Guest Talk: Prof. Dragica Vasileska

Prof. Dragica Vasileska will give a talk at IuE on September 23rd, at 1PM on "Self-Heating Effects and Reliability in 28nm FD SOI Devices at Cryogenic Temperatures"

Excess lattice temperature variation for an FDSOI transistor at ambient temperature (a) T = 300 K and (b) T = 5 K, and for Vgs = 0.6 V and Vds = 0.9 V.

Join us on Monday, September 23rd at 1PM, as we extend a warm welcome to Prof. Dragica Vasileska(IEEE Fellow) is a renowned professor in semiconductor device physics and modeling, has authored multiple books and received numerous accolades for her work, including the NSF CAREER Award.

FD-SOI CMOS offers high performance with low power consumption, excellent electrostatic control, and reliability in extreme environments such as a wide range of temperature (2K to 400K), making it suitable for advanced applications such as quantum computing. However, self-heating effects (SHE) pose a challenge, especially due to the low thermal conductivity of the buried oxide and thin silicon layers. SHE can significantly impact device performance, particularly in the on-state. To address this, Prof. Vasileska's team is studying SHE within the semi-classical limit using the coupled Boltzmann Transport Equations for electrons and phonons. The simulations, validated against experimental data at 4.2K, show excellent agreement in both subthreshold and linear regions.

If you are interested in learning more about "Self-Heating Effects and Reliability in 28nm FD SOI Devices at Cryogenic Temperatures,"  we invite you to join us on September 23rd at 1PM in CD 05 20 ( Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik - ETIT Building).

For those who can’t attend the talk of Prof. Vasileska in person, we’re happy to announce that it will also be streamed live on Zoom!

Zoom Link to Prof. Vasileska's Talk!

Make sure to join us on September 23rd at 1PM personally and virtually to stay part of the conversation.