give a guest lecture at IuE on January 12th, at 10AM about "Emerging semiconductors meet new applications: security, multi-valued computing, and hazard monitoring"

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Editor's Choice 2023 in Journal Communications Engineering

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Our colleague, Lado, will give a talk on multi-scale modeling approaches at the Chemical-Physical society seminar at the University of Vienna

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Editor's Pick in Journal of Applied Physics

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Prof. Nancy Hitschfeld Kahler will give a guest lecture at IuE on October 16th, at 2PM about "Polygonal/Polyhedral Meshing in Computational Science and Engineering"

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Professor Saptarshi Das from Penn State University will give a guest lecture at IuE on Thursday, September 28th, at 10am about "3D Integration of 2D Devices for Advanced Memory, Logic, and…

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IuE at the IITC 2023

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Congratulations to Christoph for successfully defending his dissertation

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Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Lenz will defend his thesis on August 30th.

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Publication in Nanomaterials

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On Thursday June 29th, the Institute for Microelectronics celebrated

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Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research Martin Polaschek joins KinderUni Wien workshop at the Institute for Microelectronics

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Our C++ lecture won in the category "Best Lecture" at this year’s Best Teaching Awards

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Advancing modeling of spatially entangled transport dynamics of electrons

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Publication in Solar RRL

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The progress and significance of quantum electronics is highlighted by speakers from industry and academia

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Lado Filipovic has been promoted to Associate Professor

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Michael Waltl has been promoted to Associate Professor

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Journal of Applied Physics paper highlighted by Editors

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Lado Filipovic opens the new CDL for ProMod

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Nature Communications Engineering

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Simone Fiorentini, MSc will defend his thesis on February 27th.

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Theresia Knobloch received the Hannspeter-Winter Prize

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Advanced Materials

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Congratulations to Luiz for successfully defending his dissertation

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FWF will fund two PhD students from the IuE for the “TU-D” doctoral school

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Luiz Felipe Aguinsky, MSc will defend his thesis on December 20th.

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Luiz has received a postdoctoral fellowship to continue his research at ETH Zurich

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Theresia Knobloch and Alexander Toifl received the highest possible distinction for academic achievements for a doctoral degree in Austria.

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An FWF project will study the interaction between 2D semiconductors and ambient gas molecules

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Congratulations to Christian for successfully defending his dissertation

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Congratulations to Jakob for successfully defending his dissertation

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Dipl.-Ing. Christian Schleich will defend his thesis on August 30th.

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KinderUni Wien 2022 workshops at the Institute for Microelectronics

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MSc Jakob Michl will defend his thesis on August 25th.

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Institute for Microelectronics at the Lange Nacht der Forschung (Long Night of Research)

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Prof. Tibor Grasser elected Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA)

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KinderUni Wien 2022 workshops at the Institute for Microelectronics

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Nature Electronics

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Josef Weinbub has been promoted to Associate Professor

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Best Reliability Paper at MIPRO 2022

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Prof. Dimov (BAS) and Prof. Zaslavsky (Brown Univ.)

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Dr. Giada Franceschi (TU Wien)

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Prof. Grasser has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant

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Sponsored Flagship Workshop at ETH Zurich from July 6-8, 2022

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Congratulations to Xaver for successfully defending his dissertation

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MSc Xaver Klemenschits will defend his thesis on April 8th.

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Congratulations to Michael for successfully defending his dissertation

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Michael Waltl elevated to IEEE Senior Member

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Nature Electronics

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Congratulations to Theresia for successfully defending her dissertation

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Dipl.-Ing. Michael Quell will defend his thesis on January 13th.

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Nature Electronics

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Dipl.-Ing. Theresia Knobloch will defend her thesis on December 22nd.

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Prof. Siegfried Selberherr elected Fellow of the prestigious Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA)

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Our colleague, Markus Jech was awarded the Ressel Prize

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IEEE EDS PhD Student Fellowship

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Publication on geometric advection

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Best Reliability Paper at IPFA 2021

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IuE at the EuroSOI-ULIS 2021

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Congratulations to Alexander for successfully defending his dissertation

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Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Toifl will defend his thesis on August 19th.

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Physical Review Applied article highlighted by Editors

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The first KinderUni Wien 2021 workshop took place at the Institute for Microelectronics today

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A new communication standard aims to circulate safety-critical data in passenger planes quicker than currently possible, but with less cabling

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Sensors journal article highlighted by Editors

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The textbook “Stochastic Approaches to Electron Transport in Micro- and Nanostructures”, written by our colleagues Mihail Nedjalkov, Siegfried Selberherr and Ivan Dimov, by Springer Nature,…

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Is among the top 25 most-read Nature Communications physics articles for 2020

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Nature Electronics

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IuE is looking for an administrative assistant. Check our current open position!

