Contributions to Books
125. | Cervenka, J., Kosik, R., Vasicek, M.-T., Gritsch, M., Selberherr, S., Grasser, T. (2023). Macroscopic Transport Models for Classical Device Simulation. In M. Rudan, R. Brunetti, S. Reggiani (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Semiconductor Devices (pp. 1335–1381). Springer. (reposiTUm) | |
124. | Cervenka, J., Kosik, R., Vasicek, M.-T., Gritsch, M., Selberherr, S., Grasser, T. (2023). Macroscopic Transport Models for Classical Device Simulation. In M. Rudan, R. Brunetti, S. Reggiani (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Semiconductor Devices (pp. 1335–1381). Springer. (reposiTUm) | |
123. | Selberherr, S., Sverdlov, V. (2023). Technology Computer-Aided Design: A Key Component of Microelectronics’ Development. In A. Nathan, S. K. Saha, R. M. Todi (Eds.), 75th Anniversary of the Transistor (pp. 337–347). Wiley. (reposiTUm) | |
122. | Waltl, M., Hernandez, Y., Schleich, C., Waschneck, K. A., Stampfer, B., Reisinger, H., Grasser, T. (2022). Performance Analysis of 4h-SiC Pseudo-D CMOS Inverter Circuits Employing Physical Charge Trapping Models. In J. F. Michaud, L. V. Phung, D. Alquier, D. Planson (Eds.), Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2021 (pp. 688–695). Trans Tech Publications Ltd , Switzerland. (reposiTUm) | |
121. | Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2022). Spin-Based Devices for Digital Applications. In M. Rudan, R. Brunetti, S. Reggiani (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Semiconductor Devices (pp. 1123–1166). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
120. | Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2022). Spin-Based Devices for Digital Applications. In M. Rudan, R. Brunetti, S. Reggiani (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Semiconductor Devices (pp. 1123–1166). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
119. | Lenz, C., Scharinger, A., Manstetten, P., Hössinger, A., Weinbub, J. (2021). A Novel Surface Mesh Simplification Method for Flux-Dependent Topography Simulations of Semiconductor Fabrication Processes. In M. van Beurden, N. Budko, W. Schilders (Eds.), Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (pp. 73–81). Springer. (reposiTUm) | |
118. | Filipovic, L., Selberherr, S. (2021). Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of Semiconductor Metal Oxide Gas Sensors. In M. I. Khan (Ed.), Prime Archives in Material Science (pp. 1–38). Vide Leaf. (reposiTUm) | |
117. | L.F. Aguinsky, G. Wachter, F. Rodrigues, A. Scharinger, A. Toifl, M. Trupke, U. Schmid, A. Hössinger, J. Weinbub: "Feature-Scale Modeling of Low-Bias SF6 Plasma Etching of Si"; in: "Proceedings of the 2021 Joint International EUROSOI Workshop and International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (EUROSOI-ULIS)", B. Cretu (Hrg.); IEEE, 2021, S. 1 - 4. | |
116. | Ceric, H., Zahedmanesh, H., Lacerda de Orio, R., Selberherr, S. (2021). Models and Techniques for Reliability Studies of Nano-Scaled Interconnects. In S. Y. Yurish (Ed.), Advances in Measurements and Instrumentation: Reviews (pp. 93–111). International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA) Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
115. | Benam, M., Wołoszyn, M., Selberherr, S. (2021). Self-Consistent Monte Carlo Solution of Wigner and Poisson Equations Using an Efficient Multigrid Approach. In I. Georgiev, H. Kostadinov, E. Lilkova (Eds.), Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics (pp. 60–67). Springer. (reposiTUm) | |
114. | Stampfer, B., Grill, A., Waltl, M. (2020). Advanced Electrical Characterization of Single Oxide Defects Utilizing Noise Signals. In T. Grasser (Ed.), Noise in Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices (pp. 229–257). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
113. | Waldhoer, D., El-Sayed, A.-M. B., Wimmer, Y., Waltl, M., Grasser, T. (2020). Atomistic Modeling of Oxide Defects. In T. Grasser (Ed.), Noise in Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices (pp. 609–648). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
112. | Coppeta, R., Lahlalia, A., Kozic, D., Hammer, R., Riedler, J., Toschkoff, G., Singulani, A., Ali, Z., Sagmeister, M., Carniello, S., Selberherr, S., Filipovic, L. (2020). Electro-Thermal-Mechanical Modeling of Gas Sensor Hotplates. In W. D. van Driel, O. Pyper, C. Schumann (Eds.), Sensor Systems Simulations (pp. 17–72). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
