As semiconductor devices continue to scale down, the quantum mechanical nature of matter is becoming more and more apparent. An increasingly broad spectrum of applications exploits quantum mechanical effects either implicitly or explicitly, ranging from ultimately scaled transistors to photonic devices and quantum sensing to entirely new computing paradigms such as neuromorphic or quantum computing.
The High-Profile Lecture Series on "Quantum Electronics", organized by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ETIT) at TU Wien and the Austrian Electrotechnical Association (OVE) was hosted by Tibor Grasser, the head of our institute, and welcomed speakers from industry (IBM: Dr. Riel, Infineon: Dr. Rössler, ams OSRAM: Dr. Minixhofer) and academia (TU Wien: Prof. Walter Weber). The event was opened by Prof. Grasser, the president of the OVE Dr. Kapsch, the Dean of ETIT Dr. Görtz, and the Rector of TU Wien Magnifizenz Dr. Seidler.
An active and lively panel discussion closed off the Lecture Series, which, in addition to the aforementioned speakers, included DDr. Apolin (Physikdidaktiker, Autor, YouTuber) and Mag. Wiesmüller (head of the department Key Technologies for Industrial Innovation: ICT, Production and Nanotechnologies at the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology).
We thank all speakers, participants, and audience members for making this a memorable event.