Dipl.-Phys. Gunnar Andreas Rott
Time: Thursday, June 28th, 2018, 10:00 a.m.
Place: Seminar room CD0520, Gusshaustraße 27-29, 5th Floor
Title: Negative Bias Temperature Instability and Hot-carrier Degradation of 130nm Technology Transistors including Recovery Effects
PhD Dissertation Committee:
- Prof. Tibor Grasser (TU Wien, Austria)
External Reviewers:
- Prof. Susanna Reggiani (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Prof. Jurriaan Schmitz (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Dipl.-Ing. Bianka Ullmann
Time: Thursday, June 28th, 2018, 2:00 p.m.
Place: Seminar room CD0520, Gusshaustraße 27-29, 5th Floor
Title: Mixed Negative Bias Temperature Instability and Hot-Carrier Stress
PhD Dissertation Committe:
- Prof. Tibor Grasser (TU Wien, Austria)
External Reviewers:
- Prof. Susanna Reggiani (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Prof. Jurriaan Schmitz (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
MSc. Dipl.-Ing. Paul Manstetten
Time: Thursday, June 28th, 2018, 2:30 p.m
Place: Seminar room CA0138, Gusshaustraße 27-29, 1st Floor
Title: Efficient Flux Calculations for Topography Simulation
PhD Dissertation Committe:
- Prof. Ulrich Schmid (ISAS, TU Wien, Austria)
- Prof. Siegfried Selberherr (TU Wien, Austria)
External Reviewers:
- Dr. Harald Köstler (FAU Erlangen-Nürenberg, Germany)
- Prof. Michael Wimmer (TU Wien, Austria)