Our papers titled Physical Modeling of Bias Temperature Instabilities in SiC MOSFETs and Parameter–Free Modeling of Hot–Carrier Degradation have been accepted at the 65th International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). The 1st work is co-authored by Dipl.-Ing. Christian Schleich, Prof. Tibor Grasser, Dr. Michael Waltl, and our industrial partners from Global TCAD Solutions, KAI, Infineon and IMEC will be presented by Dipl.-Ing. Christian Schleich while the 2nd one which is a collaboration of Dipl.-Ing. Markus Jech, Dr. Michael Waltl, Prof. Tibor Grasser and our colleagues from IMEC will be presented by Dipl.-Ing .Markus Jech.
The event will take place in December 7-11, 2019 Hilton San Francisco and we wish our colleagues a successful IEDM 2019!