111. | Fiorentini, S., Lacerda de Orio, R., Selberherr, S., Ender, J., Goes, W., Sverdlov, V. (2020). Influence of Current Redistribution in Switching Models for Perpendicular STT-MRAM. In J. A. Martino, B.-Y. Nguyen, F. Gamiz, H. Ishii, J.-P. Raskin, S. Selberherr, E. Simoen (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 159–164). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
110. | Indalecio, G., Kosina, H. (2020). Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron-Electron Interactions in Bulk Silicon. In G. Nicosia, V. Romano (Eds.), Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (pp. 125–131). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
109. | Quell, M., Diamantopoulos, G., Hössinger, A., Selberherr, S., Weinbub, J. (2020). Parallel Correction for Hierarchical Re-Distancing Using the Fast Marching Method. In I. Dimov, S. Fidanova (Eds.), Advances in High Performance Computing (pp. 438–451). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
108. | Quell, M., Manstetten, P., Hössinger, A., Selberherr, S., Weinbub, J. (2020). Parallelized Construction of Extension Velocities for the Level-Set Method. In R. Wyrzykowski, E. Deelman, J. Dongarra, K. Karczewski (Eds.), Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (pp. 348–358). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
107. | Benam, M., Nedjalkov, M., Selberherr, S. (2019). A Wigner Potential Decomposition in the Signed-Particle Monte Carlo Approach. In G. Nikolov, N. T. Kolkovska, K. Georgiev (Eds.), Numerical Methods and Applications (pp. 263–272). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
106. | Gnam, L., Manstetten, P., Hössinger, A., Selberherr, S., Weinbub, J. (2019). Accelerating Flux Calculations Using Sparse Sampling. In L. Filipovic, T. Grasser (Eds.), Miniaturized Transistors (pp. 176–192). MDPI. (reposiTUm) | |
105. | Gnam, L., Selberherr, S., Weinbub, J. (2019). Evaluation of Serial and Parallel Shared-Memory Distance-1 Graph Coloring Algorithms. In G. Nikolov, N. T. Kolkovska, K. Georgiev (Eds.), Numerical Methods and Applications (pp. 106–114). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
104. | Klemenschits, X., Selberherr, S., Filipovic, L. (2019). Modeling of Gate Stack Patterning for Advanced Technology Nodes: A Review. In L. Filipovic, T. Grasser (Eds.), Miniaturized Transistors (pp. 105–135). MDPI. (reposiTUm) | |
103. | Windbacher, T., Makarov, A., Selberherr, S., Mahmoudi, H., Malm, B. G., Ekström, M., Östling, M. (2019). The Exploitation of the Spin-Transfer Torque Effect for CMOS Compatible Beyond Von Neumann Computing. In S. K. Kurinec, S. Walia, K. Iniewski (Eds.), Energy Efficient Computing, Electronics: Devices to Systems; Devices, Circuits, and Systems Series (pp. 93–155). CRC Press. (reposiTUm) | |
102. | Shah, A. P., Moshrefi, A., Waltl, M. (2019). Utilizing NBTI for Operation Detection of Integrated Circuits. In A. Sengupta, S. Dasgupta, V. Singh, R. Sharma, S. K. Vishvakarma (Eds.), VLSI Design and Test (pp. 190–201). Springer Singapore. (reposiTUm) | |
101. | Filipovic, L., Lahlalia, A. (2018). (Invited)<i /> System-On-Chip Sensor Integration in Advanced CMOS Technology. In J. A. Martino, J.-P. Raskin, S. Selberherr, H. Ishii, F. Gamiz, B.-Y. Nguyen, A. Yoshino (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 151–162). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
100. | Ruscher, S. H., Weinbub, J., Selberherr, S. (2018). Evaluating Software Testing Methods in an Active and Assisted Living Context. In F. Piazolo, S. Schlögl (Eds.), Innovative Lösungen für eine alternde Gesellschaft (pp. 68–76). Pabst Science Publishers. (reposiTUm) | |
99. | Lorenz, J., Asenov, A., Baer, E., Barraud, S., Millar, C., Nedjalkov, M. (2018). Process Variability for Devices at and Beyond the 7nm Node. In J. A. Martino, J.-P. Raskin, S. Selberherr, H. Ishii, F. Gamiz, B.-Y. Nguyen, A. Yoshino (Eds.), Advanced CMOS-Compatible Semiconductor Devices 18 (pp. 113–124). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
98. | Manstetten, P., Gnam, L., Hössinger, A., Selberherr, S., Weinbub, J. (2018). Sparse Surface Speed Evaluation on a Dynamic Three-Dimensional Surface Using an Iterative Partitioning Scheme. In Y. Shi, H. Fu, Y. Tian, V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya, M. H. Lees, J. Dongarra, P. M. A. Sloot (Eds.), Computational Science – ICCS 2018 (pp. 694–707). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
97. | Makarov, A., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2018). Ultra-Fast Switching of a Free Magnetic Layer With Out-Of-Plane Magnetization in Spin-Orbit Torque MRAM Cells. In J. A. Martino, J.-P. Raskin, S. Selberherr, H. Ishii, F. Gamiz, B.-Y. Nguyen, A. Yoshino (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 213–218). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
