LICENSOR grants to LICENSEE a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the Software-Package (hereinafter called "SOFTWARE") on the COMPUTER, at the LOCATION, and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set out.
1. LICENSEE acknowledges that the source code of the SOFTWARE which has been originally developed by the AUTHOR at the Vienna University of Technology is supplied "as is", without any accompanying maintenance services from LICENSOR or AUTHOR.
2. The SOFTWARE shall be used only for educational or research purposes.
3. The contents of the SOFTWARE supplied by LICENSOR shall be kept confidential by LICENSEE and are not to be disclosed or transferred to any party other than LICENSEE without prior written permission from LICENSOR. LICENSEE may improve the SOFTWARE or develop other programs using the whole or parts of the SOFTWARE, provided LICENSEE informs LICENSOR of such improvements and/or developments prior to their publication and grants at request of LICENSOR use of such improvements and/or developments under terms and conditions similar to those provided herein.
4. Title to the SOFTWARE and any material associated therewith shall at all times remain with LICENSOR and AUTHOR.
5. LICENSEE agrees that any output of the SOFTWARE will bear a subscript stating the name of the SOFTWARE and a reference to the Vienna University of Technology.
Institute for Microelectronics - September 2000