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Nature Communications paper highlighted by Editors

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Congratulations to Bernhard for successfully defending his dissertation

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Congratulations to Markus for successfully defending his dissertation

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New cooperation with Global TCAD Solutions GmbH will start on October 1st 2020

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Our colleague, Christian Schleich was awarded for an Excellent Diploma Thesis of the City of Vienna (“Diplomarbeitspreis der Stadt Wien”)

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Nature Electronics

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We are always looking for new team members. Check our current open positions!

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IuE at the DRC 2020

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New cooperation with TTTech, SCHIEBEL, JKU Linz, Austro Control and AIRBUS will start on September 1st 2020

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Advanced Materials paper

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Nature Communications paper

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Tibor Grasser elected to the FWF board

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Josef Weinbub and Yury Illarionov elevated to IEEE Senior Members

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We are always looking for new team members. Check our current open positions!

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The 25th edition of IuE's flagship conference SISPAD will take place online in September 2020.

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An IuE paper has been selected for Inside Back Cover in Advanced Functional Materials

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We are always looking for new team members. Check our current open positions!

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New cooperation with Global TCAD Solutions GmbH will start on September 1st 2020

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Two Austrian Science Fund (FWF) projects will advance Wigner quantum transport research

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Congratulations to Lukas for successfully defending his dissertation

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Dipl.-Ing. Lukas Gnam will defend his thesis on March 24th.

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Congratulations to Oskar for successfully defending his dissertation

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Dipl.-Ing. Oskar Baumgartner will defend his thesis on March 5th.

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IuE at the IEDM 2019

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New international cooperation started on January 1 st 2020

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IuE at the IIRW 2019

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We are always looking for new team members. Check our current open positions!

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Cutting-edge DELL PowerEdge cluster accelerates simulations at IuE

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Two papers from IuE to be presented at the prestigious International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) conference.

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We are always looking for new team members. Check our current open positions!

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The 24th edition of IuE's flagship conference SISPAD (Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices) will take place on September 3-6, 2019 in Udine, Italy.

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Advanced Functional Materials paper

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2D Materials paper

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Nature Electronics paper

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Best poster award for IuE at ICP2DC4 2019

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We are always looking for new team members. Check our current open positions!

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Congratulations to Markus for successfully defending his dissertation

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Dipl.-Ing. Markus Kampl will defend his thesis on April 5th.

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New Christian Doppler Laboratory for Single-Defect Spectroscopy at our institute

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Prof. Siegfried Selberherr receives highly prestigious IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award

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Paper dedicated to the Wigner community

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We are always looking for new team members. Check our current open positions!

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Congratulations to Gerald for successfully defending his dissertation

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Dipl.-Ing. Gerald Rescher will defend his thesis on November 13th.

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A new Christian Doppler Laboratory at our institute is expected to contribute to the next IT storage revolution

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Congratulations to Vito for successfully defending his dissertation

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Mag. Fiz. Vito Šimonka will defend his thesis on November 5th.

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Paper dedicated to the Wigner community and gives a broad and concise overview of recent advancements in different fields

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Congratulations to Alexander for successfully defending his dissertation

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Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Grill will defend his thesis on October 22nd.

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Our colleague, Alexander Toifl was awarded the faculty’s prize (“Fakultäts­preis”)

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New cooperation with TTTech Computertechnik AG will start on October 1th 2018

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We are always looking for new team members. Check our current open positions!

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The 23rd edition of IuE's flagship conference SISPAD (Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices) will take place on September 24-26, 2018 in Austin, Texas

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The book 'The Wigner Function in Science and Technology' written by Prof. David K. Ferry (Arizona State University) and our own Mihail Nedjalkov available for pre-order

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Congratulations to Gerhard, Gunnar, Bianka and Paul for successfully defending their dissertations

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New cooperation with Global TCAD Solutions GmbH will start on October 1th 2018

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Dipl.-Phys. Gunnar Andreas Rott, Dipl.-Ing. Bianka Ullmann and MSc. Dipl.-Ing. Paul Manstetten, will defend their theses on June 28th

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Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Rzepa will defend his thesis on June 27th.

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Alexander Toifl defended his master's thesis "Modeling and Simulation of Thermal Annealing of Implanted GaN and SiC" on June 14th

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On Friday June 8th, the Institute for Microelectronics celebrates

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