96. | Knobloch, T., Rzepa, G., Illarionov, Y. Y., Waltl, M., Polyushkin, D., Pospischil, A., Furchi, M., Mueller, T., Grasser, T. (2017). (Invited) Impact of Gate Dielectrics on the Threshold Voltage in MoS2Transistors. In D. Misra, S. De Gendt, M. Houssa, K. Kita, D. Landheer (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 203–217). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
95. | Windbacher, T., Makarov, A., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2016). A Universal Nonvolatile Processing Environment. In S. Luryi, J. Xu, A. Zaslavsky (Eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics - Journey into the Unknown (pp. 83–91). John Wiley, Sons. (reposiTUm) | |
94. | Gutierrez-D, E. A., Gamiz, F., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S., Torres-J, A. (2016). Device Physics, Modeling, and Technology for Nano-Scaled Semiconductor Devices. In E. A. Gutierrez-Dominguez (Ed.), Nano-Scaled Semiconductor Devices: Physics, Modelling, Characterisation, and Societal Impact (pp. 17–185). Institution of Engineering and Technology. (reposiTUm) | |
93. | Osintsev, D., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2016). Electron Momentum and Spin Relaxation in Silicon Films. In G. Russo, V. Capasso, G. Nicosia, V. Romano (Eds.), Mathematics in Industry (pp. 695–700). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
92. | Dimov, I., Nedjalkov, M., Sellier, J. M., Selberherr, S. (2016). Neumann Series Analysis of the Wigner Equation Solution. In G. Russo, V. Capasso, G. Nicosia, V. Romano (Eds.), Mathematics in Industry (pp. 701–707). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
91. | Sverdlov, V., Osintsev, D., Selberherr, S. (2016). Silicon-On-Insulator for Spintronic Applications: Spin Lifetime and Electric Spin Manipulation. In J. J. Liou, S.-K. Liaw, Y.-H. Chung (Eds.), Nano Devices and Sensors (pp. 29–48). De Gruyter. (reposiTUm) | |
90. | Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2015). (Invited) Spin-Based Silicon and CMOS-Compatible Devices. In Y. Omura, J. A. Martino, J.-P. Raskin, S. Selberherr, H. Ishii, F. Gamiz, B.-Y. Nguyen (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 223–231). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
89. | Cervenka, J., Ellinghaus, P., Nedjalkov, M. (2015). Deterministic Solution of the Discrete Wigner Equation. In I. Dimov, S. Fidanova, I. Lirkov (Eds.), Numerical Methods and Applications (pp. 149–156). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
88. | Grasser, T., Langer, E., Selberherr, S. (2015). Institut Für Mikroelektronik / Institute for Microelectronics. In K. Unterrainer (Ed.), Die Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik / The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Vol. 4, pp. 57–62). Böhlau. (reposiTUm) | |
87. | Windbacher, T., Makarov, A., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2015). Novel Buffered Magnetic Logic Gate Grid. In F. Roozeboom, V. Narayanan, K. Kakushima, P. J. Timans, E. P. Gusev, Z. Karim, S. DeGendt (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 295–303). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
86. | Ellinghaus, P., Nedjalkov, M., Selberherr, S. (2015). Optimized Particle Regeneration Scheme for the Wigner Monte Carlo Method. In I. Dimov, S. Fidanova, I. Lirkov (Eds.), Numerical Methods and Applications (pp. 27–33). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
85. | Tyaginov, S. (2015). Physics-Based Modeling of Hot-Carrier Degradation. In T. Grasser (Ed.), Hot Carrier Degradation in Semiconductor Devices (pp. 105–150). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
84. | Makarov, A., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2015). Progress in Magnetoresistive Memory: Magnetic Tunnel Junctions With a Composite Free Layer. In S. Cristoloveanu, M. Shur (Eds.), Frontiers in Electronics. World Scientific Publishing Co. (reposiTUm) | |
83. | Kaczer, B., Grasser, T., Franco, J., Toledano-Luque, M., Roussel, J., Cho, M., Simoen, E., Groeseneken, G. (2015). Recent Trends in Bias Temperature Instability. In R. Reis, Y. Cao, G. Wirth (Eds.), Circuit Design for Reliability (pp. 5–19). Springer New York. (reposiTUm) | |
82. | Mahmoudi, H., Windbacher, T., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2015). Stateful STT-MRAM-Based Logic for Beyond–Von Neumann Computing. In T. Brozek, K. Iniewski (Eds.), Micro- and Nanoelectronics: Emerging Device Challenges and Solutions (pp. 221–250). CRC Press. (reposiTUm) | |
