Join us for a guest talk by Prof. Vihar Georgiev, where he will present exciting research carried out in his research group, DeepNano, in the fields of biosensors, molecular electronics, superconducting qubits and the variability of nano-scale transistors to show the importance of material modelling and device simulations not only in academia but also in the industry.
His goal is to establish a link between the material properties, device architecture and performance using hierarchical, multi-scale simulation modelling. For example, to evaluate the performance of superconducting qubits, they have developed a simulation flow that links the atomistic simulations with a three-dimensional (3D) numerical device simulator. Also, to simulate the electrical and optical response of biosensors, they have combined analytical and machine learning (ML) methods in a unified simulation framework. In this way, the computation flows and numerical methods developed at DeepNano can evaluate the material properties and device performance of various heterogeneous devices and systems.
If you'll be around Gußhausstraße 27-29 (Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik - ETIT Building) on April 15th at 2PM, feel free to drop by the IuE Seminar room (CD 05 20) and join us for this exciting presentation.