81. | Filipovic, L., Selberherr, S. (2015). Stress Considerations in Thin Films for CMOS-Integrated Gas Sensors. In Y. Omura, J. A. Martino, J.-P. Raskin, S. Selberherr, H. Ishii, F. Gamiz, B.-Y. Nguyen (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 243–250). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
80. | Bina, M., Rupp, K. (2015). The Spherical Harmonics Expansion Method for Assessing Hot Carrier Degradation. In T. Grasser (Ed.), Hot Carrier Degradation in Semiconductor Devices (pp. 197–220). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
79. | Ghosh, J., Osintsev, D., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2015). Variation of Spin Lifetime With Spin Injection Orientation in Strained Thin Silicon Films. In Y. Omura, J. A. Martino, J.-P. Raskin, S. Selberherr, H. Ishii, F. Gamiz, B.-Y. Nguyen (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 233–240). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
78. | Makarov, A., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2014). Composite Magnetic Tunnel Junctions for Fast Memory Devices and Efficient Spin-Torque Nano-Oscillators. In G. Lee (Ed.), Future Information Engineering. WITPRESS. (reposiTUm) | |
77. | Sverdlov, V., Ghosh, J., Osintsev, D., Selberherr, S. (2014). Modeling Silicon Spintronics. In Y. B. Senichenkov, V. Korablev, I. Chernorytski, N. Korovkin, S. Pozdnjkov, K. Ntalianis (Eds.), Recent Advances in Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences (pp. 195–198). Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering Series | 32. (reposiTUm) | |
76. | Filipovic, L., Selberherr, S., Mutinati, G. C., Brunet, E., Steinhauer, S., Köck, A., Teva, J., Kraft, J., Siegert, J., Schrank, F., Gspan, C., Grogger, W. (2014). Modeling and Analysis of Spray Pyrolysis Deposited SnO2 Films for Gas Sensors. In G.-C. Yang, S.-L. Ao, L. Gelman (Eds.), Transactions on Engineering Technologies (pp. 295–310). Springer. (reposiTUm) | |
75. | Osintsev, D., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2014). Uniaxial Shear Strain as a Mechanism to Increase Spin Lifetime in Thin Film of a SOI-Based Silicon Spin FETs. In A. Nazarov, F. Balestra, V. Kilchytska, D. Flandre (Eds.), Functional Nanomaterials and Devices for Electronics, Sensors and Energy Harvesting (pp. 127–149). Springer International Publishing. (reposiTUm) | |
74. | Weinbub, J., Rupp, K., Selberherr, S. (2013). A Flexible Dynamic Data Structure for Scientific Computing. In G.-C. Yang, S.-L. Ao, L. Gelman (Eds.), IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies (pp. 565–577). Springer. (reposiTUm) | |
73. | Weinbub, J., Rupp, K., Selberherr, S. (2013). A Lightweight Task Graph Scheduler for Distributed High-Performance Scientific Computing. In P. Manninen, P. Öster (Eds.), Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing (pp. 563–566). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
72. | Goes, W., Schanovsky, F., Grasser, T. (2013). Advanced Modeling of Oxide Defects. In T. Grasser (Ed.), Bias Temperature Instability for Devices and Circuits (pp. 409–446). Springer New York. (reposiTUm) | |
71. | Ahmed, S., Nedjalkov, M., Vasilesk, D. (2013). Comparative Study of Various Self-Consistent Event Biasing Schemes for Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoscale MOSFETs. In V. Chan (Ed.), Theory and Applications of Monte Carlo Simulations. Intech Open Access Publisher. (reposiTUm) | |
70. | Rodríguez, J., Weinbub, J., Pahr, D., Rupp, K., Selberherr, S. (2013). Distributed High-Performance Parallel Mesh Generation With ViennaMesh. In P. Manninen, P. Öster (Eds.), Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing (pp. 548–552). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
69. | Makarov, A., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2013). Magnetic Tunnel Junctions With a Composite Free Layer: A New Concept for Future Universal Memory. In S. Luryi, J. Xu, A. Zaslavsky (Eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics - Frontiers and Innovations (pp. 93–101). John Wiley, Sons. (reposiTUm) | |
68. | Schanovsky, F., Grasser, T. (2013). On the Microscopic Limit of the RD Model. In T. Grasser (Ed.), Bias Temperature Instability for Devices and Circuits (pp. 379–408). Springer New York. (reposiTUm) | |
67. | Osintsev, D., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2013). Spin Lifetime Enhancement by Shear Strain in Thin Silicon-On-Insulator Films. In Y. Omura, F. Gamiz, B.-Y. Nguyen, H. Ishii, J. A. Martino, S. Selberherr, J.-P. Raskin (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 203–208). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
66. | Grasser, T. (2013). The Capture/Emission Time Map Approach to the Bias Temperature Instability. In T. Grasser (Ed.), Bias Temperature Instability for Devices and Circuits (pp. 447–481). Springer New York. (reposiTUm) | |
65. | Rupp, K., Jüngel, A., Grasser, T. (2012). A GPU-Accelerated Parallel Preconditioner for the Solution of the Boltzmann Transport Equation for Semiconductors. In R. Keller, D. Kramer, J.-P. Weiss (Eds.), Facing the Multicore-Challenge II. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
64. | Palankovski, V., Kuzmik, J. (2012). A Promising New N++-GaN/InAlN/GaN HEMT Concept for High-Frequency Applications. In R. Garg, K. Shenai (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 291–296). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
63. | Filipovic, L., Selberherr, S. (2012). Chapter 11. A Two-Dimensional Lorentzian Distribution for an Atomic Force Microscopy Simulator. In K. K. Sabelfeld, I. Dimov (Eds.), Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (pp. 97–104). De Gruyter. (reposiTUm) | |
62. | Palankovski, V., Donnarumma, G., Kuzmik, J. (2012). Degradation Study of Single and Double-Heterojunction InAlN/GaN HEMTs by Two-Dimensional Simulation. In R. Garg, K. Shenai (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 223–228). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
61. | Rupp, K., Jüngel, A., Grasser, T. (2012). Deterministic Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Transport Equation. In R. Keller, D. Kramer, J.-P. Weiss (Eds.), Mathematics in Industry (pp. 53–59). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
60. | Kysenko, V., Rupp, K., Marchenko, O., Selberherr, S., Anisimov, A. (2012). GPU-Accelerated Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Text Mining. In G. Bouma, A. Ittoo, E. Metais, H. Wortmann (Eds.), Natural Language Processing and Information Systems (pp. 158–163). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
59. | Schwaha, P., Nedjalkov, M., Selberherr, S., Dimov, I. (2012). Monte Carlo Investigations of Electron Decoherence Due to Phonons. In K. K. Sabelfeld, I. Dimov (Eds.), Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (pp. 203–211). De Gruyter. (reposiTUm) | |
58. | Baumgartner, O., Stanojevic, Z., Kosina, H. (2012). Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Transport in Quantum Cascade Lasers. In K. K. Sabelfeld, I. Dimov (Eds.), Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (pp. 59–67). De Gruyter. (reposiTUm) | |
57. | Karamitaheri, H., Pourfath, M., Faez, R., Kosina, H. (2011). An Investigation of the Geometrical Effects on the Thermal Conductivity of Graphene Antidot Lattices. In Z. Karim, D. Misra, P. Srinivasan, Y. Obeng, S. De Gendt (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 185–192). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
56. | Windbacher, T., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2011). Classical Device Modeling. In D. Vasileska, S. M. Goodnick (Eds.), Nano-Electronic Devices (pp. 1–96). Springer New York. (reposiTUm) | |
55. | Makarov, A., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2011). Modeling of the SET and RESET Process in Bipolar Resistive Oxide-Based Memory Using Monte Carlo Simulations. In I. Dimov, S. Dimova, N. T. Kolkovska (Eds.), Numerical Methods and Applications (pp. 87–94). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
54. | Pourfath, M., Kosina, H. (2011). Numerical Study of Quantum Transport in Carbon Nanotube-Based Transistors. In H. Nalwa (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (pp. 541–581). American Scientific Publishers. (reposiTUm) | |
53. | Tyaginov, S. E., Starkov, I., Enichlmair, H., Park, J. M., Jungemann, C., Grasser, T. (2011). Physics-Based Hot-Carrier Degradation Modeling. In R. Sah (Ed.), ECS Transactions (pp. 321–352). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
52. | Osintsev, D., Sverdlov, V., Stanojevic, Z., Makarov, A., Weinbub, J., Selberherr, S. (2011). Properties of Silicon Ballistic Spin Fin-Based Field-Effect Transistors. In Y. Omura, H. Ishii, B.-Y. Nguyen, S. Selberherr, F. Gamiz, J. A. Martino, J.-P. Raskin (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 277–282). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
51. | Nedjalkov, M., Selberherr, S., Dimov, I. (2011). Stochastic Algorithm for Solving the Wigner-Boltzmann Correction Equation. In I. Dimov, S. Dimova, N. T. Kolkovska (Eds.), Numerical Methods and Applications (pp. 95–102). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
50. | Nedjalkov, M., Querlioz, D., Dollfus, P., Kosina, H. (2011). Wigner Function Approach. In D. Vasileska, S. M. Goodnick (Eds.), Nano-Electronic Devices (pp. 289–358). Springer New York. (reposiTUm) | |
49. | Goes, W., Schanovsky, F., Hehenberger, P., Wagner, P.-J., Grasser, T. (2010). (Invited) Charge Trapping and the Negative Bias Temperature Instability. In ECS Transactions (pp. 565–589). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
48. | Windbacher, T., Sverdlov, V., Selberherr, S. (2010). Biotin-Streptavidin Sensitive BioFETs and Their Properties. In A. Fred, J. Filipe, H. Gamboa (Eds.), Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (pp. 85–95). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
47. | Cervenka, J., Zoric, A., Gurov, T., Arsov, G. (2010). GRINKO - Grid E-Infrastructure and Networking With Kosovo. In JOINT RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Projects 2007-2010 (pp. 150–162). KAIP. (reposiTUm) | |
46. | Vasicek, M., Esseni, D., Fiegna, C., Grasser, T. (2010). Modeling and Simulation Approaches for Drain Current Computation. In Nanoscale CMOS: Innovative Materials, Modeling and Characterization (pp. 259–285). Wiley. (reposiTUm) | |
45. | Triebl, O., Grasser, T. (2010). Numerical Power/Hv Device Modeling. In W. Grabinski, T. Gneiting (Eds.), POWER/HVMOS Devices Compact Modeling (pp. 1–31). Springer Netherlands. (reposiTUm) | |
44. | Sverdlov, V., Baumgartner, O., Windbacher, T., Selberherr, S. (2010). Silicon for Spintronic Applications: Strain-Enhanced Valley Splitting. In S. Luryi, J. Xu, A. Zaslavsky (Eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics (pp. 281–291). John Wiley, Sons. (reposiTUm) | |
43. | Heinzl, R., Schwaha, P., Stimpfl, F., Selberherr, S. (2009). Concepts for High-Perfomance Scientific Computing. In J. Filipe, B. Shishkov, M. Helfert, L. A. Maciaszek (Eds.), Software and Data Technologies (pp. 89–100). Springer. (reposiTUm) | |
42. | Grasser, T., Goes, W., Kaczer, B. (2009). Critical Modeling Issues in Negative Bias Temperature Instability. In R. Ekwal Sah, J. Zhang, J. Deen, J. Yota, A. Toriumi (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 265–287). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
41. | Kosina, H. (2008). Nanoelectronic Device Simulation Based on the Wigner Function Formalism. In Physics and Modeling of Tera- and Nano-Devices (pp. 31–40). World Scientific Publishing Co. (reposiTUm) | |
40. | Grasser, T., Gös, W., Kaczer, B. (2008). Towards Engineering Modeling of Negative Bias Temperature Instability. In Defects in Microelectronic Materials and Devices (pp. 399–436). Taylor and Francis/CRC Press. (reposiTUm) | |
39. | Spevak, M., Heinzl, R., Schwaha, P., Selberherr, S. (2007). A Computational Framework for Topological Operations. In B. Kaagström, E. Elmroth, J. Jackson, J. Wasniewski (Eds.), Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing (pp. 781–790). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
38. | Heinzl, R., Spevak, M., Schwaha, P., Selberherr, S. (2007). A High Performance Generic Scientific Simulation Environment. In B. Kaagström, E. Elmroth, J. Dongarra, J. Wasniewski (Eds.), Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing (pp. 996–1005). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
37. | Vitanov, S., Nedjalkov, M., Palankovski, V. (2007). A Monte Carlo Model of Piezoelectric Scattering in GaN. In T. Boyanov, S. Dimova, K. Georgiev, G. Nikolov (Eds.), Numerical Methods and Applications (pp. 197–204). Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
36. | Riedling, K., Selberherr, S. (2007). A Publication Database for Research Documentation and Performance Evaluation. In Innovations 2007 (pp. 365–380). International Network for Engineering Education and Research (iNEER). (reposiTUm) | |
35. | Sverdlov, V., Ungersboeck, E., Kosina, H. (2007). Mobility Modeling in SOI FETs for Different Substrate Orientations and Strain Conditions. In S. Hall, A. Nazarov, V. Lysenko (Eds.), Nanoscaled Semiconductor-on-Insulator Structures and Devices (pp. 357–362). Springer Netherlands. (reposiTUm) | |
34. | Gurov, T., Atanassov, E., Nedjalkov, M., Dimov, I. (2007). Modeling of Carrier Transport in Nanowires. In I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski (Eds.), Computational Science – ICCS 2007 (pp. 739–746). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (reposiTUm) | |
33. | Kaczer, B., Grasser, T., Fernandez, R., Groeseneken, G. (2007). Toward Understanding the Wide Distribution of Time Scales in Negative Bias Temperature Instability. In R. Sah, J. Zhang, Y. Kamakura, M. Deen, J. Yota (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 265–281). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
32. | Wittmann, R., Uppal, S., Hoessinger, A., Cervenka, J., Selberherr, S. (2006). A Study of Boron Implantation Into High Ge Content SiGe Alloys. In D. Harame, J. Boquet, M. Caymax, J. Cressler, H. Iwai, S. Koester, G. Masini, J. Murota, A. Reznicek, K. Rim, B. Tillack, S. Zaima (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 667–676). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
31. | Karlowatz, G., Ungersböck, S. E., Wessner, W., Kosina, H., Selberherr, S. (2006). Analysis of Hole Transport in Arbitrarily Strained Germanium. In D. Harame, J. Boquet, M. Caymax, J. Cressler, H. Iwai, S. Koester, G. Masini, J. Murota, A. Reznicek, K. Rim, B. Tillack, S. Zaima (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 443–450). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
30. | Kosina, H., Selberherr, S. (2006). Device Simulation Demands of Upcoming Microelectronics Devices. In H. Iwai, Y. Nishida, M. Shur, H. Wong (Eds.), International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems (pp. 115–136). World Scientific Publishing Co. (reposiTUm) | |
29. | Karner, M., Gehring, A., Holzer, S., Kosina, H., Selberherr, S. (2006). Efficient Calculation of Lifetime Based Direct Tunneling Through Stacked Dielectrics. In S. Kar, S. De Gendt, M. Houssa, D. Landheer, D. Misra, W. Tsai (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 693–703). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
28. | Ungersboeck, E., Sverdlov, V., Kosina, H., Selberherr, S. (2006). Low-Field Electron Mobility in Stressed UTB SOI MOSFETs for Different Substrate Orientations. In D. Harame, J. Boquet, M. Caymax, J. Cressler, H. Iwai, S. Koester, G. Masini, J. Murota, A. Reznicek, K. Rim, B. Tillack, S. Zaima (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 45–54). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
27. | Ceric, H., Heinzl, R., Hollauer, C., Grasser, T., Selberherr, S. (2006). Microstructure and Stress Aspects of Electromigration Modeling. In Stress-Induced Phenomena in Metallization (pp. 262–268). American Institute of Physics. (reposiTUm) | |
26. | Ungersboeck, E., Sverdlov, V., Kosina, H., Selberherr, S. (2006). Modeling of Advanced Semiconductor Devices. In J. A. Diniz, P. French, N. Morimoto, J. W. Swart, D. De Lima Monteiro (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 207–216). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
25. | Karner, M., Holzer, S., Gös, W., Vasicek, M., Wagner, M., Kosina, H., Selberherr, S. (2006). Numerical Analysis of Gate Stacks. In S. Kar, S. De Gendt, M. Houssa, H. Iwai, D. Landheer, D. Misra (Eds.), ECS Transactions (pp. 299–308). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
24. | Wagner, M., Span, G., Holzer, S., Palankovski, V., Triebl, O., Grasser, T. (2006). Power Output Improvement of Silicon-Germanium Thermoelectric Generators. In ECS Transactions (pp. 1151–1162). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
23. | Gehring, A., Selberherr, S. (2006). Tunneling Models for Semiconductor Device Simulation. In Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology (pp. 469–543). American Scientific Publishers. (reposiTUm) | |
22. | Kosina, H., Nedjalkov, M. (2006). Wigner Function-Based Device Modeling. In Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology (pp. 731–763). American Scientific Publishers. (reposiTUm) | |
21. | Sverdlov, V., Kinkhabwala, Y., Kaplan, D., Korotkov, A. N., Kosina, H., Selberherr, S. (2005). Shot Noise Suppression and Enhancement at 2D Hopping and in Single-Electron Arrays. In Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations (pp. 177–182). American Institute of Physics. (reposiTUm) | |
20. | Hollauer, C., Ceric, H., Selberherr, S. (2005). Three-Dimensional Simulation of Thermal Oxidation and the Influence of Stress. In ECS Meeting Abstracts (pp. 734–734). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
19. | Nedjalkov, M. (2005). Wigner Transport in the Presence of Phonons: Particle Models of Electron Kinetics. In A. D´Amico, G. Balestrino, A. Paoletti (Eds.), From Nanostructures to Nanosensing Applications (pp. 55–103). IOS Press. (reposiTUm) | |
18. | Wittmann, R., Hössinger, A., Selberherr, S. (2004). Calibration for the Monte Carlo Simulation of Ion Implantation in Relaxed SiGe. In SiGe: Materials, Processing, and Devices (pp. 181–192). ECS Transactions. (reposiTUm) | |
17. | Grasser, T. (2004). Closure Relations for Macroscopic Transport Models in Semiconductor Device Simulation. In Recent Research Developments in Applied Physics Vol. 7 - 2004 Part II (pp. 423–446). Transworld Research Network. (reposiTUm) | |
16. | R. Sabelka, C. Harlander, S. Selberherr: "Interconnects and Propagation of High Frequency Signals"; in: "Predictive Simulation of Semiconductor Processing, Springer Series in Materials Science", 72; J. Dabrowski, E. Weber (Hrg.); Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, ISBN: 3-540-20481-4, S. 357 - 385. | |
15. | H. Kosina, M. Nedjalkov, S. Selberherr: "A Stable Backward Monte Carlo Method for the Solution of the Boltzmann Equation"; in: "Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science", 2907; I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov (Hrg.); Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003, ISBN: 3-540-21090-3, S. 170 - 177. | |
14. | M. Nedjalkov, H. Kosina, S. Selberherr: "A Weight Decomposition Approach to the Sign Problem in Wigner Transport Simulations"; in: "Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science", 2907; I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov (Hrg.); Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003, ISBN: 3-540-21090-3, S. 178 - 184. | |
13. | S. Smirnov, H. Kosina, M. Nedjalkov, S. Selberherr: "A Zero Field Monte Carlo Algorithm Accounting for the Pauli Exclusion Principle"; in: "Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science", 2907; I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov (Hrg.); Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003, ISBN: 3-540-21090-3, S. 185 - 193. | |
12. | T. Grasser, H. Kosina, S. Selberherr: "Hot Carrier Effects within Macroscopic Transport Models"; in: "Advanced Device Modeling and Simulation", T. Grasser (Hrg.); World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2003, ISBN: 9-812-38607-6, S. 173 - 201. | |
11. | H. Kosina, M. Nedjalkov: "Particle Models for Device Simulation"; in: "Advanced Device Modeling and Simulation", T. Grasser (Hrg.); World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2003, (eingeladen), ISBN: 9-812-38607-6, S. 27 - 69. | |
10. | T. Grasser, S. Selberherr: "Current Transport Models for Engineering Applications"; in: "Future Trends in Microelectronics", S. Luryi, J. Xu, A. Zaslavsky (Hrg.); John Wiley & Sons, 2002, (eingeladen), ISBN: 0-471-21247-4, S. 87 - 98. | |
9. | H. Kosina, M. Nedjalkov, S. Selberherr: "Monte Carlo Analysis of the Small-Signal Response of Charge Carriers"; in: "Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science", 2179; S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov (Hrg.); Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001, ISBN: 3-540-43043-1, S. 175 - 182. | |
8. | M. Nedjalkov, T.V. Gurov, H. Kosina, P.A. Whitlock: "Statistical Algorithms for Simulation of Electron Quantum Kinetics in Semiconductors - Part II"; in: "Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science", 2179; S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov (Hrg.); Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001, ISBN: 978-3-540-43043-8, S. 183 - 190. | |
7. | E. Langer, S. Selberherr: "Advanced Models, Applications, and Software Systems for High Performance Computing-Application in Microelectronics"; in: "High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing, Proceedings of the International FORTWIHR Conference on HPSEC", 8; H.J. Bungartz, F. Durst, C. Zenger (Hrg.); Springer, 1999, (eingeladen), ISBN: 3-540-65730-4, S. 291 - 308. | |
6. | C. Wasshuber, H. Kosina, S. Selberherr: "Single-Electron Memories with Terabit Capacity and Beyond"; in: "Future Trends in Microelectronics", S. Luryi, J. Xu, A. Zaslavsky (Hrg.); John Wiley & Sons, 1999, (eingeladen), ISBN: 0-471-32183-4, S. 313 - 322. | |
5. | S. Selberherr, C. Fischer, S. Halama, C. Pichler, G. Rieger, G. Schrom, T. Simlinger: "Device Structures and Device Simulation Techniques"; in: "Low-Power HF Microelectronics", A.S. Machado (Hrg.); The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1996, (eingeladen), ISBN: 0-85296-874-4, S. 57 - 83. | |
4. | E. Langer, S. Selberherr: "Prozeßsimulation: Stand der Technik"; in: "Festkörperprobleme 36", R. Helbig (Hrg.); Vieweg, 1996, (eingeladen), ISBN: 3-528-08043-4, S. 203 - 243. | |
3. | Kosina, H., Wimmer, K., Fischer, C., Selberherr, S. (1991). Simulation of ULSI Processes and Devices. In M. Doyama (Ed.), Computer Aided Innovation of New Materials (pp. 723–728). North Holland Publishing Company. (reposiTUm) | |
2. | Selberherr, S. (1986). On Modeling MOS-Devices. In W. L. Engl (Ed.), Process and Device Modeling (pp. 265–299). North Holland Publishing Company. (reposiTUm) | |
1. | Selberherr, S., Schütz, A., Pötzl, H. (1983). Two-Dimensional MOS-Transistor Modeling. In P. Antognetti, D. Antoniadis, R. W. Dutton, W. G. Oldham (Eds.), Process and Device Simulation for MOS-VLSI Circuits (pp. 490–581). Martinus Nijhoff. (reposiTUm) | |